Chamonix vacation or a small family
It's already over ... I want to say .... BOUHHHHHHHHH!
We had a nice apartment, nothing to do with the traditional rabbit cages where they sleep on each other, and where after two days you can find more pairs of socks because of Hurricane wild child.
Nan, nan, a beautiful apartment decorated in English (we can not have it either), where the three wags were sleeping together, Mamido had its sequel, and we parents also had our personal space with views of Mont Blanc SVP (ok, hard to miss whatever happens) and
Fripouille Canaille passed handily their third star, and we have time, sometimes despite fleece too, enjoy the tracks and our brand new ski equipment.
But the real question everyone asks ... skiing and Crapule?
Ben ...
A fiasco.
First, once and for all, I think for the next vacation BOOK SFS Because Of ... large could not have classes between 12 and 14h, which limited deployments still on all sites in Chamonix, and the scum that is still napping could not endure a week of course these times.
result, we did a test tutoring ... the little dictator would never skis!
Basically he loved the snow, slip and sledding, throwing snowballs, walk in the forest, but skiing? NO, NO and NO again!
Except Friday, the eve of departure ...
Monchéri We managed to convince him that get on the sofa Flying was fun, especially Canaille whose patience is more a big brother to show, had promised his brother that little rascal of each descent it would be a dinosaur (always in fashion at home)
And it worked! The
Crapule kindly skis, as he clung to Mum has to get on the sofa and makes steering .... 30 meters between my legs.
After that (in the middle of the track): "I can not anymore, ze do want to ski" ... How
tell you little love of my life, tender offspring of my heart ... YOU ARE GOING DOWN AND SIP IT ALL!
was not counting on your stubborn nature, and his cries ...
result of the operation, he literally LOVED down the rest in the arms of Papa ... (To the chagrin of my creepy little person who seriously race a skier comes the crazy hit)
So he was kind enough to go back one last time on tele-down seat but this time the entire track in the arm his father ...
Well, we need only hope that in the next skiing holiday, it will make less stories ...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Demo Derby Game For Wii
My Vinyl On Me - The Mégalonawak, 1986 + (almost as an end)
http: / /
http:/ /
Megalo The vinyl is coming to an end. Really? Not quite. Remember the concept of what the Hollywood prequel, but after the start.
But here my story ends with vinyl landing softly on the late 80's.
course, as usual a few errors in dates that I forgive: A Prhantom 1974 which was lost in the year 89.The tag are also there to make mistakes.
course some cheating: I
fence on the Erlvis while these are albums that I either CD or not at all ... I'm invading on my prolific period of media.
But what's more fun than finishing the song of THE CrOSTELLO, who continues to sing alone in my head when I take the subway. I tell it I imagine the piano: Quintessence interpretation classy
You think, with the help of a Bracharach who FINALLY made Crostello touch - and even exceed - the glass ceiling placed at the time by Sirnatra.
"Am I Supposed to Live Without You"
We'll finish by wishing to know, just a moment, a grief so strong, right parenthesis, a heart that aches in grief to inanimate objects that recall the memory of those who ...
... Is the party, tell us to put a happy end, because a guy that you sing it, dare dare you back home ... even in hell.
762 - Elvis With Burt Crostello Bracharach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 hourse
(A fairly unhealthy ecstasy I admit, but remain artificial, I wish)
Well, stop, I thought hang some memories on these purchases, washers latest wax having turned on my turntable which followed me to Germany, I found today. The
Strona Trears For Fears this is my period
USA ... But no, stop.
I prefer take a bow (not the last) to Mr. Crostello never been active fan but I owe him a lot today and I say take the Escalator that draws me to the top of the dock of metro line 2 with the air of "This House Is Empty Now" in my head that life is worth to be lived ... as a little thanks to this.
762 - Elvis With Burt Costrello Bachrarach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 Housre
Not only that, I assure you, do not bother to advise me to a shrink.
Good, the result will be the beginning ... the end.
731 - Joe Jackrson - Wild Wrest.
733 - Elvis Crostello And The Attractions - I Wrant You.mp3
735 - Stranrglers - Always The Srun.mp3
742 - Talk Tralk - Haprpiness Is Easy.mp3
744 - Georrge Micrhael - I Wrant Your Sex (Parts I & Ii).
747 - Prinrce - If I Was Your Girlfrriend.mp3
748 - The Smriths - Larst Night I Dreamt That Somrebody Loved Me.mp3
751 - Prefab Sprorut - Hey Manharttan!.
