Vietnam :

vision Cyclo me want to immerse myself in "At the Height of Summer" (and not the horizontal summer as I said in my previous post, sometimes I'm lame, do not watch lol) and it looked like quite a while since I had not seen I could appreciate it a fair value, rediscover just what need to remember and not remember.
As I said before ALVDE therefore is a real jewel, a marvel and secondarily in the same style as Saving Face x1000 but in power.
Thus the film tells the story of three sisters in different destiny, each treated in a continuous narrative but in different ways as is so you can guess what story it is without even having to show the face of the protagonist (also a scene very well made this one of the sisters with a veil over his face and despite that it does not a second to guess who it is).
one point of view of style found a bit of everything, Tran Anh Hung (who was also the real Cyclo, I recall the absent-minded or those who have not followed the entire course of the blog) has its technically inspired many great directors, some scenes are very Kim Ki-Duk (the scene of the veil), the other very Wong Kar Wai (the scene where you see a link outside and inside his brother with the portion of the wall cutting the image into two) ...
It is perhaps not inspired but in any case there are strong elements specific to these two directors, voluntary or not we do not blame him as the result is sublime, restrained, intelligent and poetic, the film starts each day with the story of Link and his brother who is in my eyes the most beautiful story of brotherhood never worn on a screen.
ALVDE The advantage is definitely its quiet side (another element that approximates Saving Face) everything progresses smoothly, even the dramatic elements are discussed with great gentleness.
Everything is served on an amazing soundtrack (I can put the end credits song looped for hours).
result is clear from the film head charge reverie, on a typical end to Mr Hung, who can (seem strange to the uninitiated but get very interesting when you know the director (to better understand what I mean, it takes at least see the real movie 2).
Only criticism I can make it, the film is perhaps a bit too long, it's not a big flaw because you are not bored and the story is well controlled but I would think some scenes might be shortened a little to be more fluidity.
Having it's nitpicking, this film is all so worship me, by the way thank you to Mai Lan for letting me know discover (even though I know she will never see this message I am a thank-principle) and thus making me discover the Vietnamese cinema is a very high quality, besides, I do regret that the Philippines have no real talented.
If you like movies that can speak something other than the misfortune of others, this film is a must ...
Violence: Niet
Gender: Nada
Shocking: Absolutly not
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