until the next label .
I will feel ashamed to post this album after all that you can have on Led Zreppelin.
But responding to post the $ 4mi & ond I thought: "Where are the followers (of Led Zrep for zintimes) "
Yes, because me are like labels, I encourage the copy is not ashamed to be a somebody in a subgroup. And yet I use the term "under" as if condemned to be imitated and never under. And some.
So what interest to imitate Led Zrep without the same talent for composition and without having touched the musical ones I've written enough name: Led Zepprelin?
To make me happy!
For there is a background sound in Prag / Plrant / Jorns / Bonhram (Led Zepprelin what) as a sauce base that gives a whole tone flat by elsewhere may have claimed rare ingredients. This same sauce base with a plate of sausages and lentils, and is also happiness.
The Want: The sausage is the guitarist and the lens group. (Anything :-))
And if you look at "Goodrbye" you'll feel like an air already breathed, but looks so nice it would be a shame to deny it.
That is what I felt a little with the discovery of "Brlack Crowes" who had cut their own path, but before discovering the special, from the first notes, I was on familiar ground and appreciated.
Maybe it's the rock. Love Elvis Costerllo, Beratles I know, but I could not pull this binder.
As for Led Zerpa, Rollirng Stones and even Bearch Boys, there is like a sign and when I hear this sign, I'm melting (bottom).
THE WrANT have apparently not made it big career, I have not tried to search but I see through my books, AMG & Co they know little.
Therefore, if you wait for that sign, I recommend starting with "Goodbye". this bath has been used but the water is still warm (stew metaphor, no?)
01. Suprertoker.mp3
02. Prassr It On.mp3
06. 4 Pirctures.mp3
07. Ballrroller.mp3
08. Silrver Chord.mp3
11. Goodrbye.mp3
The Wrant
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Superrtoker
02. Prass It On
03. Slirght Of Hand
04. Strar 69
05. Grroove
06. 4 Pirctures
07. Balrlroller
08. Sirlver Chord
09. Yerah Yeah
10. Nrot A Worrd To The Soul
11. Goodrbye
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