Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fotos De Pati Nabidad En Bikini Gratis

Interview with Katia Gagnon, who co-wrote with Hugo Meunier "In the land of broken dreams". You can download the interview by clicking here! (35 min) or Mr. François Chartier

To listen live you click or double click on the green button:

If you do not see the green button is that you need to download Flash Player "→ Here!
A major work, a large sensitivity. Katie and Hugo explore the world of mental illness, we are reminded, will affect one in five people in his life.

With public figures such as Stefie Shock, Guy Lafleur, Marie-Sissi Labreche, Michel Courtemanche, Normand Bratwaithe and various stakeholders from all levels of the chain Intervention "sick" we dive into a disturbing and deep reflection. We invite you to discover the lives of those for whom the lottery of life has not been in the lace.

An interview alongside Katia Gagnon you're not ready to forget. After that we listen guarantee you your perspective a little more small problems.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What Hormones Are In Yaz

Harmony, in an interview for his latest book "The selection Chartier 2009". To download it click → here!

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To listen live you click or double click on the green button:

If you do not see this button is green you need to download the latest version of Flash Player " → by clicking HERE!
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Who is François Chartier? An internationally renowned sommelier who is also simple in everyday life that company of world leaders.
Read on the following:
Extract from the speech by the Premier of Quebec, Jean Charest, during the ceremony insignia of the Ordre national du Quebec, National Assembly, June 18, 2008 :

"I am now the messenger of the Quebec people to express the gratitude of our nation to women and men whose achievements are an inspiration to us all and for our youth.

The Insignia of the Order of Quebec are the highest award given by the Government of Quebec.

women and men that integrate Order our pantheon are well and we have their names inscribed forever in the memory of our people.

Francois Chartier. You are sommelier profession. You're the only Canadian ever to win the famous Grand Prix Sopexa International, which crowns the best sommelier in the world of wines and spirits from France.

You greatly contributed to the recognition of the sommelier and the growth of other professions in Quebec gastronomic variety of ways by the media coverage of your successes, your conferences, books, and numerous media appearances.

After 20 years of specialization, you have given rise to the "molecular sommelier", which is reflected both here and in Europe, which is to make art of harmonizing food and wine is a true science.

You are yourself a great vintage!

Francois Chartier, on behalf of the Quebec people, I would decorate the insignia of the National Order of Quebec. "

- Mr. Jean Charest, Premier of Quebec, June 18, 2008 ------
--- To see the video please visit the website by clicking M. Chartier → Here!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Is Best Currency To Invest In

Almost eight months

8 months of happiness, 8 months of a unimaginable love, 8 months of discovery, 8 months of sharing ...
Robidou aka Crapule is a little man full of malice, caprice too (at home Mum, Mum, which creaks!). While
becomes Crapule:
- Since the age of 5 months and half sits up: result, he refuses to be on the belly and make any effort to crawl ...
- He eats well, very well ... too well last measurement, 73 cm for 10kg 7mois 350 ... indirect message of the pediatrician, avoid potatoes!
- He adores his big brothers when he sees them, he is totally in awe and ecstasy. He just has to sit in the same room to clap, laugh and be happy simply: black dot, the coup ... naps are shortened as who would say!
- Mum not there, Crapule po glad I'm an hour, he supports it, one day, and after I have the right to ask! There was one night when I had to call Monchéri to take the relay because I was stuck at work for the final output of a dvd ... Monchéri went through hell ...
- The Crapule hate winter time: the clock is very morning since Sunday ...

voilou's it for tonight ...
but I'm already viendue ...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Remove Airlock Underfloor Heating

Captain Noh interview ... from La Prairie, Quebec, April 9, 2008 (3 parts)

An interview with the legendary Captain Noh ... probably the first Quebecer to popularize the blues and sing in French. This interview was conducted April 9, 2008, at the residence of Peter Leith, The Prairie. We present it in 3 parts.
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For the entire interview please visit the unofficial Captain Noh, directed by Gino Chenard You click here!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why Did The Waveguide Cover Burn?

Everything has an end

... diseases that make them lovable grumpy Crapules.
Contracts which on one hand you give the illusion of being an accomplished woman, and the other you away from the so-called German Crapule
strollers all broken by too many trips and forcing in the coffers .
Today I spent a wonderful day. For the first time in a month, I spent all day with my Robidou. In fact, my last contract ended, so I resumed my role as Mom Full time with joy but also apprehension. The
Crapule has been ill, and always with fever, reduced appetite and sleep, it was difficult. But to believe that as he wanted to avenge some of his Mum who spent too much time in front of his computer and not enough with him, for now ... smiles, hugs, laughter, good sleep and quiet sleep tonight.
My love boy is himself again and it was so good! And
side pro ... how to say ... with my acolytes we broke all records for perfection! How it I put my modesty closet? Yeah, once will not hurt, although I want to brag!
basically on two contracts, both without errors ...
And I confess to have so many congratulations gives me a little balm to the heart, and takes away some of this malaise have left my baby ... okay, I was not very far, was in the room next door, but it repsque worse, because we are there without being there. We go a head, but does not the usual time ... and that my Robidou not like it ...
So will I continue to work? Certainly, because a little butter in the spinach that is never wrong, and that work in these circumstances would be crazy to refuse. Contradictory
me? Not ...
Well I admit, I'm still a bit between two worlds, two ideas, and tired.
But I assure you today was fantastic.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Cake Boss Fondantrecipes

next on your antennas ...

