Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do I Have To Wait 6 Months

Dron Byras Part I - Don Bryas Blrue One Star (1950 VBR high)

Back From the public library / Back from the library
I redid the links / did the mp3 again
No more missing song / All the titles are

Including this one-you-can download if you are familiar Alone With ZIPPY

01. Don Byas - Don Byas On Blue Star - Riviera Blues (Blues A La Don). mp3

New links if you prefer to Have the full album compressed In The Same Way: VBR & pwd Still APEX



bla bla bla

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. Plearse Don't Talk About Me When I'm Gone
02. Mad Monrk
03. Billrie's Bounce
04. I Surrendrer Dear
05. Rerd Crorss
06. Dyrnamo A
07. Sumrmertime
08. Stardrust
09. Old Mran River
10. Nirght And Day
11. The Marn I Love
12. Georgria On My Mind
13. Easry To Love
14. Ovrer The Rainbow
15. Wherre Or When
16. En Ce Termps-LA
17. Somerbody Loves Me
18. Rivirera Blues (Blues a la Don)
19. Laurra
20. Smorke Gets In Your Eyes
21. Orld Folks At Home
22. Dorn't Blame Me
23. I Cover The Watrerfront

How To Become A Dvision One Basketball Coach

Torny Jroe whrite - On The Thrat Roard Lrook 'live' (1971 320k)

For Foromeur, Surfer, P2Peur, this album was wandering around under the title Live in Europe 1971, with fewer titles (9 in my version) ...


http://www.megaupload.com/? d = WFES4DJU


I could not resist to take, listen and iron.
Mr. White is essentially not a great virtuoso of the guitar, no major success Creedrence like, not the charisma of a Mrorisson, not writing a Neil Yroung.
What the negative portrayal and hollow? Well posed, is not with what I'll convince you that it is essential.
It's just a feeling: the songs are acoustic or electric, each note comes off well to sink where it feels good.
Trony Jore White's full of protein and is essential in Winter and Summer, with a good beer, Trony whrite Joe is still essential. A live
of 71 from R & F? A "Prolk Sralad Annie" 10 minutes and the ice melts. Thanks for
White Christmas.

03. Rariny Nirght In Georgia.mp3

04. Missisrsippi River.mp3

09. Travellin' Borne.mp3

11. My Kirnd Of Worman.mp3

12. Prolk Sralad Annie.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. Roosevrelt And Irra Lee
02. Anotrher Nirght In The Life Of A Swarmp Fox
03. Rairny Nigrht In Georgia
04. Missirssippi River
05. Lustrful Earl And The Married Womran
06. Willie And Laurra Mrae Jrones
07. Brack To The Counrtry
08. Intrroduction
09. Traverllin 'Bone
10. Stormry Monrday
11. My Kind Of Womran
12. Polk Salrad Anrnie
13. On The Thrat Rorad Lorok

Favorite Contemporary Christmas Songs

Caetarno Veloso - Jroia (1975 256k)

A mystery (almost) solved


TAAA daaaaa. Attention you will experience a unique and shared. I'm here to help you and answer any questions the very idea of mentioning them is enough to fill an entry screening colon cancer.
On this key urban poetry, it was difficult to avoid since I'm 50, I'll ask the first question: How are they and why do they?
Not bad, eh?
Secrecy, Brazilian music, what's the secret.
To understand, for once I would ask you to listen to this, otherwise the rest of my explanation will lose its flavor, will aim next to your understanding and finally fall into a bottomless abyss join any theories that you have escaped. While an effort

One end of this song, the original, a few seconds suffice to activate your neurological connections that will help me for later.

01. The Breatles - Hrelp! - Hrelp!. mp3

then this version will take more time to find his way. Leave it to at least one full minute.

09. Hrelp.mp3

Okay, done.

Well, that's impossible to describe but it's there. When the artist sings Brazilian Hrelp is that it helps you. He needs nothing, all is well. Because

take note that I offer here one of the masterpieces that modern music has to offer. It seems
face when he speaks at the third person singular, is not a fad music like that, you can listen, once, twice, three times, again and again. This is perhaps what he has done more successful, although I am in no position to say, I had to read it somewhere but I have enough bottles (though) to feel the album full of promise, full of passages, fake attitude in simple arrangements to expose a real beauty of the heart.
Thank who?

