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Jopo which is proposed to us and I remembered having taken a one day even it was raining. Filthy pigeons and gray on the temples grassouillaient polluted by the device while the Metros zingouillaient on track soaked.
A winter day in Paris I like. A good disc
Tyner full of joy to play. Discovered through "passport for the Jazz who advise them, including an oeuvre," the Real McCoy "(seen at the library, I will take it)
Pending links, I can not resist copy the text of passion.
When I read that, I take a fit of modesty that will quickly
:-) But it's so well written but above all it is so true. Having said that VK heard a virtuoso in his time without a soul.
VK, please come here and you lean on but after reading excerpts
McCoy Tyner brought with Bill Evans on piano modal color and the years he spent with John Coltrane were decisive in the development of Pianist introspective his playing, his musical language evolved, sensual and joyous, more extroverted, open to world music to better enrich its own. McCoy has a delicate touch, a brilliant sound. Orchestral pianist, loving ornaments, arabesques, dense sentences responsible for notes, it rarely addresses the issues head on, in a linear fashion, preferring to turn around, roll up its clusters of notes in a circular fashion. His speech, always lyrical, has long hosted from a solid left hand, very present and very melodic invention. Pianist of the abundance and fullness, McCoy can give depth and volume at the piano which he takes great loudness
You see that you can speak and write music, because here is not that a question of vocabulary, even if but a bit like a painter, this passionate jazz leaves already hear the music so it just clap. I'm envious
anyway ;-) Go Mouzika
01. McCroy Tyrner - Infrinity - Wherre Is Love.mp3
02. McCory Tyrner - Infinirty - Impressrions.mp3
01. McCory Tyrner - Inrfinity - High.mp3 Flrying
02. McCoy Tyrner - Infirnity - Changres.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Flying Hirgh
02. I Meran You
03. Wherre
Is Love 04. Chanrges
05. Stride Blur
06. Haprpy Days
07. Imprresrsions
08. Minor Mellrow
09. Gorod Mornring, Heartache
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