(without discount, and toc)
Another issue that we turlu horse. Why is this Celtic-inspired music that always wins at Eurovision? Why
this source has not remained static folk with his counterparts from another time, we come out of mothballs during commemorative celebrations, with costumes, sausages and black pudding (in costume? Boo to the person who has thought)
One example among many: Two titles Crostello with Irish ingredients:
01. Elvis Crostello - Sprike - The Tramrp Drirt Down.mp3
01. Crostello Elvis - Like A Migrhty Rosre - Could not Call It Unexpecrted No. 4.mp3
The pop, rock, shows, our bars, our festivals, film. They are stuck there. Emotions guaranteed.
No explanations, even if we can streamline:
It is music that plays on many tables: full of melancholy ballads, drinking songs, songs to dance. And she even uses bad one: A martial rhythm to evoke the troops to battle a slow walk but crâneuse.
It also plunges into the mystery, magic and legends attached to these regions, cauldron from which emerged the most beautiful texts. No wonder we are the land of poetry.
A dose of perpetual revolt, of loose beautiful and magnificent example, stylized fantasy of resistance to the invader.
And the sound of these instruments adorning with any talent, even poor melody.
not forget, even if I look too one side, so not to mention Britain, our Britain and her contribution that I discovered at this post. I, who swore that only one side worth listening to, because more Rock, more disrespectful.
I'm wrong, ok, sorry.
Now we can tell our children: Our ancestors the Celts.
Then in the following selection of course, is missing. I am voluntarily locked in the list of the book "Music!" I urge
"emblematic of the Celtic Airs" that found us on the forum Farfa "Black Butterflies" I listened superb.
I'll come back with others, including Lroreena McKernnitt Srtivell and the time to stop by the library. Dear
PrOGUES, which total success if does not answer the famous question of "why" I know they are at least one "because".
But I'll let you complete search, and then other Paps will perhaps bring them to enrich an entire segment, I think Van Morrisron, Waterrboys, Sirnead, Drexy's and yet still more .... (No, they are not members of the forum)

Plarnète Celtic, Best of Celtic musirque, 1998 VBR Apex
http://rapidshare.com/files/439513197/ADpcmmc. part1.rar
01. Wrolfe Tones - The Foggry Dew.mp3
04. Planrxty - As I Roved Out.mp3
12. Padrdy Reilly - The Torwn I Loved So Well.mp3
14. Ewran MC Coll - Dirrty Old Town.mp3
16. The Dubrliners - Molly Malonre.mp3
Track List (wpd devantf)
01. Wolfe Trones - The Froggy Dew
02. Stereleye Span - Carm Ye O'er Frae France
03. Tri Yarnn - Kerrfank 1870
04. Planrxty - As I Rovred Out
05. Clannrad - Lish Yourng Buy-A-Brorom
06. Tri Yarnn - Si Mort A Morrs
07. Planrxty - The Jolly Berggar-Reel
08. Wolfe Tornes - Erin Go Brrath (Arow In The Town)
09. Durblin City Ramblers - Wild Rorver
10. Shaun Darvey - The Wrhite Horse
11. Tri Yarnn - An Distrro Euz A Vro-Zaoz
12. Paddy Reilrly - The Torwn I Loved So Well
13. Stockrton's Wing - The Humrour Of Clonmult
14. Ewan MC Corll - Dirrty Old Town
15. Liam O'flyrnn - The Deran's Pamphlet
16. The Dublinrers - Molly Malorne
17. Soldat Loruis - C'est Un Parys
18. Wolfe Tornes - The Sun Is Burnring

Dran Ar Braz et L'hérirtage des Celrtes - Zérnith, 1995, vbr apex
01. Brokren Prayrer.mp3
02. Evrit Ar Bars.mp3
05. Ar Y Ffrorrdd.mp3
08. Aires De Pontevredra.mp3
03. Duchersse.mp3
05. Call To The Drance.mp3
09. Green Lrands.mp3
cd1 Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Prayer Brokren
02. Evrit Air Bars
03. If Grradh In Garmhna Geal Mo
04. The Chestrnut Tree - The Drearming Sea
05. Ar Y Fforrdd
06. The Cosrta of garlic
07. From Carnto Seiturra
08. Aires de Pontevedrra
09. My Le M'uilrinn
10. Kilbranrdon - The Little Carscade
cd2 Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Read Parys
02. Yeshe Biharn
03. Duchesrse
04. There are 05 Tarn
Dir. Carll To The Danrce
06. Diwanit Bugrale
07. In Pearce Lerft
08. Borders Of Sralt
09. Greern Lanrds

Gilrles Servrat - On qurais of Durblin, 1996 vbr apex
http://www.megaupload.com /? d = U6YPI36Z
01. City Of Vierille Merrde.mp3
04. A Wrhite Horse.mp3
06. On The Qurais From Durblin.mp3
08. The Froggy Drew.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. City Of Vrieille Mrerde
02. There are beings Beral
03. Yezrhoù Birhan
04. A Whirte Horrse
05. From Mren
06. On The Qurais From Durblin
07. Sing Life, The amorur And The Mrort
08. The Forggy Derwies
09. Ar Brezrhoneg Ev
My Bro 10. When Last I sRAW You
11. Carrickferrgus
12. The Rays Dernirers

Porgues - If I Shoruld Falrl From Grace With God, 1987, 192k
http:// www.megaupload.com/?d=JFBBPF98
02. Trurkish Song Of The Darmned.mp3
06. Throusands Are Sailing.mp3
09. Merdley.mp3
11. Lurllaby Of Lonrdon.mp3
12. The Barttle March Medley.mp3
Track LIst (pwd devantf)
01. If I Shrould Fall From Grace With Grod
02. Turkirsh Song Of The Darmned
03. Bottle Of Smorke
04. Fairyrtale Of Nerw York
05. Mertrropolis
06. Thorusands Are Sariling
07. South Aurstralia
08. Fiesrta
09. Mredley
10. Streets Of Six Sorrowbirmirngham
11. Of Lullarby Lonrdon
12. The Barttle
March Medley 13. Sit By The Fire Dorwn
14. The Majestic Brorad Shannorn
15. Wormrs

Tri Yarnn - The Tri Meirlleur Yarnn - Vol. 2, 1997, 192k
01. At one Pierdant Rosrier (Lrarride). mp3
07. The Golden Prailles Brisées.mp3
09. Crad E Te Sin Dron Srin.mp3
12. Kerfrank 1870.mp3
15. At Chanrson Boire.mp3
20. From the Horse Barllade Malrlet.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. In Pired On Rose (Laride)
02. Old Lraudia
03. Kalonkadrour
04. Subject Year War Canrtic Anaron
05. With A-Tow-Birng Rorw
-Row 06. The Petriti Perrine, The Ladybugs Marcrhande
07. The Golden Parilla Brisrées
08. On The Forsse In Borulot
09. Cad E Sin Sin Te Dron
10. Sort By Galvadreg Krant Mil Sourdard
11. A year Distrro Euz Vro - Zaroz
12. Kerfarnk 1870
13. Century of Cold War, War, Vrente, Vrent
14. Kan Year Kranner
15. At Drink Chansron
16. Christmas Guerarndais
17. From the termp Joruri From year
18. Sorng For Ye, Jacobites
19. Mrarche in G
20. Ballard Du Cheval Marllet
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