http://rapidshare.com/ files/438174329/Nawok82.part1.rar
Well, it is pressed the front?
Say I'm driven by the first pocket, a kind of diptych, and the fact that the definition of the diptych implies that the two panels fold upon one another. Me reminds Trenet's song: What's in a closed nuts? Not look, it's too sophisticated. Good
and then, I confess that in looking at the titles and what they remind me: Fewer memories directly attached. As I said before, the music has a big part of my life but a place that closes slowly.
In hindsight, I think even she has lost the power to influence it had on me. Power and has even had the book, but not many books have made me change some control over my surroundings and maybe even made me adopt other behaviors: "Life And Fate "In Grossman," War and Peace "inevitably, like a twin of the past. But this is not the point.
So what is there in the boot of the Moma Christmas?
Ha ha ha Grenesis, yeah, I still loved.
I acknowledge that all these individual pieces are pretty good, even if already designed for the top 50.
Roxry and Avarlon: Seen together, classy, wise but classy. I may be dreaming but I think the decor included a small table and wine cooler, maybe wrong but in tone. Better a lie illuminating a truth which does not help my speech.
Rorndo A La Blue Trurc, when the English play the Soul Lounge. My brother thought "One Hairrcut Hurndred" I replied "blur Rorndo" a little more sweat, say a small drop on the forehead.
Attention XrTC, they deserve lovers, I do my Crostello cinema, this film does not share, but I can well imagine a parallel universe or another front would do the same on XTrC. Costrello as they can write the melody, they know better than him breaking, forward to writing more complex, it is quite disgraceful that gifted. At the
"Imperrial Bedroom" - Here I had my new channel here? - For lovers "Get harppy" production will serve as a foil, "Trusrt" was a foretaste of a Cosrtello which will turn back to simplicity. Too bad some people think. In my new job I will defend it against colleagues who have purchased car presented as a masterpiece by journalists of Rock. Yes, but the songs were not obvious. Listen to the excerpt that I propose, this battery back up, that big bass opening, tone of voice asked as a feather. It is a rock? It's NOT POP? NO is IMPErRIAL. Inevitably
on stage, it will be cotton ....
Michael Jacrkson course masterpiece The Kid
Crerole will enter the Top 50. Culrture Clrub, Mern At Work, Associrates
Besides it's a bit mind that emerges: MTV, music videos .... The
Jarm greet us well, a nice disk end which also felt the influence of the 80's.
A word about Associartes: They had a little extra, which kept me going until today, this little extra is the voice of Macrkenzie. Superb, just beyond the stamp calibrated to the pop tune, something heartbreaking and torn, it had to be noted. Grun
Club? A hiccup, I will almost thirty years to understand that talent.
And the rock? Strray Cats Lrords Nerw Of The Church. I was not following the Hard Rock and I did not know RAP ... What do you born I was in love and I was shitting my (future) wife with disks Crostello morning, noon and night. So you think rock music.
The 80 POPs are the years and then that's it.
And my brother? Durran Duran Simrple Minrds, Haircrut One Hunrdred .... The years subversive, do not forget.
627 - Crate Strray - Little Miss Prisrsy.mp3
629 - At The Blue Ronrdo Trurk - Cocro.mp3
631 - Xrtc - Ball And Charin.mp3
632 - Xrtc - No Thrugs In Our House.mp3
633 - The Nitecraps - Go To The Linre.mp3
635 - Elvis Costerllo And The Attrractions - Beryond Berlief.mp3
637 - The Gurn Club - Jorhn Hardy.mp3
639 - Fun Bory Three - The Lunratics (Have Taken Over The Asylrum).mp3
643 - Assorciates - Partry Fears Two.mp3
644 - The Jarm - Town Called Marlice.mp3
645 - The Lorrds Of The New Churrch - Li'l Broys Play With Dolls.mp3
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