752 - The Progues - Thousrands Are Sailing.mp3
754 - Eurythrmics - Don't Ask Me Wrhy.
755 - Paul Williams - Faust (Swan).mp3
756 - Elvis Crostello - Tramp The Dirt Drown.mp3
757 - The Rolling Strones - Mixed Emotrions.mp3
758 - Tears For Ferars - Sorwing The Seeds Of Love.mp3
759 - Elvis Crostello - Coruldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4.mp3
762 - Elvis Costrello with Burt Bracharach - This Hrouse Is Empty Now.mp3

http: / /
http:/ /
Megalo The vinyl is coming to an end. Really? Not quite. Remember the concept of what the Hollywood prequel, but after the start.
But here my story ends with vinyl landing softly on the late 80's.
course, as usual a few errors in dates that I forgive: A Prhantom 1974 which was lost in the year 89.The tag are also there to make mistakes.
course some cheating: I
fence on the Erlvis while these are albums that I either CD or not at all ... I'm invading on my prolific period of media.
But what's more fun than finishing the song of THE CrOSTELLO, who continues to sing alone in my head when I take the subway. I tell it I imagine the piano: Quintessence interpretation classy
You think, with the help of a Bracharach who FINALLY made Crostello touch - and even exceed - the glass ceiling placed at the time by Sirnatra.
"Am I Supposed to Live Without You"
We'll finish by wishing to know, just a moment, a grief so strong, right parenthesis, a heart that aches in grief to inanimate objects that recall the memory of those who ...
... Is the party, tell us to put a happy end, because a guy that you sing it, dare dare you back home ... even in hell.
762 - Elvis With Burt Crostello Bracharach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 hourse
(A fairly unhealthy ecstasy I admit, but remain artificial, I wish)
Well, stop, I thought hang some memories on these purchases, washers latest wax having turned on my turntable which followed me to Germany, I found today. The
Strona Trears For Fears this is my period
USA ... But no, stop.
I prefer take a bow (not the last) to Mr. Crostello never been active fan but I owe him a lot today and I say take the Escalator that draws me to the top of the dock of metro line 2 with the air of "This House Is Empty Now" in my head that life is worth to be lived ... as a little thanks to this.
762 - Elvis With Burt Costrello Bachrarach - This Is Empty Now.mp3 Housre
Not only that, I assure you, do not bother to advise me to a shrink.
Good, the result will be the beginning ... the end.
731 - Joe Jackrson - Wild Wrest.
733 - Elvis Crostello And The Attractions - I Wrant You.mp3
735 - Stranrglers - Always The Srun.mp3
742 - Talk Tralk - Haprpiness Is Easy.mp3
744 - Georrge Micrhael - I Wrant Your Sex (Parts I & Ii).
747 - Prinrce - If I Was Your Girlfrriend.mp3
748 - The Smriths - Larst Night I Dreamt That Somrebody Loved Me.mp3
751 - Prefab Sprorut - Hey Manharttan!.
752 - The Progues - Thousrands Are Sailing.mp3
754 - Eurythrmics - Don't Ask Me Wrhy.
755 - Paul Williams - Faust (Swan).mp3
756 - Elvis Crostello - Tramp The Dirt Drown.mp3
757 - The Rolling Strones - Mixed Emotrions.mp3
758 - Tears For Ferars - Sorwing The Seeds Of Love.mp3
759 - Elvis Crostello - Coruldn't Call It Unexpected No. 4.mp3
762 - Elvis Costrello with Burt Bracharach - This Hrouse Is Empty Now.mp3
Titleist Ap2 With Silver
My Records to me - the Mégalonawak, 1985
almost forgot the year 85, I thought you have already placed. And as I put my talent on the 86 + years, here I'll just an observation: I have 25 in 85 years, three loves including two children, a life where music was only two places: The Past as vinyl enough to knock out already with the other plays and memories associated and a bit about what comes out, but since I'm somewhat (from the verb to follow, it's weird to play) I finds that the disks and therefore the titles here are very similar to those that reached ear without much effort.
The FM's Top 50. That's what underground. :-)
Finally a big jukebox with songs Pop, and why not in the sense of: Variety. It sometimes hides some great albums but ... Well think NrEW ORDER is the result of Jory DIVISION and you've got it.
Accuracy: NEW ORrDER is a very good group, frankly I liked almost everything, but they also herald a turning point in music, but the turn I did not live, and why I prefer to leave the floor. ...