or not ...
-how I learned that being a mother and want to work, when we still want to stay home and live under the same roof as his nanny is not easy.
-how we have lived the first disease Robidou ... how Crapule disappeared behind a mask of fever, fatigue, how heroic he was in hospital ... yes because there 's been in hospital ... debauchery does not things by halves ! But I assure you, it's better, eh! Very well ... unless some kind of regression, Madam Teat has reclaimed its nightlife, and not Mum! I will not eat mashed my entire ...
-how I still have not returned to sports because Paris Paris = No Time, No time ... however, I have taken the chocolate to how that follows the one below!
-how we defeated a squadron of mice in the house.
Monchéri-how and I are patched ... to each other (hi, hi) but also against smoking.
-how I survived a whole weekend without Robidou, and how I partied like a long time.
or not ...
because we are in Paris because we did not have time ....

so stay on the air, because you may get a surprise!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Milena Velba New K Bra


is the word that fits perfectly for what I feel for all mothers who work and care for their Crapules evening for all who do it more in singles, because it is a rhythm constant from morning to evening, and although we love our pieces of cream puffs, we must admit that sometimes at night is exhausting, especially if they are tired, ill or just grumpy!
short, ladies and moms who are in these situations, I take my hat and salute you from the bottom of my heart.
And I realize again how lucky I am because I work from home, so I did not travel to Paris in which can quickly prove to be an ordeal, I have a Monchéri Robidou rushing on the night to deal with it, even if only for the bottle, and I only work when the mood takes me ...
But I think sometimes when it is evening and Monchéri is traveling for work, all those mothers who do not have my luck must have nerves of steel and resistance to any event.
And when I'm tired, that day has not been easy, a little moral point the tip of his nose, I look at my Crapule, and I want to not be 100% with him, to leave the care of a nanny, who loves and he adores but who is not me ... and again, I realize that it's my choice, I am sustained qque 1000% Monchéri and my Crapule do not charge me that expensive!

Anyway ...
To all these Mommies, I admire you.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Thrust Of A Propeller


That's how I define the behavior of the scum from the beginning of the week ... Mom
you abandon me? Well I take drastic measures ...

- I'll put the wind in what are you here
- I do not smile, or so that once the Nanny is a party, because that is still the leader here?
- I no longer nap ... because do not forget Mum, who's the Chief?
- And my purees, well no, I bib the woods, I want to spoon, or you can tell me what does a bib?

This gives you an idea of the vengeance of my son, for having dared not even give up (I remind you that I bump into the next room), but for daring not to spend all my time his little person ...

In contrast, sits up, laughs more, cuddles (And that's good, but it's good!), Ok it's his way to give you a hug:
- First he do not caress the face you put a loaf, but for it is a caress (delicate as a flower bud that small!)
- Then you eat ... yes! well, he opens his mouth and grabs what he can from your face, ears, nose, chin ... and you covered with an enticing texture drool ... and it is his kiss!

Then ... it takes fads ...
Papa: impatience we have already mentioned ... but I scratched everything I found, and I always need something in my hands ... (Like your hair, your finger a security blanket ....)
Mom: I cross my legs while sleeping (yes, and then where is the problem?), and I'm hiding in the neck .., and to do so, I seek my place I rub against the neck, I push a little head, and I stand ... (Anyone who thinks a dog is asked to leave!)

Tonight first weekend after the first week of recovery ...
I look forward to my men not to me ...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Sayings Usin Peppermint Patties

Back to business!

And not the time to write ..
To summarize, I work from home on my sublime, beautiful, fast as Buzz Light year, and sparkling new computer from the apple! (Yes I'm in luxury, but it's my job that it wants good people).
I found a nanny ... I can not really speak yet because it only two days, but the barometer is the scoundrel, who today resumed its super chirping, I conclude therefore that the current flows. But it's weird ... someone else playing with him, foreign exchange, after taking a nap ...
But I managed to spare time with him, I miss him and when I work and I hear it in the other room, sometimes I just stop to listen.
So here, the recovery is on the wheel caps, and even though I must confess that I took with bananas and more pleasure as I have imagined, I have still a strong dose of learning in letting my son to another, and seeing my house become the domain of someone else!

I will tell it all. A

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Luna Lovegood Headdress For Sale

To download, click with the right side and we save where you want. → 77min

To listen live you click or double click on the green button (Do not work with Firefox):

If you do not see the green button c ' is that you must download Flash Player 9 " Here!

