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Alain Labonté by his many contacts one day decided to believe in the impossible, he said "If a drop of water can be the beginning of a ocean of love A thousand words can change the world Eager. The idea of a boxed set "A Thousand Words of Love" was born ...
In addition to letters from our members and people from the general public, this box contains, among other letters of Jacques Attali, Michel Marc Bouchard, Anne-Marie Cadieux, Yvon Deschamps, Yves Duteil, India Desjardins Louise Dupre, Florence K, Eugene Lapierre Sylvain Lelièvre, Claudine Mercier, Ginette Reno, Catherine Trudeau, and a novel by Marcel Pagnol. In addition, to mark the Olympic Games 2010 in Canada, athletes have also offered their words of love with Nathalie Lambert, Jennifer Heil and Alexandre Despatie.
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