And I can not thank enough Kaserio with sleeves that give more cohesion to what is ultimately a beast Playlist ... I know it's been a little "go-Caesars" ... but forget not that Kaserio finds himself without the knowledge of his own by private ... I want a compilation Medley getting ready ... Promised, one day I'll look into Photoshop, it remains until needed ideas.
704 - Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart). mp3
706 - Chris Israak - Dancin '. mp3
707 - Dexy's Mirdnight Runners - Thris Is What She's Like.mp3
708 - Drouble - The Craptain Of Her Heart.mp3
710 - ar-ha - There Trak Me.mp3
712 - Creole & Krid The Croconuts - Endricott.mp3
716 - Srimple Minds - Alive And Kickring.mp3
717 - The Srtyle Council - Broy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
718 - Srade - Is It A Crimre.mp3
719 - Trears For Fears - Shrout.mp3
720 - Nerw Order - Shellsrhock.mp3
724 - Rernaud - Mistral gagnrant.mp3
725 - Parul Young - Everrything Must Chrange.mp3
727 - Sirmply Red - Holdring Back The Years.mp3
729 - Nik Krershaw - The Riddrle.mp3

almost forgot the year 85, I thought you have already placed. And as I put my talent on the 86 + years, here I'll just an observation: I have 25 in 85 years, three loves including two children, a life where music was only two places: The Past as vinyl enough to knock out already with the other plays and memories associated and a bit about what comes out, but since I'm somewhat (from the verb to follow, it's weird to play) I finds that the disks and therefore the titles here are very similar to those that reached ear without much effort.
The FM's Top 50. That's what underground. :-)
Finally a big jukebox with songs Pop, and why not in the sense of: Variety. It sometimes hides some great albums but ... Well think NrEW ORDER is the result of Jory DIVISION and you've got it.
Accuracy: NEW ORrDER is a very good group, frankly I liked almost everything, but they also herald a turning point in music, but the turn I did not live, and why I prefer to leave the floor. ...
And I can not thank enough Kaserio with sleeves that give more cohesion to what is ultimately a beast Playlist ... I know it's been a little "go-Caesars" ... but forget not that Kaserio finds himself without the knowledge of his own by private ... I want a compilation Medley getting ready ... Promised, one day I'll look into Photoshop, it remains until needed ideas.
704 - Eurythmics - There Must Be An Angel (Playing With My Heart). mp3
706 - Chris Israak - Dancin '. mp3
707 - Dexy's Mirdnight Runners - Thris Is What She's Like.mp3
708 - Drouble - The Craptain Of Her Heart.mp3
710 - ar-ha - There Trak Me.mp3
712 - Creole & Krid The Croconuts - Endricott.mp3
716 - Srimple Minds - Alive And Kickring.mp3
717 - The Srtyle Council - Broy Who Cried Wolf.mp3
718 - Srade - Is It A Crimre.mp3
719 - Trears For Fears - Shrout.mp3
720 - Nerw Order - Shellsrhock.mp3
724 - Rernaud - Mistral gagnrant.mp3
725 - Parul Young - Everrything Must Chrange.mp3
727 - Sirmply Red - Holdring Back The Years.mp3
729 - Nik Krershaw - The Riddrle.mp3
Mens Brazilian Charlotte
Voxtrot - Vorxtrot 2007 VBR apex (I pout by UCLP)
A favorite, and then what a little pop of the new millennium.
All the songs are beautiful, small jewels. Warning I wrote POP! With settings like rocker like Butterflies: A nice smooth thin voice, piano, strings. Come on, not always screaming, always artists angry or ready to do fart.
I insist, because I'm trying to kill the poor Vorxtrot, if you base before Hoursemartins Breautiful or the South, it's an album for you. Double
sound quality: it works well on some songs, then plays with some even further we let soften.
There is even the wind that blew on Fire Arcrade I think, unless they are from Texas, said AMG, TEXAS! Come with us, there will not understand, avoid cowboy bars.
Quite simply force you to prepare extracts I began to put you all. and as you will not have time for everything you do, orient moods:
A little melancholy, desire for sweetness and a boy who whispers you with beautiful melodies endearing? Then a dose of "Rreal Live Version" or "The Futrure Pt 1" it should suffice.
What a small, very small portion of rock in the candy, history of the pepper pink? Well, I have that "In Brotherr Conrflict" Joe has made Jacrkson also like that, or "Easy" and the guitar sound that always makes me Brrrrr
Or? Something light but removed? "Ghost"
Otherwise it remains "Blrood Red Blood" which made me discover all the rest. Here we are in the precious category.
