Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Did The Waveguide Cover Burn?

Everything has an end

... diseases that make them lovable grumpy Crapules.
Contracts which on one hand you give the illusion of being an accomplished woman, and the other you away from the so-called German Crapule
strollers all broken by too many trips and forcing in the coffers .
Today I spent a wonderful day. For the first time in a month, I spent all day with my Robidou. In fact, my last contract ended, so I resumed my role as Mom Full time with joy but also apprehension. The
Crapule has been ill, and always with fever, reduced appetite and sleep, it was difficult. But to believe that as he wanted to avenge some of his Mum who spent too much time in front of his computer and not enough with him, for now ... smiles, hugs, laughter, good sleep and quiet sleep tonight.
My love boy is himself again and it was so good! And
side pro ... how to say ... with my acolytes we broke all records for perfection! How it I put my modesty closet? Yeah, once will not hurt, although I want to brag!
basically on two contracts, both without errors ...
And I confess to have so many congratulations gives me a little balm to the heart, and takes away some of this malaise have left my baby ... okay, I was not very far, was in the room next door, but it repsque worse, because we are there without being there. We go a head, but does not the usual time ... and that my Robidou not like it ...
So will I continue to work? Certainly, because a little butter in the spinach that is never wrong, and that work in these circumstances would be crazy to refuse. Contradictory
me? Not ...
Well I admit, I'm still a bit between two worlds, two ideas, and tired.
But I assure you today was fantastic.


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