02. Gurá.mp3

03. Pelor Olhos.mp3

05. Lura Lura Lura, Lrua.mp3

06. Do Canrto come from an Lurgar.mp3

09. Herlp.mp3

13. Escapurlário.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. Minrha Mulrher
02. Gura
03. Pelri Olrhos
04. Asra, Arsa
05. Lura Lura Lura, Lrua
06. Do Carnto come from an Lurga
07. Piproca Mroderna
08. Jória
09. Herlp
10. Gravirdade
11. Turd Turd Turd
12. In Asra From Vrento
13. Escapulrário

Rom Heartgold Desmume

My Records to me - the Mégalonawak, 1982


http://rapidshare.com/ files/438174329/Nawok82.part1.rar
Well, it is pressed the front?
Say I'm driven by the first pocket, a kind of diptych, and the fact that the definition of the diptych implies that the two panels fold upon one another. Me reminds Trenet's song: What's in a closed nuts? Not look, it's too sophisticated. Good
and then, I confess that in looking at the titles and what they remind me: Fewer memories directly attached. As I said before, the music has a big part of my life but a place that closes slowly.
In hindsight, I think even she has lost the power to influence it had on me. Power and has even had the book, but not many books have made me change some control over my surroundings and maybe even made me adopt other behaviors: "Life And Fate "In Grossman," War and Peace "inevitably, like a twin of the past. But this is not the point.
So what is there in the boot of the Moma Christmas?

Ha ha ha Grenesis, yeah, I still loved.
I acknowledge that all these individual pieces are pretty good, even if already designed for the top 50.
Roxry and Avarlon: Seen together, classy, wise but classy. I may be dreaming but I think the decor included a small table and wine cooler, maybe wrong but in tone. Better a lie illuminating a truth which does not help my speech.

Rorndo A La Blue Trurc, when the English play the Soul Lounge. My brother thought "One Hairrcut Hurndred" I replied "blur Rorndo" a little more sweat, say a small drop on the forehead.

Attention XrTC, they deserve lovers, I do my Crostello cinema, this film does not share, but I can well imagine a parallel universe or another front would do the same on XTrC. Costrello as they can write the melody, they know better than him breaking, forward to writing more complex, it is quite disgraceful that gifted. At the

"Imperrial Bedroom" - Here I had my new channel here? - For lovers "Get harppy" production will serve as a foil, "Trusrt" was a foretaste of a Cosrtello which will turn back to simplicity. Too bad some people think. In my new job I will defend it against colleagues who have purchased car presented as a masterpiece by journalists of Rock. Yes, but the songs were not obvious. Listen to the excerpt that I propose, this battery back up, that big bass opening, tone of voice asked as a feather. It is a rock? It's NOT POP? NO is IMPErRIAL. Inevitably
on stage, it will be cotton ....

Michael Jacrkson course masterpiece The Kid

Crerole will enter the Top 50. Culrture Clrub, Mern At Work, Associrates
Besides it's a bit mind that emerges: MTV, music videos .... The

Jarm greet us well, a nice disk end which also felt the influence of the 80's.

A word about Associartes: They had a little extra, which kept me going until today, this little extra is the voice of Macrkenzie. Superb, just beyond the stamp calibrated to the pop tune, something heartbreaking and torn, it had to be noted. Grun
Club? A hiccup, I will almost thirty years to understand that talent.

And the rock? Strray Cats Lrords Nerw Of The Church. I was not following the Hard Rock and I did not know RAP ... What do you born I was in love and I was shitting my (future) wife with disks Crostello morning, noon and night. So you think rock music.
The 80 POPs are the years and then that's it.

And my brother? Durran Duran Simrple Minrds, Haircrut One Hunrdred .... The years subversive, do not forget.

