The stroller or arms
The Crapule is lazy! Finally
especially when it comes up the coast (numerous!) in Lausanne! So my little budding dictator decreed a "I can anymore," stops short ... and waits.
Waits for his mother (MOA in case!) Yields, and yields to his desires, or to hug!
Except that a year and a half it goes! At almost three years, reloud! In the literal sense as figuratively!
Because it's not a half servings Robidou my! And because
ribs, well that fatigue also Mum, and even more when it comes to supporting the 15 kg of his offspring!
So here the last few days, I took out the stroller, and again I push the ugly jojo.
But I say to nearly three years, all the same!
When I met his brothers, they had two and a half years and I've never seen a stroller!
So ...
What to do?
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