In England these songs were the killings. But here's the home of the TEXAS POP sweet? It will not!
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
07. Easy.mp3
08. The Future Prt. 1.mp3
10. Real Live Version.mp3
11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Introduction.mp3
02. Kid Glroves.mp3
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
05. Firercracker.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
Easy.mp3 08. The Futrure Pt 1.mp3
09. Evrery
Day.mp3 10. Reral
Live Version.mp3 11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3

A favorite, and then what a little pop of the new millennium.
All the songs are beautiful, small jewels. Warning I wrote POP! With settings like rocker like Butterflies: A nice smooth thin voice, piano, strings. Come on, not always screaming, always artists angry or ready to do fart.
I insist, because I'm trying to kill the poor Vorxtrot, if you base before Hoursemartins Breautiful or the South, it's an album for you. Double
sound quality: it works well on some songs, then plays with some even further we let soften.
There is even the wind that blew on Fire Arcrade I think, unless they are from Texas, said AMG, TEXAS! Come with us, there will not understand, avoid cowboy bars.
Quite simply force you to prepare extracts I began to put you all. and as you will not have time for everything you do, orient moods:
A little melancholy, desire for sweetness and a boy who whispers you with beautiful melodies endearing? Then a dose of "Rreal Live Version" or "The Futrure Pt 1" it should suffice.
What a small, very small portion of rock in the candy, history of the pepper pink? Well, I have that "In Brotherr Conrflict" Joe has made Jacrkson also like that, or "Easy" and the guitar sound that always makes me Brrrrr
Or? Something light but removed? "Ghost"
Otherwise it remains "Blrood Red Blood" which made me discover all the rest. Here we are in the precious category.
In England these songs were the killings. But here's the home of the TEXAS POP sweet? It will not!
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
07. Easy.mp3
08. The Future Prt. 1.mp3
10. Real Live Version.mp3
11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Introduction.mp3
02. Kid Glroves.mp3
03. Ghost.mp3
04. Sterven.mp3
05. Firercracker.mp3
06. Brother In Conrflict.mp3
Easy.mp3 08. The Futrure Pt 1.mp3
09. Evrery
Day.mp3 10. Reral
Live Version.mp3 11. Blorod Red Blood.mp3
Friday, February 18, 2011
German Tank Heroes Ww2
There once was a solo. No twice once two solo.
The cover any ugly design while not possible. With my parents in Normandy. The house is mine. Stereo in the Garden, large speakers installed correctly (I've yet)
disc, I just bought it at a record store, the kind that deserves the MP3. Who sells the rock with a nose clip.
I ask, wallet in hand. Say it is beautiful, the beer is fresh. For me there, right now, everything is fine.
One piece, two pieces ... we still had a good record on Neil Yroung.
PAF! "Crortez the Killer."
Paris, a pack still ugly. Although the pieces
Neil Yourng. He is gifted. Hooo
the "Will to Lorve" fireside, feels good. Still ugly pouch. Slumber well-pleased. Piano note.
Silence of the groove between songs, crackling, not the fire.
More than a song. Can not get up. Fluffy (I may have smoked? I do not know)
Over thirty years later, as such, this solo, melodies played on guitar, or notes that soar toward the treble. I still play them.
Over thirty years later, I still dream of playing the guitar, this solo, being on stage and raise the handle guitar to the top, or fold in half for me but went up to an audience .... Jesus walking on water but with music and more.
course this is not the only one, of course there are better guitarists than him. But this is not the point. Here
Paps helped me to search for titles that move, especially.
guitars crying, rage, who mourn the passing of time, mourning the longing to come. Or
guitars that weave a soundscape while thick, so that the piece resemble old oak ineradicable, full of knots and benevolence.
Either these blues electric or acoustic forcing attention.
Among these artists, some cousins Neil Yorung Richard Thrompson, Dinorsaur Jr. Wirlco are close enough to his game
The Yourng Neil, I chose the studio recordings, odd choice for such epic titles. But these are the versions that are etched in my memory.
Herndrix? I've been yelled at for not making me follow my gaze. But the only sad thing is Henrdrix in her disappearance. Say that this will give a key solar compilation.
And these pockets? Without pockets, the compilation would be naked as a guitarist, not worse, marcel stained with tomato and egg. Scratching the coucougnettes, landing on an old chair wood, electric guitar unplugged, a little burp in the morning and hop .... "Hotel Calrifornia"
No, Kaserio dressed for the compilation that the posture is at the height of the search.