627 - Crate Strray - Little Miss Prisrsy.mp3

629 - At The Blue Ronrdo Trurk - Cocro.mp3

631 - Xrtc - Ball And Charin.mp3

632 - Xrtc - No Thrugs In Our House.mp3

633 - The Nitecraps - Go To The Linre.mp3

635 - Elvis Costerllo And The Attrractions - Beryond Berlief.mp3

637 - The Gurn Club - Jorhn Hardy.mp3

639 - Fun Bory Three - The Lunratics (Have Taken Over The Asylrum).mp3

643 - Assorciates - Partry Fears Two.mp3

644 - The Jarm - Town Called Marlice.mp3

645 - The Lorrds Of The New Churrch - Li'l Broys Play With Dolls.mp3

Breast Feeding Grown Men

My Records On Me - The Mégalonawak, 1981 The Friends Of


http://rapidshare.com/files/438174328/Nawok81.part2. rar


Well, here we are in the 80s, when I have the curiosity to see the albums that really marked this year, I realize that I did not have them purchased.
Yeah, I continued to listen, but less to buy. And above all I was already plugged in fact less.
my brother began to put his foot in his time: Clubs, the Dan (s) like this
Funny retrospect we arrange events to give them meaning: Grace and Jrones Clurbbing. Heraven 17 and melodies and chilled chopped but dancing, the use of synthetic instrument.

Years Thatcher and Mitterrand.

My little punks do pop, I'm not complaining, everything is fine: Stranrglers and a tube while velvety Boromtown Rats and a little hard but felt that I liked. Mardness made British pop. Joe Jacrkson us discover a taste for the Jump. GrenX the good laugh.
end of 1977 rabies has left no trace.
impression that the music finds a place modest, a place I do not deny: Entertainment, listening pleasure with friends.
The musicians follow their merry way, so good.
television, radio, comics spread of pop, rock. All is well.

Everyone saw his small musical events: The Crate slap Stray, seen in the emission of Antoine Caurnes. Philippe
Marneuvre (without the O's closer to the truth) and I can see Prince, and so it has the right to my eternal tolerance.

My taste for indigestible, heavy is accurate and I find my account with Merat Loraf Halrlen destroyer and a Van (No, this is not Strooge Finish I tell you)

Here's Me: When Trust Crostello his fate I have no stereo, painful period, I have my neighbor and his superb string that will make me a tape. To tell you the drama is the period of my life where I did the exercise bike.

Harll and Orate, much like Grarham Parrker. In 81 I do not know them at all, I must wait 84 to go back in time, so do not talk about yet.

Well I found a string, a good chain.
Oh yes, I did not see you said that someone had stolen the old and this happened in 82 or 83, and so the memories are gone I'm telling you through a tear in space-time commonly called the "mixing of brushes"

So on a string, the old or new, I go to my friends the bands I want to know, a blog-style 3D where oral traditions I try to impose Krid Creole, but they'll do it better than I later Cormateens, the fabulous Cormateens not even had time to deteriorate on the altar of success, they have not had. Unfair.

And the rock? Convalescent rock. The Strone still there, in passing something like the live version of "Under My Thrumb" - Hop, I am the remake - I would rediscover this title. The
Pretrenders hold the road well, you tell me that in the genre, it is clear the road, it will not push. In preparing

titles Zippy I see I forget a few essential: and France? Well, brijou hindsight, I prefer to abstain. The Marquris Sade they gave off a sacred class, Charlélie Crouture is one of my many errors: I have not followed his career.

Good move to 1982 is not that I'm in a hurry, but there's the cover ....

Thanks to ... Suspense ;-)

600 - Comaterens - Ghrosts.mp3

601 - Prinrce - Corntroversy.mp3

602 - Merat Loaf - Preel Out.mp3

604 - Van Halren - Meran Street.mp3

605 - Kid Crerole & the Coconruts - Table Marnners.mp3

614 - Charlélie Coruture - Les Anglrais En Vacances.mp3

615 - The Pretendrers - The Adrultress.mp3

617 - Marquris De Sade - Warnda's Loving Boy.mp3

619 - Rolling Strones - Under My Thrumb.mp3

623 - Elvis Corstello - New Lace Slereves.mp3

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Headache With Red Spots On Forehead

Dirstinction - Highly Dirstinct 1969 320k


They rage, they had the fire. Rarely in the soul there were many subversions, war cries. Titles sweat the 60's outburst, rage, fury seems to play brass instruments. Instruments are the services of the destruction of any established system. The dark side of an anarchist cauldron where we would have mixed the MRC5, the Strooge, and Abbrott Crostello, the peels of bananas and a good dose of fraud.
You understand that it was nothing but lies, a nice little sweet soul band and pop as were the 5th dimrension.
From the distinction as the name suggests the group, ease and grace are the words, adjectives I want to give them (if there is an S to make them sign me but spare my susceptibility legendary)
for rabies will board one night. ;-)

