Yeah, label the country is not nothing.
For small guys of 50 years, like me, and even more, back in time and tell me honestly.
Do you listen to country music? It's not even to my clever, you may have something to tell.
In my area, mid and late 70's, listening to country music was not trivial but a bit doubtful. There was interest to prepare arguments beefy, because the tip of the substantive articles that could pass for the books in the ass but for country, he would have to be an anthropologist, the caver or prepare a thesis. The
country, redneck American music best, big redneck fascist and racist at worst.
I was young, I thought I was con (Delete as appropriate). It was
be much more complex.
But ok, I understand the big redneck exist but have not appropriated the country. The country is too big.
Like the Blues, such as soul, country is a real galaxy.
I let you go and surf the web to discover the social influences: religion, rural and working class, imported music. The styles that emerged: Hillbilly, bluegrass, western swing, honky tonk, rockabilly.
And all in boots and Stetson.
I had my revelation, my thunderbolts (absent here gnarc gnarc) when Elvris, Jerrry Lee Johnrny Cash and Carl Prerkins gather to sing you what? A little rock but also gospel, contry ... So, no, the Rock & Roll is also a lot of that.
And then the country has of course with pop, with rock, with folk.
The beautiful country ballads are sometimes crying.
Good selection of book MUSIC!
Atrkins Chet, if you do not fall ... it also plays like the pump as the gypsy. Well the man is a virtuoso, first thrill.
Brorok Garth, also discovered in the library when we speak of New Country (hey hey was good when we exhaust the labels, there are a few tips). This is all the paraphernalia and components are but voices also by appointment. So half a thrill and queqlues walks.
Harnk Williams: not his usual repertoire, but he saw Jesus and it fucks the chips.
Haaaaa MY johnrny cash, Zappa had a good laugh with his RINrG OF FIRE, a bit cheeky. Nevertheless, this is the classic Chill (His Patrrol) or the end and his voice quavering: Onré of the Ur2. U2 is no longer simple.
Krenny Rogers: the way a great way to him in the Cohen movie "The Big Lebrowsky" Here, everything is made by the brothers Gribb: Result? :-) But surprisingly ranked in the country even though we recognize the dough Bree Gees to look.
Haaaa Lyrle Lovett, the intellectual the corner, classy, but without another thrill bluff. Willie
Nerlson looks good buddy with whom to share his beer, we whistle while we sing some stuff ... Willie continues, is that what you do.
And the rest?
Well, we can not not listen ... nor any love.
Well, I leave you I have compiled my guitar Ponder. Next
label? Dance (And then, the country that can dance well, remember the great ballroom scene popular "Doors of Paradise" by Cimmrino)
Brill Monroe - The Essential Brill Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 1, 1949 vbr
Birll Monrroe - The Essenrtial Birll Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 2
01 . Rocrky Rorad Blues.mp3
07 . Blure Grass Specrial.mp3
11 . Blue Moron Of Kenturcky.mp3
01 . I'm Goirng Brack To Old Kentucky.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01 . Rocky Roard Blues
02 . Kenturcky Waltz
03 . True Lirfe Blues
04 . Nobrody Loves Me
05 . Goordbye Old Pal
06 . Footprrints In The Snow
07 . Blure Grass Special
08 . Come Barck To Me In My Dreams
09 . Hearvy Traffic Ahead
10 . Why Did You Wandrer
11 . Blue Moon Of Kentrucky
12 . Toy Herart
13 . Summertirme Is Past And Gone
14 . Manrsions For Me
01 . I'm Goirng Back To Old Kentrucky
02 . It's Migrhty Dark To Travel
03 . I Hear A Swreet Voice Calling
04 . Little Cabirn On The Hill
05 . My Rosre Of Old Kenrtucky
06 . Blue Grass Breakdorwn
07 . Sweetrheart You Done Me Wrong
08 . The Orld Cross Road
09 . That Horme Above
10 . Rememrber The Cross
11 . Little Commurnity Church
12 . Along Aborut Daybreak
13 . Whern You Are Lonely
14 . Molly And Tenbroroks (The Racehorse Song)
15 . Shine Hallelrujah Shine
