Korea :
Second cartridge Yun Je-Gyun (réalistaeur Sex is Zero) Crazy Assassins allowed me to see a bit more widely that it could be real, even if I hated SIZ, I always prefer to have a second impression (to the extent that everyone has the right misfire).
Crazy Assassins hand with cards so different since this action was taking place in medieval times but do not mistake the concept remains the same GloBall of beautiful babes, jokes unheard of heaviness and a scenario relatively poor.
Yet this Crazy Assassins want a hair better than its predecessor (Or a bit less bad, cross as appropriate), to be precise there are some really interesting characters (the two hostages are really funny but at the end, but I'll) and the ghost are really very funny and endearing , although the humor is fast on a full turn, failing to renew it.
If we engaged a global vision of the film we see that the beginning is really funny and very good Assé (some gags fall flat but overall is nice, with a special mention for the scene of the nightclub which is downright excellent), the medium is just average and the ending is pathetic.
The causes of this "evolution" are numerous beginning with the script and more specifically the narrative as a whole is too turned to the drama, in fact it seems that the director could not have decided this the style of the film, as if he was saying "Good going, it's a comedy" and the next scene, "Oh do not it will be a tragedy" ...
The result is inevitably uneven as far as the dramatic scenes are often poorly designed, can be controlled and hollow, you can not just style and it does not agree to Yun Je-Gyun.
The second just because of humor "corny" and "pee poo" nonexistent at first, but pointing the tip of his nose in the middle of the film to fully assert itself at the end.
The Real has remained a big kid and it's something that can work if it's just a single scene but the level of jokes that do not start already very high (but has the merit of staying funny) to beginning will soon take a dip titanic reaching the floor, or even start digging ...
Ducoup more we approach the end and the film becomes more cumbersome, especially since the best characters in the film lose interest in, Hostages less funny because affected by the syndrome "humor CP" and virtually non-existent ghost of that last part.
Result Crazy Assassins is a bad movie but borders on average, better that Sex is Zero, but it's still bad.
Too messy, too feeble humor, only the first 20 minutes of film are interesting and funny the rest is more or less a throw (but with higher wholesale anyway) ...
said the team is almost the same as for SIZ, including actors, we found lot from this movie and it's sad to say but many are excellent in the lot (I'd have to see "real films "with these players).
Well, now I can say I do not like movies Yun Je-Gyun ...
Violence: Not
Gender: Not Shocking
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