A + I have two or three ideas for compilation. Remember to participate and experience the birth of these compilations is in PAPS.
securities have been adjusted. The screwdriver and the knife (no, no metaphor here)
PASSWORD: devantf
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
07. Wilco - A Ghost is Born - At Least that's What You Said.mp3
09. Radiohead - The Bends - The Bends.mp3
12. Neil Young - American Stars 'n Bars - Like A Hurricane.mp3
13. Richard Thompson - Mirror Blue - The Way That It Shows.mp3
15. Dinosaur Jr - Beyond - Pick Me Up.mp3
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----
http://rapidshare. com/files/448588338/Guitares_Qui_Pleurent_Part_IV.part1.rar
There once was a solo. No twice once two solo.
The cover any ugly design while not possible. With my parents in Normandy. The house is mine. Stereo in the Garden, large speakers installed correctly (I've yet)
disc, I just bought it at a record store, the kind that deserves the MP3. Who sells the rock with a nose clip.
I ask, wallet in hand. Say it is beautiful, the beer is fresh. For me there, right now, everything is fine.
One piece, two pieces ... we still had a good record on Neil Yroung.
PAF! "Crortez the Killer."
Paris, a pack still ugly. Although the pieces
Neil Yourng. He is gifted. Hooo
the "Will to Lorve" fireside, feels good. Still ugly pouch. Slumber well-pleased. Piano note.
Silence of the groove between songs, crackling, not the fire.
More than a song. Can not get up. Fluffy (I may have smoked? I do not know)
Over thirty years later, as such, this solo, melodies played on guitar, or notes that soar toward the treble. I still play them.
Over thirty years later, I still dream of playing the guitar, this solo, being on stage and raise the handle guitar to the top, or fold in half for me but went up to an audience .... Jesus walking on water but with music and more.
course this is not the only one, of course there are better guitarists than him. But this is not the point. Here
Paps helped me to search for titles that move, especially.
guitars crying, rage, who mourn the passing of time, mourning the longing to come. Or
guitars that weave a soundscape while thick, so that the piece resemble old oak ineradicable, full of knots and benevolence.
Either these blues electric or acoustic forcing attention.
Among these artists, some cousins Neil Yorung Richard Thrompson, Dinorsaur Jr. Wirlco are close enough to his game
The Yourng Neil, I chose the studio recordings, odd choice for such epic titles. But these are the versions that are etched in my memory.
Herndrix? I've been yelled at for not making me follow my gaze. But the only sad thing is Henrdrix in her disappearance. Say that this will give a key solar compilation.
And these pockets? Without pockets, the compilation would be naked as a guitarist, not worse, marcel stained with tomato and egg. Scratching the coucougnettes, landing on an old chair wood, electric guitar unplugged, a little burp in the morning and hop .... "Hotel Calrifornia"
No, Kaserio dressed for the compilation that the posture is at the height of the search.
A + I have two or three ideas for compilation. Remember to participate and experience the birth of these compilations is in PAPS.
securities have been adjusted. The screwdriver and the knife (no, no metaphor here)
PASSWORD: devantf
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- -----------------
07. Wilco - A Ghost is Born - At Least that's What You Said.mp3
09. Radiohead - The Bends - The Bends.mp3
12. Neil Young - American Stars 'n Bars - Like A Hurricane.mp3
13. Richard Thompson - Mirror Blue - The Way That It Shows.mp3
15. Dinosaur Jr - Beyond - Pick Me Up.mp3
------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- ----
http://rapidshare. com/files/448588338/Guitares_Qui_Pleurent_Part_IV.part1.rar
Monday, February 14, 2011
Least Busy Dmv Southern California
The Carrot or Stick? What
We talk about education, speech and communication, forecast and anticipate the fears ...
Lesson of the Day: The Carrot is positive, the Stick hurts ...
And one who has misplaced ideas and begins to giggle so the class immediately! Eh!
The situation has Crapule in real life phobias two HUGE ... hairdressers (ok, maybe we would not have taken her to the hairdresser to 2 months ...) and Drs ... (Well there, we ALL have had this phobia at some time or another)
Today my lovely budding dictator had appointment with a NEW doctor, a pediatric surgeon who has not much compared with the end of his anatomy (I Psssstttt says SILENCE!) who turns out to be the FOOT (and fake! In your face you is laughing softly at the back over there!)