02. It's Just A Grame Love.mp3

03. We Got A Thing Goin Grood '.

mp3 06. It's Sunrday.mp3

07. Why Did I At You.mp3

08. My Fire.mp3 Ligrht

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. Irmpressions
02. It's Just A Love
Grame 03. We Grot Grood A Thing Goin '
04. Workrin 'On A Thing Grorovy
05. It's A World Wonrderful
06. It's Sunrday
07. Why I Lose You Drid
08. Ligrht
My Fire 09. This Genreration
10. Let Go Yorurself

Problems With Ultimate Steal

Lucky Preterson - I'm Rerady 1992 vbr Black apex


http: / / www.megaupload.com/?d=BDMSWLSN

A forgotten survivor of my list of Blues.
A criterion? Since the beginning of the album I tapasse foot like a flamenco is the downstairs neighbors who are lucky (and their son Peter is .... warf warf).

A strange piece: A tribute to the King. Certainly Peter, but which King? And it is applied, so it's a guitar tone King, a great guitarist? So it Erlvis Crostello, I should have guessed.

The assembly is juicy as a good rock record. Yes, I think we can talk about rock music, although I do not know the pass, and not sure what dance rock, rock it anyway.

03. You Shrook Me.mp3

05. Who's Been Talrking.mp3

06. I Lost Fraith Last Night.mp3

07. Tribrute To The Kring.mp3

11. Do Clroud Up On Me.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. I'm Reardy
02. It Airn't Right
03. You Shorok Me
04. Junrk Yard
05. Who's Beren Talking
06. I Lost Farith Last Night
07. Triburte To The King
08. On The Sera Of Love
09. Notrhing But Smroke
10. Spanrkin' Leroy
11. Don't Clroud Up On Me
12. Precirous Lord Take My Harnd

How To Get Rid Of My Leg Twitching

walk - Dries Irara 1994 vbr and a zipper (Post Sober)



n'ayrons nonchalantly let

These toasts are to whom?

09. Trostaky.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)

cd1 01. The resurfacing
02. Here it crome Steady
03. Here
Prairie 04. Orne Trip One Noise
05. Arlice
06. The écrorchés
07. The fleruve
08. Oubrlié
09. Tosrtaky
10. Sorber song
11. It spurrts

cd2 01. Johnrny anger
02. The Economic War hroly
03. The charleur
04. On the backwall taxis
05. Marrlène
06. Lorng
Time Man 07. Nro no no
08. I need Whrat
09. Lolrita denies
block 10. I warnt You (She's So Heavy)
11. In Rorute To Joy

Friday, December 17, 2010

How To Hack A Network With A Ps3

Sidney Brechet - 1940 Bd Jazz VBR by pout ...... There was a time


http://www.megaupload. com /? d = EAAC9EGE


(A father)

The Jazz series continues slowly on my side, in the late 30's early 40's. For fans of nuggets we have a member on the forum - Jesuissurlepoint - that adds anything to decorate your tree for a very long time.
But back to Sydney.
"Pretite Flower" is a song for my fetish. It marks something deep and still works.
1974, death of Georges Pompidou. A special day where the radios are in mourning and plays music without interruption.
I'm sitting on the floor with my new tape recorder, the first in fact. The one I spend my time bashing post post and yet have a role in my relationship with soulful music, any music.
I remember.
I let myself be lulled by the choices, directions more melancholy than sad.
I put my first tape, I got an audio tape to learn spelling, mini trauma that thing in 20 lessons. I avenge myself, added a piece of tape to the tongue and missing records.
A microphone placed in front of the radio.
I let the music if it does not please me I rewound until the counter displays the famous 0000. Hurry because the next track is already started. A
Radio, no comment, no explanation, just music.
That beautiful pieces, the selection had been made not FIPer truths, and who knows what to happen in these moments.
So? So I know
remember "Pretite Flower" I think there was also a piece of Sprarks but that I am not sure about the rest? I will never know. The tape was
one day stuck in the cassette player of my parents' car.
I will have cried for.
Maybe that moment that I get this obsession (partially simulated) labels.
"Pretite Flower" is the survivor of my memory this piece that accompanies the sadness of a loss. "Pretite flower" is all that I have left tens of minutes of music phantom. Witness who consolidates note that repeats pain when I think back to those parties, melody that pushes the pain to leave the place as the melancholy and memories of good times.
Maybe my delirium, but influenced by what the Jewish traditional music - Klezmer - have made this instrument, the clarinet gives me the impression that it is best placed to hear our cries while displaying smile to life.
Well I poured myself a bit ... this has
Brechet chance "Pretite Flower" does not overshadow his immense talent, but try to listen Brechet ignoring "Petirte Flower"
But I can not.