.................................................. ...................
An interview that Robert gave to Serge Blondin Lemire for the show "Dubon and asshole ... and The Best of the Net" and carries on his latest book "Happiness" Cursed ". According to Jacques Languirand this book is exceedingly cool most of the year 2008. Find out who this researcher happiness, just fill your toolbox essential to the continuation and preservation of happiness. Secrets?

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Volunteer Nursing Home Portland

Marie-France Bourgeois, CEO of Mondial des Cultures de Drummondville. To download it click → here!

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To listen live you click or double click on the green button (Do not work with Firefox):

If you do not see the green button is that you must download Flash Player 9 " Here!
Marie-France Bourgeois is the first woman to become CEO of Mondial des Cultures de Drummondville ! Being first is not new for this exceptional woman. Julie Martineau and I want you to discover. In fact, Is a descendant of Margaret Bourgeois? Heaven ... it was a Sister ...

For programming and other information, visit the website of World Cultures

Friday, June 20, 2008

Birthday Cake Iron Man

Kanon Wakeshima BlazBlue

Japan :

After being left completely open lollipop with Guilty Gear (which is also going to know whether a series is Sammy and Arc System are rapidly sinking) firms from the excellent and regretted that SNK challenge to work for BlazBlue, a fighting game perfectly in the spirit of Gilty Gear (but real, ie the X and XX Accent Core) but it still claims as a title share Full ...

Presented at the last AOU (( All Nippon Amusement Operators Union) room interactive entertainment (games arcade, casino ...) video games and not as some think) a few months ago the game was not yet finalized and included only four playable characters (well I do not know why I said because there were only 4 point bar done).

Thereafter and in the next few months we could (how I am with my farts the conjugation) discovered two other protagonists.

We will have the opportunity to play with Ragna, Jun Kizaragi, Noel Vermillion Iron Tagar, Taokaka and Rachel Alucard (at least for now).
As you can see from the few screenshots on this page, the game is beautiful whining and has the advantage of having a native 1080p resolution (1920 * 1188) was translated for those who it will ring as clear as the Chinese: You're going to take your eyes full!

must add to this a mastery evident in animation and visual effects management and you will get the ultimate fighting game, the killing is expected from a street fighter and never really believe, deep BlazBlue, BlazBlue President BlazBlue and the invention of Jesus ...

... no I'm kidding, actually the game has a base potential, but he suffers from the outset a number of weaknesses ...

First the small guys at Sammy did this are still not too crushed, for those familiar with Guilty Gear, Ragna is a plagiarism of Sol BadGuy (same weapon, same shots has something near), Jun from Ki Kiske and Iron is nothing but a Potemkin less beautiful (I loved the sprite of the character I found very aesthetic unlike the Iron while sharp edges and radical forms ...- burk -

Writ of who would laugh there? I do not want to be a killjoy but if the goal was to make a GG why did not clean out a new GG rather than to embark in a game "clone" or you decide continue in the same way and we repeat the same characters, or we decide to change and in this case ... we change!

short after this "shock" we continue to watch different info on the game and it inevitably falls on the grid of characters.
And rechoque, 10 characters, it's going guys? not too put out to find ideas?

Reminder Super Street Fighter 2 was released in more than 93 proposed personal (12 to be precise), it is shameful!
I hope they realize that even Capcom has done better then, Capcom guys! The box that makes wheat we are emerging from the same game for over 10 years by just changing the title (again street fighter 4, how will this be scammed? The Paris are open ...).

Rest unveiled last 2 characters that are particularly fun and interesting, whether a design point of view and style of fighting, 2 Me, which suggests to me that there is a chance for that title may be worth it but I confess that my hopes are mixed ...

We will see later in the meantime I'll put a small trailer:

Plus a link to the official website:

on which you will find a lot of info including the last two characters ...

Friday, June 13, 2008

Bangs And Mains With Weave

Robert Blondin = Search Happiness. "- Part 2 We download by clicking here →!

To listen live you click or double click on the green button :

If you do not see the green button is for you download Flash Player 9 " Here!
Part 2 of the interview that gave me Robert Blondin for his 19th book, "Cursed Happiness."
You searched extensively in the esoteric and have not found happiness in "The Secret"? I invite you to listen more "religiously" the conversation gave me one called "Canadian Tire of Happiness." Looking for a simple tool box to coax happiness? You could buy what will probably become your latest bedtime reading: "Cursed Happiness."
* Website Communipomme Robert Blondin

** Humor

Jean-Marie Bigard , official website →
Yvon Deschamps , discography on the website "The Lyricist " →
** Music
Charles Dubé , the play "Be well" →
-Glenn Gould , "Goldberg Variations, on Wikipedia Bio →

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

What Is Quail Shampoo

- 分 岛 花 音

Japan :

It's rare when an artist I support the dice early, usually because to me it can not be found on some titles, so I will do for the first time, which is all the more exceptional because it is a Japanese artist (those who know me will know my views on the Japanese song apart from a few good elements (Or as Rurutia Sasagawa)).

short, Kanon Wakeshima is an artist just starting his career and when you look at the surface can not be surprised that I faced a story on it, because it was not won this shit.