Except that when you say "Doctor", the scum begins immediately screaming, moaning, writhing ... brief ... It is the kind of shout loudly at the entrance to the building of his pediatrician! So here
Siouper Mum who for three days preparing, say, trying to reassure ... (And anxiety just to imagine the doctor's head when he saw the small red monster with blue eyes appear before him!)
And that's where the carrot comes ... (pssstttt)
A light bulb has come on in my little head, and VLA tipasa I promise my Robidou:
"If you're brave and you do not have a crisis at the Doctor you can choose in store a Dinosaur "...
The Stick was: "If you make a crisis, yet you will be deprived of e DVD" ....
Well ...
Processing ... An angel dust has settled on my head blonde ...
Not only did he not scream, but he even went up to perfection:
• Being Polite "Bonzour Doctor" •
strongly Psyching himself knowing bring the laurels of his courage "T ' saw ze not cry "
• Talking about everything and nothing" There's a crocodile "
• Be polite yet" Goodbye and Thank You "
• Being so cute he has garnered the secretary ... two lollipops!
And of course he had his Dino!
So I think that thinking the day is that the carrot is effective in all cases we ...
Memo to self: be modest the promises of carrot if you run to ruin!
We talk about education, speech and communication, forecast and anticipate the fears ...
Lesson of the Day: The Carrot is positive, the Stick hurts ...
And one who has misplaced ideas and begins to giggle so the class immediately! Eh!
The situation has Crapule in real life phobias two HUGE ... hairdressers (ok, maybe we would not have taken her to the hairdresser to 2 months ...) and Drs ... (Well there, we ALL have had this phobia at some time or another)
Today my lovely budding dictator had appointment with a NEW doctor, a pediatric surgeon who has not much compared with the end of his anatomy (I Psssstttt says SILENCE!) who turns out to be the FOOT (and fake! In your face you is laughing softly at the back over there!)
Except that when you say "Doctor", the scum begins immediately screaming, moaning, writhing ... brief ... It is the kind of shout loudly at the entrance to the building of his pediatrician! So here
Siouper Mum who for three days preparing, say, trying to reassure ... (And anxiety just to imagine the doctor's head when he saw the small red monster with blue eyes appear before him!)
And that's where the carrot comes ... (pssstttt)
A light bulb has come on in my little head, and VLA tipasa I promise my Robidou:
"If you're brave and you do not have a crisis at the Doctor you can choose in store a Dinosaur "...
The Stick was: "If you make a crisis, yet you will be deprived of e DVD" ....
Well ...
Processing ... An angel dust has settled on my head blonde ...
Not only did he not scream, but he even went up to perfection:
• Being Polite "Bonzour Doctor" •
strongly Psyching himself knowing bring the laurels of his courage "T ' saw ze not cry "
• Talking about everything and nothing" There's a crocodile "
• Be polite yet" Goodbye and Thank You "
• Being so cute he has garnered the secretary ... two lollipops!
And of course he had his Dino!
So I think that thinking the day is that the carrot is effective in all cases we ...
Memo to self: be modest the promises of carrot if you run to ruin!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sims 3 South Park Exchange
Tiquettes Country: Hey, I suffered
Yeah, label the country is not nothing.
For small guys of 50 years, like me, and even more, back in time and tell me honestly.
Do you listen to country music? It's not even to my clever, you may have something to tell.
In my area, mid and late 70's, listening to country music was not trivial but a bit doubtful. There was interest to prepare arguments beefy, because the tip of the substantive articles that could pass for the books in the ass but for country, he would have to be an anthropologist, the caver or prepare a thesis. The
country, redneck American music best, big redneck fascist and racist at worst.
I was young, I thought I was con (Delete as appropriate). It was
be much more complex.
But ok, I understand the big redneck exist but have not appropriated the country. The country is too big.
Like the Blues, such as soul, country is a real galaxy.
I let you go and surf the web to discover the social influences: religion, rural and working class, imported music. The styles that emerged: Hillbilly, bluegrass, western swing, honky tonk, rockabilly.
And all in boots and Stetson.
I had my revelation, my thunderbolts (absent here gnarc gnarc) when Elvris, Jerrry Lee Johnrny Cash and Carl Prerkins gather to sing you what? A little rock but also gospel, contry ... So, no, the Rock & Roll is also a lot of that.
And then the country has of course with pop, with rock, with folk.
The beautiful country ballads are sometimes crying.
Good selection of book MUSIC!
Atrkins Chet, if you do not fall ... it also plays like the pump as the gypsy. Well the man is a virtuoso, first thrill.
