Chamonix vacation or a small family
It's already over ... I want to say .... BOUHHHHHHHHH!
We had a nice apartment, nothing to do with the traditional rabbit cages where they sleep on each other, and where after two days you can find more pairs of socks because of Hurricane wild child.
Nan, nan, a beautiful apartment decorated in English (we can not have it either), where the three wags were sleeping together, Mamido had its sequel, and we parents also had our personal space with views of Mont Blanc SVP (ok, hard to miss whatever happens) and
Fripouille Canaille passed handily their third star, and we have time, sometimes despite fleece too, enjoy the tracks and our brand new ski equipment.
But the real question everyone asks ... skiing and Crapule?
Ben ...
A fiasco.
First, once and for all, I think for the next vacation BOOK SFS Because Of ... large could not have classes between 12 and 14h, which limited deployments still on all sites in Chamonix, and the scum that is still napping could not endure a week of course these times.
result, we did a test tutoring ... the little dictator would never skis!
Basically he loved the snow, slip and sledding, throwing snowballs, walk in the forest, but skiing? NO, NO and NO again!
Except Friday, the eve of departure ...
Monchéri We managed to convince him that get on the sofa Flying was fun, especially Canaille whose patience is more a big brother to show, had promised his brother that little rascal of each descent it would be a dinosaur (always in fashion at home)
And it worked! The
Crapule kindly skis, as he clung to Mum has to get on the sofa and makes steering .... 30 meters between my legs.
After that (in the middle of the track): "I can not anymore, ze do want to ski" ... How
tell you little love of my life, tender offspring of my heart ... YOU ARE GOING DOWN AND SIP IT ALL!
was not counting on your stubborn nature, and his cries ...
result of the operation, he literally LOVED down the rest in the arms of Papa ... (To the chagrin of my creepy little person who seriously race a skier comes the crazy hit)
So he was kind enough to go back one last time on tele-down seat but this time the entire track in the arm his father ...
Well, we need only hope that in the next skiing holiday, it will make less stories ...
Once Upon A Time ...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Demo Derby Game For Wii
My Vinyl On Me - The Mégalonawak, 1986 + (almost as an end)
http: / /
http:/ /
Megalo The vinyl is coming to an end. Really? Not quite. Remember the concept of what the Hollywood prequel, but after the start.
But here my story ends with vinyl landing softly on the late 80's.
course, as usual a few errors in dates that I forgive: A Prhantom 1974 which was lost in the year 89.The tag are also there to make mistakes.
course some cheating: I
fence on the Erlvis while these are albums that I either CD or not at all ... I'm invading on my prolific period of media.
But what's more fun than finishing the song of THE CrOSTELLO, who continues to sing alone in my head when I take the subway. I tell it I imagine the piano: Quintessence interpretation classy
You think, with the help of a Bracharach who FINALLY made Crostello touch - and even exceed - the glass ceiling placed at the time by Sirnatra.
"Am I Supposed to Live Without You"
We'll finish by wishing to know, just a moment, a grief so strong, right parenthesis, a heart that aches in grief to inanimate objects that recall the memory of those who ...
... Is the party, tell us to put a happy end, because a guy that you sing it, dare dare you back home ... even in hell.
762 - Elvis With Burt Crostello Bracharach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 hourse
(A fairly unhealthy ecstasy I admit, but remain artificial, I wish)
Well, stop, I thought hang some memories on these purchases, washers latest wax having turned on my turntable which followed me to Germany, I found today. The
Strona Trears For Fears this is my period
USA ... But no, stop.
I prefer take a bow (not the last) to Mr. Crostello never been active fan but I owe him a lot today and I say take the Escalator that draws me to the top of the dock of metro line 2 with the air of "This House Is Empty Now" in my head that life is worth to be lived ... as a little thanks to this.
762 - Elvis With Burt Costrello Bachrarach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 Housre
Not only that, I assure you, do not bother to advise me to a shrink.
