Korea :
unpretentious little film is my little Yanyan who advised me and I thank for this idea.
At first glance it is clear that G & T has a lot of quality, a four-friendly humor often well seen and well proportioned, a bit of action, a bit of romance, all the elements being given a moderate dose so that the film is ultimately a pleasant look.
and this time it is, is a good time before this film but it is obviously not free of defects ...
Defects that are unfortunately Assé brooms, it is difficult to say anything bad about this feature because we feel that the intention of making a good thing there is but we must bow to the obvious.
I deplore the lack of credibility so obvious, I know it's good humor, he should not take everything in the first degree and need to know where to cut corners but to force the round one this goes squarely up with a golf ball.
So do not be surprised to see countless items inconsistent and unfair, then of course they will say "Is that it prevents back in action" and answer "yes unfortunately" because there really are very big parts.
We pass quickly on the few passages warmed in terms of humor because this perspective the film is solid, well-fed this there are even passages that made me one howl with laughter but few jokes do not fly, not because they are bad but because they are overused .. .
I also regret the fact that some characters other food too, so the hero and his brother has become much too large in the plot to the detriment of the other 2 (especially the driver who is useless must recognize it).
Finally (and I will stay there for the negative points) some scenes are really long (notably Opera), I know there is a desire to do something grandiose but ultimately it falls flat, and this scene seemed Assé boring.
Rest humor (again) effective, good actors and an interesting scenario and without the fuss .... ah Gong Hyo Jin, and also my darling, I was surprised to see here.
All this put together can make Guns & Talks a little film likeable, unpretentious but nice.
Violence: A bit but nothing bad.
Sex: No sir.
Shocking: No more.