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Part 2 of the interview that gave me Robert Blondin for his 19th book, "Cursed Happiness."
You searched extensively in the esoteric and have not found happiness in "The Secret"? I invite you to listen more "religiously" the conversation gave me one called "Canadian Tire of Happiness." Looking for a simple tool box to coax happiness? You could buy what will probably become your latest bedtime reading: "Cursed Happiness."
* Website Communipomme Robert Blondin → http://www.communipomme.com
** Humor
Jean-Marie Bigard , official website → http://www.bigard.com/
Yvon Deschamps , discography on the website "The Lyricist " → http://www.leparolier.org/quebecois/classartistes/y/yvondeschamps.htm
** Music
Charles Dubé , the play "Be well" → www.charlesdube.com
-Glenn Gould , "Goldberg Variations, on Wikipedia Bio → http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glenn_Gould
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