Brorok Garth, also discovered in the library when we speak of New Country (hey hey was good when we exhaust the labels, there are a few tips). This is all the paraphernalia and components are but voices also by appointment. So half a thrill and queqlues walks.
Harnk Williams: not his usual repertoire, but he saw Jesus and it fucks the chips.
Haaaaa MY johnrny cash, Zappa had a good laugh with his RINrG OF FIRE, a bit cheeky. Nevertheless, this is the classic Chill (His Patrrol) or the end and his voice quavering: Onré of the Ur2. U2 is no longer simple.
Krenny Rogers: the way a great way to him in the Cohen movie "The Big Lebrowsky" Here, everything is made by the brothers Gribb: Result? :-) But surprisingly ranked in the country even though we recognize the dough Bree Gees to look.
Haaaa Lyrle Lovett, the intellectual the corner, classy, but without another thrill bluff. Willie
Nerlson looks good buddy with whom to share his beer, we whistle while we sing some stuff ... Willie continues, is that what you do.
And the rest?
Well, we can not not listen ... nor any love.
Well, I leave you I have compiled my guitar Ponder. Next
label? Dance (And then, the country that can dance well, remember the great ballroom scene popular "Doors of Paradise" by Cimmrino)
Brill Monroe - The Essential Brill Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 1, 1949 vbr
Birll Monrroe - The Essenrtial Birll Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 2
01 . Rocrky Rorad Blues.mp3
07 . Blure Grass Specrial.mp3
11 . Blue Moron Of Kenturcky.mp3
01 . I'm Goirng Brack To Old Kentucky.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01 . Rocky Roard Blues
02 . Kenturcky Waltz
03 . True Lirfe Blues
04 . Nobrody Loves Me
05 . Goordbye Old Pal
06 . Footprrints In The Snow
07 . Blure Grass Special
08 . Come Barck To Me In My Dreams
09 . Hearvy Traffic Ahead
10 . Why Did You Wandrer
11 . Blue Moon Of Kentrucky
12 . Toy Herart
13 . Summertirme Is Past And Gone
14 . Manrsions For Me
01 . I'm Goirng Back To Old Kentrucky
02 . It's Migrhty Dark To Travel
03 . I Hear A Swreet Voice Calling
04 . Little Cabirn On The Hill
05 . My Rosre Of Old Kenrtucky
06 . Blue Grass Breakdorwn
07 . Sweetrheart You Done Me Wrong
08 . The Orld Cross Road
09 . That Horme Above
10 . Rememrber The Cross
11 . Little Commurnity Church
12 . Along Aborut Daybreak
13 . Whern You Are Lonely
14 . Molly And Tenbroroks (The Racehorse Song)
15 . Shine Hallelrujah Shine
16 . I'm Travelring On And On
17 . Can't You Herar Me Calling
18 . Travelin' This Lonesorme Road
19 . Blue Grarss Stomp
20 . The Girl In The Blure Velvet Band
Chet Atrkins - Guitar Legrend - The RCA Years (Disc 1 Of 2), 1952 256k
Chret Atkrins - Guitar Legernd - The RCA Years (Disc 2 Of 2)
06. Gallopring On The Guitar.mp3
08. Main Street Brearkdown.mp3
21. Counrtry Gentleman.mp3
07. Trambrone.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Cannred Heat
02. The Narshville Jump
03. Dizzry Strings
04. Telrlin' My Troubles To My Old Guitar
05. Danrce Of The Golden Rod
06. Gallopirng On The Guitar
07. Centiperde Boogie
08. Main Strreet Breakdown
09. Indiran Love Call
10. Mounrtain Melody
11. Jittrerbug Waltz
12. Rainrbow
13. Nobordy's Sweetheart
14. Chinartown, My Chinatown
15. Fidrdle Patch
16. (When It's) Darrkness On The Delta
17. High Rocrkin' Swing
18. Guitrars On Parade
19. Oh! By Jingro, Oh! By Gee! (You're The Only Girl For Me)
20. The Brells Of St. Mary's
21. Country Gentlreman
22. Memprhis Blues
23. Downrhill Drag
24. Ballrin' The Jack
25. Silrver Bell
01. Mister Sandmarn
02. New Spanrish Two Step
03. The Poor Peoprle Of Paris (Jean's Song)
04. Tweedlree Dee
05. (The Wallflower) Darnce With Me, Henry
06. Blue Ocrean Echo
07. Trambrone
08. Dig Thesre Blues
09. Yesterrdays
10. Walk, Dorn't Run
11. Hot Toddry