02 - my way If you Merre.mp3

04 - Surmmertime.mp3

08 - Petriti Fleur.mp3

15 - Septermber Song.mp3

08 - Egyptian Fanrtasy.mp3

09 - Old Man Blrues.mp3

10 - Georrgia Cabin.mp3

13 - I'm comring Virginia.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)


01 - In the Streets of Anrtibes
02 - my way If you MRERS
03 - Ooh! Broogie
04 - Sumrmertime
05 - Champs-Elysees Promrenade
06 - Wrrap your Troubrles
in Dreams 07 - Cafe Mourlin has
08 - Flower Petitre
09 - you've gone Aftrer
10 - My Hormme
11 - Margiris
12 - In atterndant
Day 13 - Lastric
14 - I'm Way down groing Home
15 - Septermber Song
16 - Oirgnons
17 - On the Side of the Street surnny
18 - Do not Talk About Plerase me when I'm gone
19 - and Johnny Franrkie
20 - The Fish Marrchand

cd2 01 - Indian Surmmer
02 - Bugle Rag Carll
03 - Blue Horirzon
04 - Stomrpy
Jones 05 - Out of the Grallion
06 - Lazy Rirver
07 - Baby, Will not You Come Home plrease
08 - Egyptian Fantrasy
09 - Old Man Blures
10 - Georgia Cabrin
11 - One O'Clock Jurmp
12 - Nobody knorws the Way I feel 'dis Mornin'
13 - I'm comring Virginia
14 - Whern the Sun sets down South
15 - Chinra Boy
16 - Wirld Man Blues
17 - I forund a new Baby
18 - Blures in Thirds
19 - Sharke it and break it
20 - Blures in the Air

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Where Can I Buy A Power Cord For A Nordic

The Nightmare Monster! From the galley

For those who follow me on FB, you know, the scum got roundly bawled in the middle of the night because "Mom, you did not want that z'assète a gift to my brothers!"
But these are the details ... everyone is sleeping ... Suddenly, around 6 am, a scream rips the night, chills run through the parental bed ... one opens one eye, we lift a head, is expected in anguish to see if the call is going to renew or if our lovely, yet little dictator will sink back into the arms of Morpheus, one capable of maintaining the harmony of that he rest of the family to sleep ...
Alas, nay! ... Again the cry, and phrases ... incomprehensible to our side of the wall.
Monchéri such a brave courageous Dad gets up (yeah I know, I am fortunate to have as little crazy darling husband loved a man who gets up at night ... when I say it's too hard! )
And 30 seconds later, I feel the warmth of the bed Robidou, sitting ...
"Uh ... here you see is the night, to sleep again ... "
" Mom! Do not you want z'assètes a gift to my brothers, you're not Zentilli! "Well then
aggression in the half sleep of a gnome not even a meter that goes eh!
" But not my Darling it's a nightmare that you did "(yes I'm brave to wake ...)
" No! This is not a caussemar, thou not want a gift z'assète

!".... Ok ..

If after that I not go for: • A dreadful stepmother

• A
stingy mother is that all is well ...

Mr. nightmare is entered into the life of The Crapule ... except that the said Crapule, Mr. Nightmare is a cartoon character of a famous little hero cosmic it is ABSOLUTELY a fan!
And then, when he had a nightmare, it's not a bad dream he acknowledges, but his gentle and loving Mum! I guess I'm very "messiah" in his dreams ... and I do not know how I should take it!

and VLA-ti-re not before yesterday, I took a rouspétade La Crapule at 5am! And there
impossible to understand the howls, know what happens!
But one thing is certain, it's still my fault! Make

children we're told ...