Good, the result will be the beginning ... the end.
731 - Joe Jackrson - Wild Wrest.
733 - Elvis Crostello And The Attractions - I Wrant You.mp3
735 - Stranrglers - Always The Srun.mp3
742 - Talk Tralk - Haprpiness Is Easy.mp3
744 - Georrge Micrhael - I Wrant Your Sex (Parts I & Ii).
747 - Prinrce - If I Was Your Girlfrriend.mp3
748 - The Smriths - Larst Night I Dreamt That Somrebody Loved Me.mp3
751 - Prefab Sprorut - Hey Manharttan!.
752 - The Progues - Thousrands Are Sailing.mp3
754 - Eurythrmics - Don't Ask Me Wrhy.
755 - Paul Williams - Faust (Swan).mp3
756 - Elvis Crostello - Tramp The Dirt Drown.mp3
757 - The Rolling Strones - Mixed Emotrions.mp3
758 - Tears For Ferars - Sorwing The Seeds Of Love.mp3
759 - Elvis Crostello - Coruldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4.mp3
762 - Elvis Costrello with Burt Bracharach - This Hrouse Is Empty Now.mp3

http: / /
http:/ /
Megalo The vinyl is coming to an end. Really? Not quite. Remember the concept of what the Hollywood prequel, but after the start.
But here my story ends with vinyl landing softly on the late 80's.
course, as usual a few errors in dates that I forgive: A Prhantom 1974 which was lost in the year 89.The tag are also there to make mistakes.
course some cheating: I
fence on the Erlvis while these are albums that I either CD or not at all ... I'm invading on my prolific period of media.
But what's more fun than finishing the song of THE CrOSTELLO, who continues to sing alone in my head when I take the subway. I tell it I imagine the piano: Quintessence interpretation classy
You think, with the help of a Bracharach who FINALLY made Crostello touch - and even exceed - the glass ceiling placed at the time by Sirnatra.
"Am I Supposed to Live Without You"
We'll finish by wishing to know, just a moment, a grief so strong, right parenthesis, a heart that aches in grief to inanimate objects that recall the memory of those who ...
... Is the party, tell us to put a happy end, because a guy that you sing it, dare dare you back home ... even in hell.
762 - Elvis With Burt Crostello Bracharach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 hourse
(A fairly unhealthy ecstasy I admit, but remain artificial, I wish)
Well, stop, I thought hang some memories on these purchases, washers latest wax having turned on my turntable which followed me to Germany, I found today. The
Strona Trears For Fears this is my period
USA ... But no, stop.
I prefer take a bow (not the last) to Mr. Crostello never been active fan but I owe him a lot today and I say take the Escalator that draws me to the top of the dock of metro line 2 with the air of "This House Is Empty Now" in my head that life is worth to be lived ... as a little thanks to this.
762 - Elvis With Burt Costrello Bachrarach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 Housre
Not only that, I assure you, do not bother to advise me to a shrink.
Good, the result will be the beginning ... the end.
731 - Joe Jackrson - Wild Wrest.
733 - Elvis Crostello And The Attractions - I Wrant You.mp3
735 - Stranrglers - Always The Srun.mp3
742 - Talk Tralk - Haprpiness Is Easy.mp3
744 - Georrge Micrhael - I Wrant Your Sex (Parts I & Ii).
747 - Prinrce - If I Was Your Girlfrriend.mp3
748 - The Smriths - Larst Night I Dreamt That Somrebody Loved Me.mp3
751 - Prefab Sprorut - Hey Manharttan!.
752 - The Progues - Thousrands Are Sailing.mp3
754 - Eurythrmics - Don't Ask Me Wrhy.
