................................. ........................... Jasmin
course we gave an interview to promoting his show "The Gaydailles" which will be presented:
1) Club Soda 21 and July 24 → Site Just for Laughs Festival, for reservations: http://montreal.hahaha.com/fr/spectacles/ les gaydailles
2) Cinquième Salle of Place des Arts 11, 13 and 14 August. For reservations click → Here!
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be appreciated for his talent of Quebec, his humor and outspoken but also for his fight against homophobia. It is also the author of a book concerning the provocative title: "Osti of fif" .
Despite a busy schedule as a fighter in the image of Richard Desjardins, as a weapon also takes the microphone at every opportunity that presents itself to denounce this defect that some people still wear in them and that hurts so much to people who do not deserve it yet.
6 times as many suicides among gay teenagers (or think so). Is this normal?
To listen live you click or double click on the green button:
If you do not see this button is green you have to download the latest version of Flash Player "by clicking HERE → !
To download the interview you click → Here!
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can visit Jasmine → by clicking here!
To program the Montréal Pride Celebrations → Here!
August 14 it will be a community day where we will be happy to advise you, reassure you and / or give you a little support. Jasmine will also be book signing for his book "Osti of fag" between 13h and 17h.
NB: It includes two audio editing audio clips. One is "borrowed" on TV Radio-Canada and one monologue in "The fags" Yvon Deschamps. We will remove these extracts promptly on any request sent to our webmaster at webmestre@radiosherbrooke.com