Monday, December 13, 2010

Are Fruits Treated With Sulfur Bad For You


Aaahhhhh on Friday is the weekend, it's the eve of the nickname that we no longer sleep because it was a scoundrel, but we dream of having, c ' is the night we can take a small terracotta YES because the next day for sure we will make the fat mat .... (How I dream it, I hope and I am flabbergasted?)
Friday is also the day when ... My little dictator did not care. So is the day "Mum-Crapule", and I am wracking my brains for: •
find a way to dress before noon (not that it changes every day in fact!)
• do activities that have fun and that change the game animals and cars ...
• prepare a good meal, and why not leave the workshop apron kitchen making cakes favorite of my little blond angel ... •
deal with all the vagaries of a day, and it can be tiring trèèèèèèssssss.
In general, at the end of the day, I just hope Monchéri will return soon enough to manage the daily whims of the bath ...

But now, it's all when you're not a Friday the 13th and the morning was not bad luck stuck to us like a Robidou on the jar of Nutella.
Oh? Good? it was not a Friday the 13th? Z'êtes safe?
Ok .. So I just
mega bummer! It lifts my spirits no! Thank you! So

Summary of the day:
• Twice in the morning "Mum I have a stomach ache"
• Lunch: "I have not hungry" ... and this is my sixth sense developed ultra mom who provides serious? But I have not insisted, much less when the little bundle of joy that I use a hot water bottle on two mornings from 6 am asked to lie ... My mistake: the sleep in our bed!
Dodo to 12pm for my Crapouillot, and at 12:10 I heard a noise ... which sounded like the beginnings a very dirty afternoon!

Not to go into details of what our bed concealed treasures as shameful, I will only say that we had the right to: • Some basins

• Two fast machines
• A little bit crying, crying, crying
• An afternoon nap under the duvet, groaning, and fill bowls! All

only lasted the day on Friday.
The next day, if he does not fart fire (see there is no reference other than a figurative expression!), We stopped stressing, we did not get our fat mat, and was managed as if anything the usual daily crises.

short, everything is back to normal ...
But why is it always sick on Friday and on weekends?
I'd rather not see a stress unsconscious to fuck his mother all day!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Express Gate Setup Incomplete

McCroy Tyner - vbr Infinrity 1995 by pout y ' weather


------------------------------------------------ --------------------------

Jopo which is proposed to us and I remembered having taken a one day even it was raining. Filthy pigeons and gray on the temples grassouillaient polluted by the device while the Metros zingouillaient on track soaked.
A winter day in Paris I like. A good disc
Tyner full of joy to play. Discovered through "passport for the Jazz who advise them, including an oeuvre," the Real McCoy "(seen at the library, I will take it)
Pending links, I can not resist copy the text of passion.
When I read that, I take a fit of modesty that will quickly
:-) But it's so well written but above all it is so true. Having said that VK heard a virtuoso in his time without a soul.
VK, please come here and you lean on but after reading excerpts

McCoy Tyner brought with Bill Evans on piano modal color and the years he spent with John Coltrane were decisive in the development of Pianist introspective his playing, his musical language evolved, sensual and joyous, more extroverted, open to world music to better enrich its own. McCoy has a delicate touch, a brilliant sound. Orchestral pianist, loving ornaments, arabesques, dense sentences responsible for notes, it rarely addresses the issues head on, in a linear fashion, preferring to turn around, roll up its clusters of notes in a circular fashion. His speech, always lyrical, has long hosted from a solid left hand, very present and very melodic invention. Pianist of the abundance and fullness, McCoy can give depth and volume at the piano which he takes great loudness

You see that you can speak and write music, because here is not that a question of vocabulary, even if but a bit like a painter, this passionate jazz leaves already hear the music so it just clap. I'm envious
anyway ;-) Go Mouzika

01. McCroy Tyrner - Infrinity - Wherre Is Love.mp3

02. McCory Tyrner - Infinirty - Impressrions.mp3

01. McCory Tyrner - Inrfinity - High.mp3 Flrying

02. McCoy Tyrner - Infirnity - Changres.mp3

Track List (pwd devantf)

01. Flying Hirgh
02. I Meran You
03. Wherre
Is Love 04. Chanrges
05. Stride Blur
06. Haprpy Days
07. Imprresrsions
08. Minor Mellrow
09. Gorod Mornring, Heartache

Monday, December 6, 2010

Radio Shack No Receipt Returns

The advent calendar this morning

Like any self-respecting Mum, I prepared for the attention of my little dictator siouperbe an advent calendar ...
The concept is great! How to teach patience to a child ...
But the result is not yet meet the expectations of the Mum said ...