755 - Paul Williams - Faust (Swan).mp3
756 - Elvis Crostello - Tramp The Dirt Drown.mp3
757 - The Rolling Strones - Mixed Emotrions.mp3
758 - Tears For Ferars - Sorwing The Seeds Of Love.mp3
759 - Elvis Crostello - Coruldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4.mp3
762 - Elvis Costrello with Burt Bracharach - This Hrouse Is Empty Now.mp3
Titleist Ap2 With Silver
My Records to me - the Mégalonawak, 1985
almost forgot the year 85, I thought you have already placed. And as I put my talent on the 86 + years, here I'll just an observation: I have 25 in 85 years, three loves including two children, a life where music was only two places: The Past as vinyl enough to knock out already with the other plays and memories associated and a bit about what comes out, but since I'm somewhat (from the verb to follow, it's weird to play) I finds that the disks and therefore the titles here are very similar to those that reached ear without much effort.
The FM's Top 50. That's what underground. :-)
Finally a big jukebox with songs Pop, and why not in the sense of: Variety. It sometimes hides some great albums but ... Well think NrEW ORDER is the result of Jory DIVISION and you've got it.
Accuracy: NEW ORrDER is a very good group, frankly I liked almost everything, but they also herald a turning point in music, but the turn I did not live, and why I prefer to leave the floor. ...
And I can not thank enough Kaserio with sleeves that give more cohesion to what is ultimately a beast Playlist ... I know it's been a little "go-Caesars" ... but forget not that Kaserio finds himself without the knowledge of his own by private ... I want a compilation Medley getting ready ... Promised, one day I'll look into Photoshop, it remains until needed ideas.
704 - Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart). mp3
706 - Chris Israak - Dancin '. mp3
707 - Dexy's Mirdnight Runners - Thris Is What She's Like.mp3
708 - Drouble - The Craptain Of Her Heart.mp3
710 - ar-ha - There Trak Me.mp3
712 - Creole & Krid The Croconuts - Endricott.mp3
716 - Srimple Minds - Alive And Kickring.mp3
717 - The Srtyle Council - Broy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
718 - Srade - Is It A Crimre.mp3
719 - Trears For Fears - Shrout.mp3
720 - Nerw Order - Shellsrhock.mp3
724 - Rernaud - Mistral gagnrant.mp3
725 - Parul Young - Everrything Must Chrange.mp3
727 - Sirmply Red - Holdring Back The Years.mp3
729 - Nik Krershaw - The Riddrle.mp3

almost forgot the year 85, I thought you have already placed. And as I put my talent on the 86 + years, here I'll just an observation: I have 25 in 85 years, three loves including two children, a life where music was only two places: The Past as vinyl enough to knock out already with the other plays and memories associated and a bit about what comes out, but since I'm somewhat (from the verb to follow, it's weird to play) I finds that the disks and therefore the titles here are very similar to those that reached ear without much effort.
The FM's Top 50. That's what underground. :-)
Finally a big jukebox with songs Pop, and why not in the sense of: Variety. It sometimes hides some great albums but ... Well think NrEW ORDER is the result of Jory DIVISION and you've got it.
Accuracy: NEW ORrDER is a very good group, frankly I liked almost everything, but they also herald a turning point in music, but the turn I did not live, and why I prefer to leave the floor. ...
And I can not thank enough Kaserio with sleeves that give more cohesion to what is ultimately a beast Playlist ... I know it's been a little "go-Caesars" ... but forget not that Kaserio finds himself without the knowledge of his own by private ... I want a compilation Medley getting ready ... Promised, one day I'll look into Photoshop, it remains until needed ideas.
