Final Chapter: Back to bercaille ...
Here, the last chapter of my travel journal wherein I'll tell my back a bit by other parallels with what I experienced there.
As one of the first things I did was take a taxi, the taxi is the mode of travel most common and most "cheap" (with the Jeepney) in the Philippines.
Although it is very difficult to define a specific tariff for taxis (drivers apply a price may at their discretion and secondarily to the client's head) to consider what you can do 20/30 minutes ride to 120/200PHP (2 to 4 €).
Beyond that become the scam of knowing that you'll even find drivers who will offer rates "exorbitant" (in brackets because for a Westerner it is ridiculous) sometimes going even beyond 600PHP (+ 10 € So).
Similarly, if you ask a taxi to the hotel, you will be charged 500PHP except that there is not a scam, the prices are still much higher in hotels ...

We then take the road and there he came to my mind something that I had not spoken before and that seems to me very important and interesting road traffic ...
Before every thing you have to clean up the stereotype and preconceived ideas: The traffic is very dense in the Philippines, there are a lot of vehicles, especially in large cities.
The traffic is already high in most parts of the country is downright stifling in Manila, knowing that roads are poorly maintained, almost all one-way and that vehicles of all kinds (even the kind of carriage horse-drawn) with a very clear dominance for taxis, which represent nearly half of the vehicles you come across on the road ...
From there you will find numerous sites giving you advice for driving in the country ... personally I'll give you one:
Do NOT drive in Manila!
If a local access to a vehicle may seem natural there is nothing for a Westerner, even the worst drivers go Parisian for a child choir alongside Filipino drivers.
enfaite But if you rent (or worst buy) a vehicle in Manila, expect to see people launched at full speed on roads with 4 lanes, double left, right, middle, changing lanes at any time, causing a head to tail do you want in here, not respecting a fire of 6 and no priority ....
It is also important to note that Filipinos frequently honk for no reason, everything is an excuse to use this accessory visibly enjoyable, even a slowdown in traffic or someone touting his priority is to meet any arguments a hoot .
I do not even talk about staying too long in a fire, here is hyper-aggressive driving, a real urban jungle in which you should charge you if you really want to enjoy the transportation vehicle.

And the cops in all this say to me, and although they are present, however, whether the police placed a can around the streets or those who are truly responsible for traffic, no verbalizes in general, he whistled at a pinch, but people do not stop and police traffic manager give me the impression of regulating blood flow in different directions (go right, go left ...) but controls only rarely offense, not because they are not followed (on the contrary, police fear is the Philippines) but just because they do not clap ...
Thus we see unbelievable things like that in the past 2 living in this country I've never seen a single type to be smiling and flashing her seeing things well ... confusing, as taxi 5 place host 7 persons (including 2 in place of death) or drivers who put a pin has nourished for connecting a seat belt broke in two ...
After this trip (it's better to be generous because of frequent traffic jams on major roads can slow you down and tens of minutes) you are accessing the airport of Ninoy Aquino (Manila International Airport), 2 police officers here intercept you always make sure that you do not carry a weapon in your glove compartment (the weapons are freely sold in the Philippines), it also happens that 'he searched the trunk but Assé rare ...

After this little passage you reach one of the worst places that was never created in the world after the camps of Auschwitz and the Chamber of muscles: The Manila airport.
And there must be clear, but I love Manila airport is really rotten, badly designed, badly managed, I'll explain a bit how it's this that you have a history of perceiving what awaits you ...
Above all, many people (and even the airlines) will tell you to come 3 hours before your flight, you are free to follow on this point but I would advise you not to do so, expect a lot more , 4 or 5 hours does not seem exaggerated (to cover time lost at the airport and provide congestion suspected on the road) ... In
eventually you'll be filtered out many times, it does not fit into the enclosure the airport without a passport valid (so you will control a first time at the entrance.
After that you will spend the first time at the customs, your luggage will pass on the carpet yourself and the detector metals.

Enuiste you will queue for the registration of such baggage even then it is necessarily highly advise what to put in the queue even before the opening of business unlike the France because here it can quickly fill out and what people here are used and this put them at a very early ...
You nevertheless expected since as stated above offices are not open yet, especially as punctuality is not necessarily the biggest highlight was that airport, but you will save your time well, you will have the feeling of having done the hardest .... big mistake ....
Because then you will enter a kind of corridor and there things that Corsican ...
Already everyone found this here (all airlines, all departure times) to go to immigration, so you'll stand in line, pay a fee in cash only 750PHP (also accepted in U.S. $) before to repeat the line to make control operations related to your passport and especially the immigration card has to think back and complete before moving on to the counter (you can find the cards on a table to your right) this requiring you to leave the queue and thus lose valuable time (for you to take a flight I recall).

- Make no mistake, the Bouddisme is virtually nonexistent in the Philippines, very conservative Catholic country, what you see here was a performance organized Robinson by Buddhists.
I love this picture because it shows the openness of Filipinos facing the religion .-
short good advice: take a pen with you and not traveling on a good airline ( Cathay Pacific is one of them) because they'll be handing out cards in the immigration queue for checking your luggage, so you can save valuable time in completing this formality before going to immigration, which you will not leave the queue.
Note that the speed of advance of the queue is incredibly slow, do not you take especially at the last minute under penalty miss your flight ...
Once past immigration it will do to pass the customs or rather board (as I recall that you have already passed the entrance to the airport) except that this time inspection is complete, you return your luggage on the belt except that this time it will take off your shoes before stepping on a scale can be searched.
After all this you will finally be free and have actually passed the hardest, are some other niceties like the fact that the door 7 is located before the door 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 (but not very good serious consideration is a very small airport) or the knowledge that there is almost never in the toilet paper ...
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