Japan :

It's rare when an artist I support the dice early, usually because to me it can not be found on some titles, so I will do for the first time, which is all the more exceptional because it is a Japanese artist (those who know me will know my views on the Japanese song apart from a few good elements (Or as Rurutia Sasagawa)).
short, Kanon Wakeshima is an artist just starting his career and when you look at the surface can not be surprised that I faced a story on it, because it was not won this shit.
First Kanon is produced by Mana, a musician, singer /""""" """"" Japanese
evolved in groups Malice Mizer and Moi dix Mois following Visual Kei movement.
To explain what the Visual, they are kinds of singing drag queen (rarely) or screaming (mostly) on a fly in the music wallpaper, carpet and tile, the equivalent of heavy metal in the West.
Let's not beat around the bush, I hate Visual style may have near as much as I hate their music, each of these taste but my eyes are shit out of bar ...
Mana care prod and therefore the composition of music (which at first sight does not want too) and Miss sports a gothic lolita (and yes they have lots of styles too weird these Japanese ) that does not repel me as much as the visual, but I can not find much to top ...
And when you told me about the first time I was saying "you'll see you'll like" I then watched some biography produced by Mana ... ... Gothic Lolli ... I told myself, this is crazy in my mouth?
Well no because when you read what makes you better realize that the first girl of 19 years playing the cello since the age of 3 years (not bad at that age where I'm at Fishing booms ... ) and she just released a single 3 titles containing the song "still doll" that I find very promising (and it's nothing to say).
As an example worth all the words I asked the title still doll, it is very hard applaudient:
-Hello still doll, so you're the first single from Kanon Wakeshima a quick note to our viewers tonight?
-Well I'm excited, I did not expect to be invited, I want to thank my family who really helped me and my guinea pig who died last summer because that I had shaved all the hair ...
then-still doll, you've already worked with a dishwasher and a tablespoon, what is it like to team up with a camera?
-Well that's all new to me but what Kanon doing really well, she does not have an exceptional voice in itself but is a musician of madness, as our viewers will see, even though composed Mana (it may fall powdered sugar just for that), in short a great artist who promises a great career if she does This leaves too much influenced by trends most brutal and unconventional, a kind of derivative Rurutia sides for "dark" but maintains a personal style yet.
I monitors ready and I will keep you informed of what gives his career ...
-Thank you "still doll" we meet next week for discussions on clotheslines, and good evening more ...
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