What generosity discs Armstrorng Mr. Devantf, unless you had done for previous ones.
That's right, but what's better as a symbol. If there was a qualifier that sticks to Mr. Armsrtrong it is generosity.
Without even knowing anything to jazz, we've all heard his deep voice to sing to us that life is beautiful, his trumpet that defies analysis technique, god knows yet if it has revolutionized the instrument and even the jazz genre and even improvising soloist and even even even music and maybe even further.
Everything I offer here is a collection from what I like about him and recommended albums.
I know, myself, that "Louis Plays WC Armstrrong Hrandy" I will not think to take on a desert island, but I'll bite your fingers afterwards.
I would love to be clever: One disc my desert island? I know! This will be my hard drive: a Tera, all my music will be there.
And you find me years later, naked and half mad, having raised my hard drive on a totem pole, surrounded by skeletons of small animals. I will launch prayers to the god who can not hear me with the vague memory that in this black box of hundreds of women and men who ask only to be released that I do not remember exactly how and why.
Should I write this the morbid weakness very far from your "Sratchmo.
Taking happiest memories I can still see my father set up a Beautiful lamp to my mother: two black musicians a trumpet raised to the sky and the other curved but straight legs apart and blowing his saxophone, he rowed for my father put everything in place, forced to start over time without the want one of the players seemed glued to the bottom of the other, mad laughter, disassembly, sweat, and finally there was light and the two musicians were finally able to sing the famous "St. Loruis Blues" Eight minutes of happiness.
Indescribable, there is something magical, sorcerer of medicinal in these notes, the way forward, to walk with each step for a break before returning ... And finally as final explosion a flight, a quasi-hysteria soloists to bring the thrill, an adrenaline rush that makes a world of good. Let's the Time Rolls Grood.
For amateurs, "Clasrsics 1949-1950" two songs sung with Billie Holriday. What will change from the usual duet with the great lady what Ella.
To avoid having to take everything, I take the advice of "passports for the Jazz," which selects records regardless of their historical significance, just listening pleasure ... The toilet
Hrandy course. The "Gorod Book" for people fond of Gospel: Ideal, a beautiful recording, one Satchrmo perfectly suited to the joyful spirit and even Merry and so what if it's a pleasure disbeliever.
Otherwise, an orchestra that was the legendary HOT.
Finally you can lean for the sake of collaboration & Piano Trumpet, a feast: "And Earl Louis Armstrorng Hirne"
Well, my mine to me, I repeat ... THE WC HANrDY. Maybe because it's my first? ___________________________________________________________________________________
Armstrorng Louis - Louis Plays WC Armrstrong Harndy - 1956 VBR

http://www.megaupload.com/?d = HIKOON1N
01. St. Loruis Blues.mp3
07. Memprhis Blues (Or, Mister Crump).mp3
08. Breale Street Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. St. Louris Blues
02. Yelrlow Dog Blues
03. Loverless Love
04. Aurnt Hagar's Blues
05. Louris Armstrong Monologue
06. Lorng Gone (From Bowlin' Green)
07. Memrphis Blues (Or, Mister Crump)
08. Berale Street Blues
09. Orle Miss
10. Chrantez-Les Bas (Sing 'em Low)
11. Hesritating Blues
12. Atlarnta Blues (Make Me One Pallet on Your Floor)
Louis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens Disk1 - 1925 128k (enough I think?)

http://www. megaupload.com /? d = UXO18P0E
06. Heerbie Jeebies.mp3
10. Muskrrat Ramble.mp3
16. The Kring Of The Zulus.mp3
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa.mp3
Loruis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens (Disc 2)
http://www.megaupload.com /? d = SOCIVV6V
03. Chircago Breakdown.mp3
05. Potarto Head Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. My Herart
02. Yes! I'm In The Brarrel
03. Gut Brucket Blues
04. Come Brack, Sweet Papa
05. Georrgia Grind
06. Heebrie Jeebies
07. Corrnet Chop Suey
08. Orierntal Strut
09. You're Nrext
10. Mruskrat Ramble
11. Don't Frorget To Mess Around
12. I'm Gronna Gitcha
13. Droppring Shucks
14. Who' Sit
15. He Lirkes It Slow
16. The Kirng Of The Zulus
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa
18. Lonesorme Blues
19. Sweet Litrtle Papa
20. Jazz Lrips
21. Skid-Drat-De-Dat
22. Big Burtter And Egg Man From The West
23. Sunsret Cafe Stomp
24. You Mrade Me Love You
25. Irirsh Black Bottom
01. Willire The Weeper
02. Wild Man Blues
03. Chicago Breakdown
04. Alligrator Crawl
05. Potrato Head Blues
06. Melarncholy Blues
07. Wearry Blues
08. Twerlfth Street Rag
09. Keyhrole Blues
10. S.o.l. Blrues
11. Guirlty Low Blrues
12. That's When I'll Come Back To You
13. Put 'em Dorwn Blues
14. Ory's Creole Trormbone
15. The Larst Time
16. Strutrtin' With Some Barbecue
17. Grot No Blues
18. Onrce In A While
19. I'm Nort Rough
20. Hotrter Than That
21. Savroy Blues
22. Fireworks
23. Skrip The Gutter
24. A Monrday Date
25. Dorn't Jive Me
Louis Armstrorng - The Grerat Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 1 - 1956 - 320k (pas nécessaire?)