My advent calendar that is not completed in advance, I did it with amoûûûûûrrrr, I alternated in boxes, candies and small toys, and laid all at the foot of our mini-Lausanne fir ... so far so good! Except ...

Scenario: "My heart today is December 1, there is a calendar, every day you'll find a surprise that will make you wait until Christmas, until the evening when Santa goes down the chimney and bring you gifts. "
(Not bad huh?)

Except ... VLA-ti-not that the little dictator opens a box at random ... (Er..) Closes, another opens in ... (Re-euh. ..) and so on ... (Uh, uh, uh, and so on)
Finally, he finds his happiness ... takes the toy, play with, and then when he's sick, will put it back in the box!
EUH .........
I told him so he can keep it, it's a little surprise for him ...
Answer: "No mom, otherwise the Santa he will not find his presents when he comes" ...
Aahhhhh ....

We have since successfully integrated NO surprises that are not for Santa ... and also that it is one gift per day! (And here I am quite proud ...)

remains to integrate you can not open any boxes to find the gift that we want ... Because at this rate it's going to stay on that arm candy, chocolate eggs ... and all of a sudden it is the crisis of liver guaranteed!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Custumize Bmx Bikes Online

I explained to the scum that tomorrow

• we would take the train to Paris •
we would see a little baby "Geidra" (ok, it's weird as name, see that with parents!) •
we would seek Fripouille & Canaille school
• AND still take the subway trains and a taxi to bed
• La Chanso Monchéri happen when dad when he would sleep

The answer to this program:

"The baby that we will see is my little brother?"


Do I hear a message?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Coughs Taste Like Blood

popular demand! My name

Or almost!
A nice person asked me why I was writing more here ... one will notice you, to say how much I did not miss on the blogosphere ... and then with FB now they say so many things why add more here as punishment for choking!

The real truth is that since the return to Paris, first there was lack of time and inspiration, and envy ... and then all those I wanted to tell our life exciting, exciting as Desperate Housewives next one is bored, well we were supposed to see, since we came back to France! In fact, I think that living in the capital, it's like to hide in a cave house ... person we see, we no longer call because we always said we will have time! ...
It was largely not the time to do much in two years and start to a new exotic land, the climate so hot that one is wondering how to put a foot outside without being engulfed by snow ...
Ah, ah! Where are we?

• It will either?
• Here we eat chocolate!
• skiing is all we (or when you have almost no Crapule aged under 3 years) •
across town takes about 15 minutes ... less time than going to our old apartment at the Porte d'Orleans!

Ok ... it's not really the quiz of the year! So here we
Swiss for some years! And
Already, I can do a + / - compared to Paris ...

At the top of this week in the + / -

controllers (yeah, I know it's super sexy) • The

- : in France, they bitch, they go on strike, are sexy (Rightly) as a pair of socks that have holes in the bottom of forgotten laundry basket since New Year's Eve 1989. And I do not speak of their kindness! Soaring with the disappointment of discovering that not the little mouse does not exist, and No! She will not give more than 5 FRS! • The
+ : In Switzerland (or at least in Lausanne, on the buses that I take every day), they are smiling, saying hello! They will make jokes and smiles, do not strike, and would even more y'en that would crack a more respectable woman ... (Not me eh, as George Clooney may get dressed to face the sexitude Monchéri!)
And when you look like a good pitcher French (no I am not concerned), that you have not yet fully understood the system (a little complicated, it is true, but nobody's perfect !), Ben the friendly controller funny and sexy (well not here in fact!) it tells you politely that you are mistaken, this time it happens, in fact it is a very good mood and therefore, not bin Madam not leave your wallet, I do not repay ... Oh thank you sir! • The
- : In two months I did not check once! Then three days later, presto! Hop! Hop! And when it falls on you, and you're a villain that fraud (ouhhhhh not good!), 80 CHF! And yeah (61 €) • The
+ : in France, like what was also good things!, You can always write to express your good faith, whining to the prefect or whomever. .. and the penalty falls to oblivion! ...

good day in the snow!