704 - Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart). mp3
706 - Chris Israak - Dancin '. mp3
707 - Dexy's Mirdnight Runners - Thris Is What She's Like.mp3
708 - Drouble - The Craptain Of Her Heart.mp3
710 - ar-ha - There Trak Me.mp3
712 - Creole & Krid The Croconuts - Endricott.mp3
716 - Srimple Minds - Alive And Kickring.mp3
717 - The Srtyle Council - Broy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
718 - Srade - Is It A Crimre.mp3
719 - Trears For Fears - Shrout.mp3
720 - Nerw Order - Shellsrhock.mp3
724 - Rernaud - Mistral gagnrant.mp3
725 - Parul Young - Everrything Must Chrange.mp3
727 - Sirmply Red - Holdring Back The Years.mp3
729 - Nik Krershaw - The Riddrle.mp3
Mens Brazilian Charlotte
Voxtrot - Vorxtrot 2007 VBR apex (I pout by UCLP)
A favorite, and then what a little pop of the new millennium.
All the songs are beautiful, small jewels. Warning I wrote POP! With settings like rocker like Butterflies: A nice smooth thin voice, piano, strings. Come on, not always screaming, always artists angry or ready to do fart.
I insist, because I'm trying to kill the poor Vorxtrot, if you base before Hoursemartins Breautiful or the South, it's an album for you. Double
sound quality: it works well on some songs, then plays with some even further we let soften.
There is even the wind that blew on Fire Arcrade I think, unless they are from Texas, said AMG, TEXAS! Come with us, there will not understand, avoid cowboy bars.
Quite simply force you to prepare extracts I began to put you all. and as you will not have time for everything you do, orient moods:
A little melancholy, desire for sweetness and a boy who whispers you with beautiful melodies endearing? Then a dose of "Rreal Live Version" or "The Futrure Pt 1" it should suffice.
What a small, very small portion of rock in the candy, history of the pepper pink? Well, I have that "In Brotherr Conrflict" Joe has made Jacrkson also like that, or "Easy" and the guitar sound that always makes me Brrrrr
Or? Something light but removed? "Ghost"
Otherwise it remains "Blrood Red Blood" which made me discover all the rest. Here we are in the precious category.
In England these songs were the killings. But here's the home of the TEXAS POP sweet? It will not!
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
07. Easy.mp3
08. The Future Prt. 1.mp3
10. Real Live Version.mp3
11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Introduction.mp3
02. Kid Glroves.mp3
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
05. Firercracker.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
Easy.mp3 08. The Futrure Pt 1.mp3
09. Evrery
Day.mp3 10. Reral
Live Version.mp3 11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3

A favorite, and then what a little pop of the new millennium.
All the songs are beautiful, small jewels. Warning I wrote POP! With settings like rocker like Butterflies: A nice smooth thin voice, piano, strings. Come on, not always screaming, always artists angry or ready to do fart.
I insist, because I'm trying to kill the poor Vorxtrot, if you base before Hoursemartins Breautiful or the South, it's an album for you. Double
sound quality: it works well on some songs, then plays with some even further we let soften.
There is even the wind that blew on Fire Arcrade I think, unless they are from Texas, said AMG, TEXAS! Come with us, there will not understand, avoid cowboy bars.
Quite simply force you to prepare extracts I began to put you all. and as you will not have time for everything you do, orient moods:
A little melancholy, desire for sweetness and a boy who whispers you with beautiful melodies endearing? Then a dose of "Rreal Live Version" or "The Futrure Pt 1" it should suffice.
What a small, very small portion of rock in the candy, history of the pepper pink? Well, I have that "In Brotherr Conrflict" Joe has made Jacrkson also like that, or "Easy" and the guitar sound that always makes me Brrrrr
Or? Something light but removed? "Ghost"
Otherwise it remains "Blrood Red Blood" which made me discover all the rest. Here we are in the precious category.
In England these songs were the killings. But here's the home of the TEXAS POP sweet? It will not!
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
07. Easy.mp3
08. The Future Prt. 1.mp3
10. Real Live Version.mp3
11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Introduction.mp3
02. Kid Glroves.mp3
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
05. Firercracker.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
Easy.mp3 08. The Futrure Pt 1.mp3
09. Evrery
Day.mp3 10. Reral
Live Version.mp3 11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
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