First Kanon is produced by Mana, a musician, singer /""""" """"" Japanese
evolved in groups Malice Mizer and Moi dix Mois following Visual Kei movement.
To explain what the Visual, they are kinds of singing drag queen (rarely) or screaming (mostly) on a fly in the music wallpaper, carpet and tile, the equivalent of heavy metal in the West.
Let's not beat around the bush, I hate Visual style may have near as much as I hate their music, each of these taste but my eyes are shit out of bar ...

Mana care prod and therefore the composition of music (which at first sight does not want too) and Miss sports a gothic lolita (and yes they have lots of styles too weird these Japanese ) that does not repel me as much as the visual, but I can not find much to top ...

And when you told me about the first time I was saying "you'll see you'll like" I then watched some biography produced by Mana ... ... Gothic Lolli ... I told myself, this is crazy in my mouth?

Well no because when you read what makes you better realize that the first girl of 19 years playing the cello since the age of 3 years (not bad at that age where I'm at Fishing booms ... ) and she just released a single 3 titles containing the song "still doll" that I find very promising (and it's nothing to say).

As an example worth all the words I asked the title still doll, it is very hard applaudient:

-Hello still doll, so you're the first single from Kanon Wakeshima a quick note to our viewers tonight?

-Well I'm excited, I did not expect to be invited, I want to thank my family who really helped me and my guinea pig who died last summer because that I had shaved all the hair ...

then-still doll, you've already worked with a dishwasher and a tablespoon, what is it like to team up with a camera?

-Well that's all new to me but what Kanon doing really well, she does not have an exceptional voice in itself but is a musician of madness, as our viewers will see, even though composed Mana (it may fall powdered sugar just for that), in short a great artist who promises a great career if she does This leaves too much influenced by trends most brutal and unconventional, a kind of derivative Rurutia sides for "dark" but maintains a personal style yet.

I monitors ready and I will keep you informed of what gives his career ...

-Thank you "still doll" we meet next week for discussions on clotheslines, and good evening more ...

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Best Team In Mount And Blade

Demonstration in South Korea

South Korea :

South Korea: The popularity of President Lee Myung-Bak is collapsing because of his ultra-conservative politics. The power hardens.

Coast unpopularity of Lee Myung-Bak continues to grow. Government confusion about the resumption of U.S. beef imports, his obsession about building a giant canal through Korea, the North Korean policy unintelligible, his willingness to be conciliatory vis-à-vis excesses of Japanese nationalism and strengthen ties with the United States, his nepotism, are all elements that cause the anger of citizens. Evening events at the candle multiply Ganghwamun. The police are violent.

These important topics are accompanied by meaningful symbolic decisions, such as its decision to stop funding a research committee on historical Korean collaborators during the Japanese occupation, many of which are close to the political family of Lee.

Two surfers guilty of too violently criticized the president have been tried, and ordered to pay fines. A student who had applied for permission for a demonstration has been questioned by police and has been convened by the director of his school.

The persistent fear of a regression, a return to the hard years of the Korean generals is noticeable.

Deriving from the business world (he was president of Hyundai Construction up 92), who came to politics late in life, and with an image of ultra-efficient because of its industrial past, Lee was appreciated for work when he was mayor of Seoul (Chonggyecheon and bus lanes), took advantage of the great unpopularity of his predecessor Roh, and was finally elected on the presumption that he would revitalize the Korean economy . It remains today perhaps to understand that does not support a country like we manage an industrial conglomerate.

Source / Author: Korea Travel
Posted Thursday, May 29, 2008, by jesusparis

Following these events brutal clashes with security forces that are committed to peaceful protests are made welcome with batons and water cannon, I particularly wanted to pass this info because it is often forgotten or watered down by the press, whether local or foreign.

If someone has an influence on any French media that will be great to make up the info, I expect it will require verification info ect but it'll be good to look at this situation which I think is important already to denounce methods of local police who of course received orders from above and which are unforgivable for a country like South Korea (I recall that at the base of South Korea is a country with almost as many free law than France), but also because the event could well lead to a historical fact, as was the case in France in May 1968 .

a video about the police violence against peaceful demonstrators .

An article (in Korean) relating these same violence.

Another (still in Korean).

An astonishing video .
In which a Korean police officer giving instructions to these men.
Translation: " Hit the old, women and disabled but only when you do not watch or record. If anyone ever manages to shoot yourself, grab it and confiscate the camera. "
Some additional pictures

Information confirmed by a friend still.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Hair Product Called Alter-ego


MANILA, June 1 (Xinhua) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.3 to shaken Sunday around 9:57 (1:57 GMT) Batan Island, northern Philippines, said the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS).

