South Korea :
South Korea: The popularity of President Lee Myung-Bak is collapsing because of his ultra-conservative politics. The power hardens.
Coast unpopularity of Lee Myung-Bak continues to grow. Government confusion about the resumption of U.S. beef imports, his obsession about building a giant canal through Korea, the North Korean policy unintelligible, his willingness to be conciliatory vis-à-vis excesses of Japanese nationalism and strengthen ties with the United States, his nepotism, are all elements that cause the anger of citizens. Evening events at the candle multiply Ganghwamun. The police are violent.
These important topics are accompanied by meaningful symbolic decisions, such as its decision to stop funding a research committee on historical Korean collaborators during the Japanese occupation, many of which are close to the political family of Lee.
Two surfers guilty of too violently criticized the president have been tried, and ordered to pay fines. A student who had applied for permission for a demonstration has been questioned by police and has been convened by the director of his school.
The persistent fear of a regression, a return to the hard years of the Korean generals is noticeable.
Deriving from the business world (he was president of Hyundai Construction up 92), who came to politics late in life, and with an image of ultra-efficient because of its industrial past, Lee was appreciated for work when he was mayor of Seoul (Chonggyecheon and bus lanes), took advantage of the great unpopularity of his predecessor Roh, and was finally elected on the presumption that he would revitalize the Korean economy . It remains today perhaps to understand that does not support a country like we manage an industrial conglomerate.
Source / Author: Korea Travel
Posted Thursday, May 29, 2008, by jesusparis
Following these events brutal clashes with security forces that are committed to peaceful protests are made welcome with batons and water cannon, I particularly wanted to pass this info because it is often forgotten or watered down by the press, whether local or foreign.
If someone has an influence on any French media that will be great to make up the info, I expect it will require verification info ect but it'll be good to look at this situation which I think is important already to denounce methods of local police who of course received orders from above and which are unforgivable for a country like South Korea (I recall that at the base of South Korea is a country with almost as many free law than France), but also because the event could well lead to a historical fact, as was the case in France in May 1968 .
a video about the police violence against peaceful demonstrators .
An article (in Korean) relating these same violence.
Another (still in Korean).
An astonishing video .
In which a Korean police officer giving instructions to these men.
Translation: " Hit the old, women and disabled but only when you do not watch or record. If anyone ever manages to shoot yourself, grab it and confiscate the camera. "
Some additional pictures
Information confirmed by a friend still.
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