Marie-Hélène is probably as tens of Quebecers and Canadians who live a precarious financial position because some a serious outbreak occurred. Cons by which distinguishes it from others is his fighting spirit. In addition to being seriously ill and because she must leave her job ... she learns she will be entitled to 15 weeks of EI benefits. And that's where the story begins, is where the battle engages. The team "Dubon and Ducon" invite you to download the petition and have it signed by the members of your family and friends. Make the lie to those who say: "There's nothing to do! .
To listen live you click or double click on the green button:
If you do not see this button is green you need to download the latest version of Flash Player "by clicking HERE → !
To download the interview you click → Here!
link from the site of Marie-Helene www.petitionassuranceemploi.com
link to download. Pdf version of the petition: http://petitionassuranceemploi.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/08 / petition-english.pdf
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Here is a video that involves employees of a hospital U.S. to raise awareness about the dangers of breast cancer. Talent and compassion to spare.
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