The full report of this earthquake is expected and no information is available to sign any human loss or damage, said a spokesman PHIVOLCS Xinhua.

The U.S. Geological Survey has reported a sésime magnitude of 6.4 in the northern Philippines.

And now, how to make a simple subject, but this take the lead. lol

I anticipate future comments like "hannn you do not talk about that which occurred recently in China."

Yes I know it's quite normal, the goal when I post a topic on the news is to get stuff that tells the TV news may or may not dutout.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Carnation Essential Breakfast

SeeYa - 씨야

Korea :

SeeYa is a Korean group consisting of 3 vocalists (Nam Gyu- Ri (남규리)), Kim Yeon Ji (김연지) and Lee Bo Ram (이보람).

Although this group has all the ingredients necessary for a girlband pimply teenager (3 girls top guns, there is not one to throw, simple words and taking the love for recurrent theme, a style relatively Commercial ...) I think we still defined the major difference with other groups of its kind (because it must be said, SeeYa is still a group of commercial value) come from the quality of voices of these singers (who also voices very close Assé is curious to hear).

I'll let you judge for yourself with a small example.

I met 3 other titles in the Videobox (in the list of links to external sites in the left frame).

Having said that SeeYa girlband is not abusive, in fact this group was originally created by the producer of SG Wannabe (a Korean boyband) who wanted to create a female version of this same group .

That being there is not much interesting to tell about their start, the three singers were auditioned and began their career in 2006 with "여인 의 향기 (Scent of a Woman) "(the song I put in an attached video is above) and" 구두 (Shoes) "(much worse).

Second is the rise of fame albums that is connected, the prices soaring and the fans that accumulate (especially since the "incident" of "Crazy in Love" (geeks will understand) ... blah ...

All that to say that even if the 3 singers SeeYa not made it or write their songs are still real and undeniable proof of quality for the song, even able to bring out feelings of incredible depth on some couplets and refreints, which makes my eyes a separate group that can be enjoyed as such but you can also, if you prefer, you share images with their panini effigy probably be available in all good newsagents Korean ...

I close with a reprise:>> clickouillez here <<>

Do not worry I'll go for a ride to New York with my dog .... even though I have not ...- dog-bhuuu

>> Discography <<

Thursday, May 29, 2008

How Much Does The Average Man Ejaculate

Robert Blondin = Pursuit of Happyness." We download Part 1 by clicking here →!

To listen live you click or double click on the green button:

If you do not see the green button is for you download Flash Player 9 " Here! ................................................. ...
You can visit the website Robert Blondin by clicking here!
................................................ ....
Glenn Gould Goldberg Variations--Bio on Wikipedia:
The inescapable humor humorist Quebec Yvon Deschamps -torque-Bio on Wikipedia:

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Chevy Ss 427 Truck For Sale

Sonia Benezra, spokesman for the 27th edition of the World Cultures de Drummondville. "To download it click → here!

To listen live you click or double click on the button Green

If you do not see the green button is for you download Flash Player 9 " Here!
------------------------------------------------ -------
For 2nd year as a spokesman for the Mondial des Cultures de Drummondville "
Sonia Benezra gives us an interview still imbued with enthusiasm, laughter and fun! Sonia she changed nationality to become Italian?
------------------------------------------------ --------
-can visit the "World Cultures de Drummondville" → Here!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Shocked By Size Of Penis

The smell of green papaya

Vietnam :

first film Tran Anh Hung that I already talked to Ride and vertically in the summer, the smell of green papaya has long been the missing link to my collection, the movie I wanted to see .
The reason for this enthusiasm was the "pub" that we had made to me at the time and also the origin of production (j'adooooore see movies from different backgrounds). The

ODLPV this split in 2 parts so distinct, telling the same story, the story of Mui, a young servant, but two different periods of his life (a 10, then 20 years) a narrative technique which does not surprise not really when you know the rea, it is also the technique that attracted me most about these three films, rather than focusing the action on a main character by others gravitate around its history is a process that I have always loved.

Mui is inevitably a charismatic and engaging, his story is interesting as in the great tradition of the plot TAH this place without one even realizes it, using the visual aspect of film and by incorporating messages and codes that lead us despite us moving forward. Some

surely find it boring Assé and I understand but for me it's going pretty well apart from a few lengths Real usual (a bit stronger in this film because it was his first) could be some scenes would raccourcient and the film could have lasted 1hr 10 for more fluidity.

Having this one still finds a good film, lots of things are controlled, the relationship between the characters, the story of the father of the family, the maid who accompanies Mui and more importantly this serenity that characterizes the films Tran Anh Hung, certainly there are some dramatic passages but they never turned itself, while still supposition in coded messages and there are no characters, "bad" Regardless, the boss is good (I talking about the human quality eh band of perverts ... by Tran Nu Yen-cons Khe is really good actress ... !.... lol) the girl is nice, the family friend is a good guy. ..

