
I looked at the various subjects that I created on my blog when I'm reported I had never written about Crysis game from Crytek released a few months ago now.
So I see you here you ask the famous question, Why now, why play on a German blog dedicated to Asia, Lorie why can not sing, why does the rabbits run naked in everything they Timber ...
Well, because then and anyway I know that visitors to my blogs are as enigmatic as the Yeti of Central Africa, besides little test: Yesterday I was typing some goat!
Ho heee! Höhe, hohe, Höhe (I'm super good echo lol)
No answer ... That's what I thought ....
j'embraille So now direct my criticism even if it has no fucking relation with Asia (outside of North Koreans that we Dessoude arm circumference).
Above all it is worth noting the strengths of this game that summed up in two components:
The extraordinary appearance (although yes I know when you read about this in 10 years you will laugh at seeing the face of the game but today May 25, 2008 is beautiful to cry as much say on Crytek has bet big on the graphic aspect of his game, one can too may be because a PC unless you have a space that a friend of the Galaxy Geforce 8800GT you purchased you can use the latest creation from the publisher suppository past this obstacle is happiness , the textures are a finesse never seen before, the modeling is very good to excellent, there is fine as it is on the effects of volume, particle and other stuff that rips off the face ...
The second strong point of AC is Crysis gameplay, its gameplay is enjoyable Assé
thanks and one thing only: the Nanosuit, a nice suit made by very intelligent Americans and very strong to access a different capacity you can enjoy for a short period of time: The super speed, super armor, super strength and invisibility.
Outside the primary advantages offered by these skills they bring us some small bonus, such as super strength, of course, you can hit harder but also gives you more relaxation during jumps (much more as you go a slug of grasshopper in a split second ...) but also more stability when aiming (less recoil).
These two aspects of the games are also very thorough, the Gameplay is also decorated with a lot of good ideas like the ability to take everything in or near the stage for the swing on your enemies, you will have access to different vehicles (boats, jeeps ...) and I forget everything .. .
It is therefore possible to understand each chapter of the game very differently, you have total freedom of action and movement is a bit like a GTA (except that here we really have a notion levels lectured and not a large expanse of a single block).
The only downside to all this is that developers have too much based their game on the Nanosuit and the graphics and have always bugged on some points that are important to my eyes.
So the game is super buggy, probably one of
more buggy in the world, the elements of scenery sometimes react so a bit special, sometimes we die just by crossing a door and some of them enemies die same (suicide?), enemies who are also not very clever, what the developers farted with AI but there is really nothing, then certainly the Northwest Co are looking for you and try to surround you but cons in part they do not even see you when you stand right in front of them (and visible) recess and does not seek to have this covered when they are shot or what when they recharge (it's so much fun to stay planted in the middle of the boulevard when there's a guy threatening to you).
A small trailer in 720p for those who want to see what it is ... Or
the site directly here cliquouillant (best quality yet.)
Another snag the game celoni me what are the weapons and the end of the game, the weapons because they are neither numerous nor really fun (except the rocket launcher which is great in this game) or varied.
And yet there was a good idea at the base, the ability to customize your equipment was such a great idea, we can change the scopes on our rifles, add a laser sight or put incendiary bullets but there is no logic in armaments, the shotgun is more accurate than the AK47 which itself is as accurate as the sniper rifle ...
can put a scope on the shotgun, a flashlight on the sniper rifle ... well it's not very consistent all this he should have done something more "customized" according weapons involved.
Then the super weapons are not customizable, to be complete you will find the SCAR (an assault rifle invented but generally close to the AK47 with a slightly higher capacity and lower noise, the AK47 machine gun (which does not serve a great thing because it can not receive any additional option to share the base (the spotting scope and laser sight), no grenade launcher or incendiary charge was adapted above), the shotgun (not very useful either to from the beginning, after ca rate of fire is too low and incendiary bullets were quasiement the same power) sniper rifle (useless because of too much precision made with other weapons and the fact that they can all receive a telescopic precision), a gateling (sucks) an alien gun (a gateling with infinite bullets, they are not broken ass on this one), a futuristic American gun (aa sniper rifle, not broken re-ass) over all the usual explosives whose C4 is well fendard cons and the famous rocket launcher is really terrible I do not return it.
Last but black table, the end of solo mode (which is the basic game, the multi is fake but the game was not made for it at the base), if the beginning of the game is excellent the ending is really lame, with large phases shoot too bourrines and aesthetic decline, it only concerns a wrist level at the end but it's a shame.
remains an excellent game on the concept, where you will have a good time regretting that developers either do not longer applied to the bottom and it is far too depended on the form.
Pleasure that this will be increased tenfold if you're a handyman can because the game CD contains the SandBox software, which enabled developers to create levels and allowing you to create your own, it can be a complex beginning but when you put it right in there to make things happen really class, a big big bonus celoni me, I spent hours just on this software ...
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