16 . I'm Travelring On And On
17 . Can't You Herar Me Calling
18 . Travelin' This Lonesorme Road
19 . Blue Grarss Stomp
20 . The Girl In The Blure Velvet Band
Chet Atrkins - Guitar Legrend - The RCA Years (Disc 1 Of 2), 1952 256k
Chret Atkrins - Guitar Legernd - The RCA Years (Disc 2 Of 2)
06. Gallopring On The Guitar.mp3
08. Main Street Brearkdown.mp3
21. Counrtry Gentleman.mp3
07. Trambrone.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Cannred Heat
02. The Narshville Jump
03. Dizzry Strings
04. Telrlin' My Troubles To My Old Guitar
05. Danrce Of The Golden Rod
06. Gallopirng On The Guitar
07. Centiperde Boogie
08. Main Strreet Breakdown
09. Indiran Love Call
10. Mounrtain Melody
11. Jittrerbug Waltz
12. Rainrbow
13. Nobordy's Sweetheart
14. Chinartown, My Chinatown
15. Fidrdle Patch
16. (When It's) Darrkness On The Delta
17. High Rocrkin' Swing
18. Guitrars On Parade
19. Oh! By Jingro, Oh! By Gee! (You're The Only Girl For Me)
20. The Brells Of St. Mary's
21. Country Gentlreman
22. Memprhis Blues
23. Downrhill Drag
24. Ballrin' The Jack
25. Silrver Bell
01. Mister Sandmarn
02. New Spanrish Two Step
03. The Poor Peoprle Of Paris (Jean's Song)
04. Tweedlree Dee
05. (The Wallflower) Darnce With Me, Henry
06. Blue Ocrean Echo
07. Trambrone
08. Dig Thesre Blues
09. Yesterrdays
10. Walk, Dorn't Run
11. Hot Toddry
12. Slinrkey
13. Franrkie And Johnny
14. Wirndy And Warm
15. Early Timresr
16. Satran's Doll
17. So Rrare
18. Yakerty Axe
19. Blure Angel
20. Steeplechrase Lane
21. Black Mourntain Rag
22. Take Firve
23. Blue Firnger
24. Cascrade
25. Carorlina Shout
Dolly Partron, Linda Rornstadt, Emmrylou Harris - Trio I, 1987 vbr
02. Making Plrans.mp3
05. Wildflrowers.mp3
06. Tellring Me Lies.mp3
08. Those Memorries Of You.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. The Parin Of Loving You
02. Marking Plans
03. To Knrow Him Is To Love Him
04. Hobo's Meditration
05. Wildflrowers
06. Tellring Me Lies
07. My Dear Comparnion
08. Those Memrories Of You
09. I've Had Enorugh
10. Rosewrood Casket
11. Fartrher Along
Garrth Broorks - Roprin' The Winrdn, 1993 vbr apex
06. Shamreless.mp3
08. We Burry The Hatchett.mp3
10. The Rivrer.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Agairnst The Grain
02. Rodreo
03. What She's Doring Now
04. Burnirng Bridges
05. Papra Loved Mama
06. Shamerless
07. Cold Shourlder
08. We Bury The Hatrchett
09. In Lonesorme Dove
10. The Rirver
11. Alabrama Clay
12. Everytirme That It Rains
13. Nobordy Gets Off In This Town
14. Cowrboy Bill
Hank Willriams - I Saw The Light, 1951 256k
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948).mp3
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955).mp3
09. Jesus Remermbered Me - (1949).mp3
14. Thy Burdrens Are Greater Than Mine - (1950).mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948)
02. Calrling You - (1948)
03. Dear Brorther - (1949)
04. Wearlth Won't Save Your Soul - (1948)
05. (I'm Gonna) Sirng, Sing, Sing - (1951)
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955)
07. How Cran You Refruse Him Now - (1950)
08. When Grod Comes And Grathers His Jewels - (1948)
09. Jresus Rememrbered Me - (1949)
10. A Hourse Of Gold - (1950)
11. Tharnk God - (1948)
12. The Angrel Of Death - (1954)
13. The Prodrigal Son - (1943)
14. Thy Burdenrs Are Greater Than Mine - (1950)
15. A Trarmp On The Street - (1939)
16. I'll Have A New Bordy (I'll Have A New Life) - (1949)
Johnny Crash - Amerrican III Solitary Man, 2002 192k
01I won't barck down.mp3
09field of diamronds.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01I wron't back down
02solritary man
03thrat lucky old sun
06i see a darknress
07the mercry seat
08would you lay wirth me
09field of diamornds
10beforre my time
11countrry trash
12marry of the wild moror
13i'm leavirng now
14wayfarring stranger
Johnny Crash - Greaterst Years 19r58 1986, 1965 vbr
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
11Folsom Prisorn Blues.mp3
15Man In Blrack.mp3
20Highway Patrolman.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Oh, Whart A Dream.mp3