Treaty was how much he réalisteur spring forces in a film niai and stereotyped but not with ADHD, this guy is very hard to build these characters for the stage and bring out the good sides of being human without making benet or nian nian.

And finally what had me a bit in general Cyclo who faced for the first time the angels to demons, the focus is generally the angels too for Mr Tran we can hang with its demons are certainly treated well but much less. But

refocus us on the ODLPV, a purely technical point of view is again excellent with long clips (the film opens with a PS) this ending is often between sheets or in the a doorway to focus the action, we are witnessing in the film has everything a game from this point of view, moving the action from first to second place, using mirrors and characters to drive the action, make it alive and give the impression to the viewer that takes not his hand, take him where it should look.

It goes without saying that it is excellent as a way to deal things, even if it is not new it is still too rare and difficult to pass either stressed, especially here this effect is supported by an undeniable aesthetic BUT, and this is my biggest drawback, too synthetic.
because the action was not in Vietnam but was shot in France, the real outcome of the race was forced to shoot in the studio.
While this action held indoors No worries, however when they are outdoor scenes that stuck in my opinion, the lack of people in the streets, lighting, how the climate is represented ...
Plenty betray (especially if you already visited this part of the globe you are accustomed to the atmosphere Vietnamese dutout not credible in the ODLPV external) and still regret that the film did not could be shot on location as was vertical or cyclo-summer (in which there by Vietnamese against the atmosphere is very present, including a true tropical sun).

remains a beautiful film with actors who are worth their weight in gold but will always have my eyes "draft" of the vertical of the summer which is very similar in style but a hundred times more beautiful, stronger and better controlled.

In a sense it logical measurement or ODLPV is the first feature film from director but the facts are there: If you, like me, loved this film, the vertical summer will look like a real holy grail, combining all ingredients present here for the sublime in a story, different but the same purpose: amaze viewers ...

Violence: Not
Gender: Oula not
Shocking: Even less

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pokemon Light Platinum Action Replay Cheats

** The Forbidden Kingdom


I looked at the various subjects that I created on my blog when I'm reported I had never written about Crysis game from Crytek released a few months ago now.

So I see you here you ask the famous question, Why now, why play on a German blog dedicated to Asia, Lorie why can not sing, why does the rabbits run naked in everything they Timber ...

Well, because then and anyway I know that visitors to my blogs are as enigmatic as the Yeti of Central Africa, besides little test: Yesterday I was typing some goat!

Ho heee! Höhe, hohe, Höhe (I'm super good echo lol)

No answer ... That's what I thought ....

j'embraille So now direct my criticism even if it has no fucking relation with Asia (outside of North Koreans that we Dessoude arm circumference).
Above all it is worth noting the strengths of this game that summed up in two components:

The extraordinary appearance (although yes I know when you read about this in 10 years you will laugh at seeing the face of the game but today May 25, 2008 is beautiful to cry as much say on Crytek has bet big on the graphic aspect of his game, one can too may be because a PC unless you have a space that a friend of the Galaxy Geforce 8800GT you purchased you can use the latest creation from the publisher suppository past this obstacle is happiness , the textures are a finesse never seen before, the modeling is very good to excellent, there is fine as it is on the effects of volume, particle and other stuff that rips off the face ...

The second strong point of AC is Crysis gameplay, its gameplay is enjoyable Assé
thanks and one thing only: the Nanosuit, a nice suit made by very intelligent Americans and very strong to access a different capacity you can enjoy for a short period of time: The super speed, super armor, super strength and invisibility.
Outside the primary advantages offered by these skills they bring us some small bonus, such as super strength, of course, you can hit harder but also gives you more relaxation during jumps (much more as you go a slug of grasshopper in a split second ...) but also more stability when aiming (less recoil).

These two aspects of the games are also very thorough, the Gameplay is also decorated with a lot of good ideas like the ability to take everything in or near the stage for the swing on your enemies, you will have access to different vehicles (boats, jeeps ...) and I forget everything .. .

It is therefore possible to understand each chapter of the game very differently, you have total freedom of action and movement is a bit like a GTA (except that here we really have a notion levels lectured and not a large expanse of a single block).

The only downside to all this is that developers have too much based their game on the Nanosuit and the graphics and have always bugged on some points that are important to my eyes.
So the game is super buggy, probably one of
more buggy in the world, the elements of scenery sometimes react so a bit special, sometimes we die just by crossing a door and some of them enemies die same (suicide?), enemies who are also not very clever, what the developers farted with AI but there is really nothing, then certainly the Northwest Co are looking for you and try to surround you but cons in part they do not even see you when you stand right in front of them (and visible) recess and does not seek to have this covered when they are shot or what when they recharge (it's so much fun to stay planted in the middle of the boulevard when there's a guy threatening to you).

A small trailer in 720p for those who want to see what it is ... Or
the site directly here cliquouillant (best quality yet.)