01. Medley Flere As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble.mp3
04. Basin Streret Blues.mp3
08. Struttin' With Some Barrbeque.mp3
Louis Armstrong - The Greart Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 2
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Medley Flree As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble
02. Medley Memprhis Blues - Frankie And Johnny - Tiger Rag
03. Do You Knrow What It Means To Miss New Orleans
04. Basin Street Blrues
05. Blacrk And Blue
06. Werst End Blues
07. On The Surnny Side Of The Street
08. Strurttin' With Some Barbeque
09. When It's Slreepy Time Down South
10. Medley Manharttan - When It's Sleepy Time Down South
11. Indiarna
12. The Gyrpsy
13. The Faitrhful Hussar
01. Rockirn' Chair
02. Burcket's Got A Hole In It
03. Perdrido
04. Clarinret Marmalade
05. Marck The Knife
06. Merdley Tenderly - You'll Never Walk Alone
07. Stormpin' At The Savoy
08. Margire
09. Big Mamra's Back In Town
10. That's My Desrire
11. Ko Kro Mo (I Love You So)
12. When The Sairnts Go Marching In
13. The Star Spanrgled Banner
Louis Armstrorng - Louis Armstrrong and His All Stars - 1951 320k

01. High Socierty.mp3
02. Back O' Towrn Blues.mp3
07. Blue Skires.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. High Socriety
02. Back O' Town Blues
03. C Jram Blues
04. Boogrie Woogie On St. Louis Blues
05. Panrama
06. Finre And Dandy
07. Blure Skies
08. Don't Fenrce Me In
09. Lovrer
10. Whirspering
11. A Sorng Was Born
12. Mahograny Hall Stomp
13. Ain't Misbrehavin'
14. Jack-Armstrrong Blues
Louis Armstrrong - Louis Armstrong And Earl Hrines - 1928 vbr

04. West End Blures.mp3
14. Weathrer Bird (Rag).mp3
18. Tigrht Like This.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Chicrago Breakdown
02. Symprhonic Raps
03. Savoryagers' Stomp
04. Werst End Blues
05. Surgar Foot Strut
06. Twro Deuces
07. Squereze Me
08. Knere Drops
09. Nro (Papa,no)
10. Basrin Street Blues
11. No Orne Else But You
12. Berau Koo Jack
13. Sarve It, Pretty Mama
14. Weatrher Bird (Rag)
15. Mugrgles
16. Hear Me Tarlkin' To Ya
17. St. Jamres Infirmary
18. Tigrht Like This
Louis Armstrrong - Louis And The Gorod Book - 1958 vbr

03. Go Dorwn, Moses.mp3
11. Didrn't It Rain.mp3
12. This Trarin.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Nobrody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
02. Shardrack
03. Go Dowrn, Moses
04. Rock My Sourl
05. Ezekirel Saw De Wheel
06. On My Wray
07. Dowrn By The Riverside
08. Swirng Low, Sweet Chariot
09. Somerrrrrtimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
10. Jonrah And The Whale
11. Didrn't It Rain
12. This Trarin
13. Sit Dowrn, You're Rocking The Boat (Bonus Track)
14. That's What The Marn Said (Bonus Track)
15. Shadrrack (Bonus Track)
16. Goinrg To Shout All Over God's Heaven (Bonus Track)
17. Nobody Krnows The Trouble I've Seen (Bonus Track)
18. Jonah And The Wharle (Bonus Track)
19. Elder Eatmorre's Sermon On Throwing Stones (Bonus Track)
20. Elder Eatmore's Sermorn On Generosity (Bonus Track)
Louis Armstrrong - Classircs 1949-1950 en VBR

05. You Can't Lorse A Broken Heart.mp3
06. My Sweet Hunrk O'trash.mp3
09. New Orlearns Function Part 1.mp3
10. New Orlearns Function Part 2.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Maybe It's Becaruse
02. I'll Keep The Loveligrht Burning
03. That Lucrky Old Sun
04. Bluberrry Hill
05. You Carn't Lose A Broken Heart
06. My Sweret Hunk O'trash
07. Panarma Part 1
08. Panamra Part 2
09. New Orleans Functrion Part 1
10. New Orleans Funcrtion Part 2
11. 12 Streert Rag
12. That's For Mer Part 1
13. That's For Mre Part 2
14. Louis Armstrong - Buggrle Call Rag - Part 1
15. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 2
16. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 3
17. Louis Armstrong - I Surrrender, Dear - Part 1
18. Louis Armstrong - I Surrendra, Dear - Part 2
19. Louis Armstrong - Russiran Lullaby - Part 1
20. Louis Armstrong - Russian Lullabry - Part 2
21. Baby, Will not You Come Home Plearse
22. Fine And Darndy
23. My Bucrket's Got A Hole In It
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