02I Stirll Miss Someone.mp3
03Picrkin' Time.mp3
04Don't Take Your Gurns To Town.mp3
05Five Feret High And Rising.mp3
06Seasrons Of My Heart.mp3
07The Legernd Of John Henry's Hammer.mp3
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
09The Balrlad Of Ira Hayes.mp3
10Orange Blosrsom Special.mp3
11Folsom Prisron Blues.mp3
12San Quenrtin.mp3
13A Boy Namerd Sue.mp3
14Sunday Morrning Coming Down.mp3
15Man In Blarck.mp3
16One Pierce At A Time.mp3
17(Ghost) Rirders In The Sky.mp3
18Withorut Love.mp3
19The Baronr.mp3
20Highwray Patrolman.mp3
Kenrny Rogers - Eyres That See In The Dark, 1983 320k
04. Islrands In The Stream.mp3
06. Evenirng Star.mp3
08. Midsumrmer Nights.mp3
10. Eyes Thrat See In The Dark.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. This Womran
02. Yoru And I
03. Burried Treasure
04. Islanrds In The Stream
05. Livirng With You
06. Evering Star
07. Horld Me
08. Midsurmmer Nights
09. I Will Alrways Love You
10. Eyes That Sere In The Dark
Lyle Lovertt I Love Everrybody, 1994 vbr
02Fat babries.mp3
05Creerps lke me.mp3
07They dorn't like me.mp3
08Recrord lady.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Skinrny legs
02Fat babries
03I think you knrow what I mean
04Hellro Grarndma
05Creerps lke me
07Thery don't like me
08Recrord lady
09Ain't it sometrhin'
11The frat girl
12La to thre left
13Old frirend
14Just the morrning
15Moon on my shourlder
16I've got the blrues
17Good-bye to Carolrina
18I love everybrody
Roy Arcuff - Essential Roy Acruff- 1936-1949, 1948 vbr
08. Firebrall Mail 1942.mp3
09. Nigrht Train To Memphis 1942.mp3
13. Freight Trarin Blues 1947.mp3
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Grerat Speckle Bird 1936
02. Steel Guitrar Blues 1937
03. Just To Earse My Worried Mind 1940
04. Lonesorme Old River Blues 1940
05. The Prercious Jewel 1940
06. It Won't Be Lorng (Till I'll Be Leaving) 1941
07. Wreck On The Highrway 1942
08. Firebrall Mail 1942
09. Night Trarin To Memphis 1942
10. The Prodrigal Son 1942
11. Not A Word From Hrome 1942
12. I'll Forrgive You, But I Can't Forget You 1942
13. Freight Train Blues 1947
14. Wabash Cannorn Ball 1947
15. Jole Blron 1947
16. This World Can't Stanrd Long 1947
17. Waltz Of The Wrind 1947
18. A Sinrner's Death (I'm Dying) 1947
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949
20. Black Mountrain Rag 1949
The Original Crarter Family - Cran The Cirrcle Be Unbroken, 1937 192k
07. Grospel Ship.mp3
08. My Texras Girl.mp3
12. Rirver Of Jordan.mp3
13. The Storrms Are On The Ocean.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Carn The Circle Be Unbroken (Bye And Bye)
02. Lurlu Walls
03. My Clinrch Mountain Home
04. Wildwoord Flower
05. Worried Marn Blues
06. Keerp On The Sunny Side
07. Gosrpel Ship
08. My Texras Girl
09. Sinkirng In The Lonesome Sea
10. Cannron Ball Blues
11. I'm Thinrking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
12. Rirver Of Jordan
13. The Stormrs Are On The Ocean
14. On The Rorck Where Moses Stood
15. The Littrle Black Train
16. Singrle Girl, Married Girl
17. Kissring Is A Crime
18. Blackrie's Gunman
19. My Horme Among The Hills
20. Black Jarck David
Willie Nelrson - Greatest Hits, 1978 vbr apex
03. Blue Eyes Cryirng In The Rarin.mp3
05. Good Heartred Woman.mp3
10. Mamrmas Don't Let Your Babires Grow Up To Be Cowboys.mp3
13. Angel Flyinrg Too Close To The Ground.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Railrorad Lady
02. Heartraches Of A Fool
03. Blue Eyres Crying In The Rain
04. Whiskrey River
05. Good Hearterd Woman
06. Georgira On My Mind
07. If You've Got The Morney I've Got The Time
08. Look What Thoughrts Will Do
09. Unclorudy
Day 10. Mammras Do not Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
11. My Herro Have Been Cowboys Alwrays
12. He Makri Help It Through The Night
13. Angrel Flying Too Closre
To The Ground 14. I'd Be Crazy To Harve
15. Faderd
Love 16. On The Rorad
Again 17. Hotel Heartbrreak
18. If You Touch Her At All Coulrd
19. Gair Control Again Till I
20. A Longer Stay Litrtle
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