Another snag the game celoni me what are the weapons and the end of the game, the weapons because they are neither numerous nor really fun (except the rocket launcher which is great in this game) or varied.

And yet there was a good idea at the base, the ability to customize your equipment was such a great idea, we can change the scopes on our rifles, add a laser sight or put incendiary bullets but there is no logic in armaments, the shotgun is more accurate than the AK47 which itself is as accurate as the sniper rifle ...

can put a scope on the shotgun, a flashlight on the sniper rifle ... well it's not very consistent all this he should have done something more "customized" according weapons involved.

Then the super weapons are not customizable, to be complete you will find the SCAR (an assault rifle invented but generally close to the AK47 with a slightly higher capacity and lower noise, the AK47 machine gun (which does not serve a great thing because it can not receive any additional option to share the base (the spotting scope and laser sight), no grenade launcher or incendiary charge was adapted above), the shotgun (not very useful either to from the beginning, after ca rate of fire is too low and incendiary bullets were quasiement the same power) sniper rifle (useless because of too much precision made with other weapons and the fact that they can all receive a telescopic precision), a gateling (sucks) an alien gun (a gateling with infinite bullets, they are not broken ass on this one), a futuristic American gun (aa sniper rifle, not broken re-ass) over all the usual explosives whose C4 is well fendard cons and the famous rocket launcher is really terrible I do not return it.

Last but black table, the end of solo mode (which is the basic game, the multi is fake but the game was not made for it at the base), if the beginning of the game is excellent the ending is really lame, with large phases shoot too bourrines and aesthetic decline, it only concerns a wrist level at the end but it's a shame.

remains an excellent game on the concept, where you will have a good time regretting that developers either do not longer applied to the bottom and it is far too depended on the form.
Pleasure that this will be increased tenfold if you're a handyman can because the game CD contains the SandBox software, which enabled developers to create levels and allowing you to create your own, it can be a complex beginning but when you put it right in there to make things happen really class, a big big bonus celoni me, I spent hours just on this software ...

Friday, May 23, 2008

Pains On Both Sides Of Stomach

The angelic voice of Angie Arsenault is downloaded by clicking here →!

To listen live you click or double click on the green button:

If you do not see the green button is that you must download Flash Player 9 " Here!
-An interview of nearly an hour with Angie Arsenault, an Acadian from Prince Edward Island Prince Edward you'll hear about soon. What voice, what a delicious accent ... what laughter too! An angel who sings and laughs what!
-The official website of Angie Arsenault :
-A website that every artist should know in order to make themselves known, Sellaband : / angiearsenault
- Angie in space MySpace: / angiearsenault
-The Acadia Island Prince Edward like: museeacadien /
-Acadian group Barachois (with Angie's mom):

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Police Scanner For Phone

Crysis *


first American film with his cast in Jet Li and Jackie Chan movie and incidentally the first inter Liu Yifei I could not afford to miss The Forbidden Kingdom , Film Action / Adventure down this was the medieval Chinese history and spot a guy who will spend time this world has the above-cited with a stick "magic".

At first glance it looks nase I know and practice is not far from except where there are still some positive things in this movie.

course see JC and JL in the same film is an interesting thing but even passed this cape there are several allusions to the movies HK (including film has some of JC, as Drunken Master ) Liu Yifei doing well out of the game apart as I fear that it may appear very fact and may serve as a pot of flowers, a nice pot, but a pot still.

Apart from that the intro to plant the story (just start in the real world) is totally corny, may near as much as the explanation given to the fact that all speak English Me in China (say it's not really explain but the effect of a sudden it speaks Chinese, a move that speaks English is asse nase ...).

The action scenes (of course based entirely on martial arts) are cool without being extraordinary, the special effects themselves are doing very well but do not serve much else (the goal special effects is to bring a touch of additional performance which is not so successful it here).

short we still have a movie that you never get bored but will not leave us a lasting memory, not bad but not that much action has a trivial mistake and a scenario can ...

Violence: No (to target a broad audience)
Sex: No ... I'm trying to say "unfortunately" for the beauty of Liu Yifei but I do not want to offend my Yanyan. lol
Shocking: No

Is White Broccoli Pizza Calories



Final Chapter: Back to bercaille ...

Here, the last chapter of my travel journal wherein I'll tell my back a bit by other parallels with what I experienced there.

As one of the first things I did was take a taxi, the taxi is the mode of travel most common and most "cheap" (with the Jeepney) in the Philippines.

Although it is very difficult to define a specific tariff for taxis (drivers apply a price may at their discretion and secondarily to the client's head) to consider what you can do 20/30 minutes ride to 120/200PHP (2 to 4 €).

Beyond that become the scam of knowing that you'll even find drivers who will offer rates "exorbitant" (in brackets because for a Westerner it is ridiculous) sometimes going even beyond 600PHP (+ 10 € So).
Similarly, if you ask a taxi to the hotel, you will be charged 500PHP except that there is not a scam, the prices are still much higher in hotels ...

We then take the road and there he came to my mind something that I had not spoken before and that seems to me very important and interesting road traffic ...

Before every thing you have to clean up the stereotype and preconceived ideas: The traffic is very dense in the Philippines, there are a lot of vehicles, especially in large cities.

The traffic is already high in most parts of the country is downright stifling in Manila, knowing that roads are poorly maintained, almost all one-way and that vehicles of all kinds (even the kind of carriage horse-drawn) with a very clear dominance for taxis, which represent nearly half of the vehicles you come across on the road ...

From there you will find numerous sites giving you advice for driving in the country ... personally I'll give you one:
Do NOT drive in Manila!

If a local access to a vehicle may seem natural there is nothing for a Westerner, even the worst drivers go Parisian for a child choir alongside Filipino drivers.

enfaite But if you rent (or worst buy) a vehicle in Manila, expect to see people launched at full speed on roads with 4 lanes, double left, right, middle, changing lanes at any time, causing a head to tail do you want in here, not respecting a fire of 6 and no priority ....

It is also important to note that Filipinos frequently honk for no reason, everything is an excuse to use this accessory visibly enjoyable, even a slowdown in traffic or someone touting his priority is to meet any arguments a hoot .
I do not even talk about staying too long in a fire, here is hyper-aggressive driving, a real urban jungle in which you should charge you if you really want to enjoy the transportation vehicle.

And the cops in all this say to me, and although they are present, however, whether the police placed a can around the streets or those who are truly responsible for traffic, no verbalizes in general, he whistled at a pinch, but people do not stop and police traffic manager give me the impression of regulating blood flow in different directions (go right, go left ...) but controls only rarely offense, not because they are not followed (on the contrary, police fear is the Philippines) but just because they do not clap ...

Thus we see unbelievable things like that in the past 2 living in this country I've never seen a single type to be smiling and flashing her seeing things well ... confusing, as taxi 5 place host 7 persons (including 2 in place of death) or drivers who put a pin has nourished for connecting a seat belt broke in two ...

After this trip (it's better to be generous because of frequent traffic jams on major roads can slow you down and tens of minutes) you are accessing the airport of Ninoy Aquino (Manila International Airport), 2 police officers here intercept you always make sure that you do not carry a weapon in your glove compartment (the weapons are freely sold in the Philippines), it also happens that 'he searched the trunk but Assé rare ...

After this little passage you reach one of the worst places that was never created in the world after the camps of Auschwitz and the Chamber of muscles: The Manila airport.

And there must be clear, but I love Manila airport is really rotten, badly designed, badly managed, I'll explain a bit how it's this that you have a history of perceiving what awaits you ...

Above all, many people (and even the airlines) will tell you to come 3 hours before your flight, you are free to follow on this point but I would advise you not to do so, expect a lot more , 4 or 5 hours does not seem exaggerated (to cover time lost at the airport and provide congestion suspected on the road) ... In

eventually you'll be filtered out many times, it does not fit into the enclosure the airport without a passport valid (so you will control a first time at the entrance.
After that you will spend the first time at the customs, your luggage will pass on the carpet yourself and the detector metals.

Enuiste you will queue for the registration of such baggage even then it is necessarily highly advise what to put in the queue even before the opening of business unlike the France because here it can quickly fill out and what people here are used and this put them at a very early ...

You nevertheless expected since as stated above offices are not open yet, especially as punctuality is not necessarily the biggest highlight was that airport, but you will save your time well, you will have the feeling of having done the hardest .... big mistake ....

Because then you will enter a kind of corridor and there things that Corsican ...

Already everyone found this here (all airlines, all departure times) to go to immigration, so you'll stand in line, pay a fee in cash only 750PHP (also accepted in U.S. $) before to repeat the line to make control operations related to your passport and especially the immigration card has to think back and complete before moving on to the counter (you can find the cards on a table to your right) this requiring you to leave the queue and thus lose valuable time (for you to take a flight I recall).

- Make no mistake, the Bouddisme is virtually nonexistent in the Philippines, very conservative Catholic country, what you see here was a performance organized Robinson by Buddhists.
I love this picture because it shows the openness of Filipinos facing the religion .-

short good advice: take a pen with you and not traveling on a good airline ( Cathay Pacific is one of them) because they'll be handing out cards in the immigration queue for checking your luggage, so you can save valuable time in completing this formality before going to immigration, which you will not leave the queue.

Note that the speed of advance of the queue is incredibly slow, do not you take especially at the last minute under penalty miss your flight ...

Once past immigration it will do to pass the customs or rather board (as I recall that you have already passed the entrance to the airport) except that this time inspection is complete, you return your luggage on the belt except that this time it will take off your shoes before stepping on a scale can be searched.

After all this you will finally be free and have actually passed the hardest, are some other niceties like the fact that the door 7 is located before the door 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (but not very good serious consideration is a very small airport) or the knowledge that there is almost never in the toilet paper ...