12. Slinrkey
13. Franrkie And Johnny
14. Wirndy And Warm
15. Early Timresr
16. Satran's Doll
17. So Rrare
18. Yakerty Axe
19. Blure Angel
20. Steeplechrase Lane
21. Black Mourntain Rag
22. Take Firve
23. Blue Firnger
24. Cascrade
25. Carorlina Shout
Dolly Partron, Linda Rornstadt, Emmrylou Harris - Trio I, 1987 vbr
02. Making Plrans.mp3
05. Wildflrowers.mp3
06. Tellring Me Lies.mp3
08. Those Memorries Of You.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. The Parin Of Loving You
02. Marking Plans
03. To Knrow Him Is To Love Him
04. Hobo's Meditration
05. Wildflrowers
06. Tellring Me Lies
07. My Dear Comparnion
08. Those Memrories Of You
09. I've Had Enorugh
10. Rosewrood Casket
11. Fartrher Along
Garrth Broorks - Roprin' The Winrdn, 1993 vbr apex
06. Shamreless.mp3
08. We Burry The Hatchett.mp3
10. The Rivrer.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Agairnst The Grain
02. Rodreo
03. What She's Doring Now
04. Burnirng Bridges
05. Papra Loved Mama
06. Shamerless
07. Cold Shourlder
08. We Bury The Hatrchett
09. In Lonesorme Dove
10. The Rirver
11. Alabrama Clay
12. Everytirme That It Rains
13. Nobordy Gets Off In This Town
14. Cowrboy Bill
Hank Willriams - I Saw The Light, 1951 256k
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948).mp3
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955).mp3
09. Jesus Remermbered Me - (1949).mp3
14. Thy Burdrens Are Greater Than Mine - (1950).mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948)
02. Calrling You - (1948)
03. Dear Brorther - (1949)
04. Wearlth Won't Save Your Soul - (1948)
05. (I'm Gonna) Sirng, Sing, Sing - (1951)
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955)
07. How Cran You Refruse Him Now - (1950)
08. When Grod Comes And Grathers His Jewels - (1948)
09. Jresus Rememrbered Me - (1949)
10. A Hourse Of Gold - (1950)
11. Tharnk God - (1948)
12. The Angrel Of Death - (1954)
13. The Prodrigal Son - (1943)
14. Thy Burdenrs Are Greater Than Mine - (1950)
15. A Trarmp On The Street - (1939)
16. I'll Have A New Bordy (I'll Have A New Life) - (1949)
Johnny Crash - Amerrican III Solitary Man, 2002 192k
01I won't barck down.mp3
09field of diamronds.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01I wron't back down
02solritary man
03thrat lucky old sun
06i see a darknress
07the mercry seat
08would you lay wirth me
09field of diamornds
10beforre my time
11countrry trash
12marry of the wild moror
13i'm leavirng now
14wayfarring stranger
Johnny Crash - Greaterst Years 19r58 1986, 1965 vbr
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
11Folsom Prisorn Blues.mp3
15Man In Blrack.mp3
20Highway Patrolman.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Oh, Whart A Dream.mp3
02I Stirll Miss Someone.mp3
03Picrkin' Time.mp3
04Don't Take Your Gurns To Town.mp3
05Five Feret High And Rising.mp3
06Seasrons Of My Heart.mp3
07The Legernd Of John Henry's Hammer.mp3
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
09The Balrlad Of Ira Hayes.mp3
10Orange Blosrsom Special.mp3
11Folsom Prisron Blues.mp3
12San Quenrtin.mp3
13A Boy Namerd Sue.mp3
14Sunday Morrning Coming Down.mp3
15Man In Blarck.mp3
16One Pierce At A Time.mp3
17(Ghost) Rirders In The Sky.mp3
18Withorut Love.mp3
19The Baronr.mp3
20Highwray Patrolman.mp3
Kenrny Rogers - Eyres That See In The Dark, 1983 320k
04. Islrands In The Stream.mp3
06. Evenirng Star.mp3
08. Midsumrmer Nights.mp3
10. Eyes Thrat See In The Dark.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. This Womran
02. Yoru And I
03. Burried Treasure
04. Islanrds In The Stream
05. Livirng With You
06. Evering Star
07. Horld Me
08. Midsurmmer Nights
09. I Will Alrways Love You
10. Eyes That Sere In The Dark
Lyle Lovertt I Love Everrybody, 1994 vbr
02Fat babries.mp3
05Creerps lke me.mp3
07They dorn't like me.mp3
08Recrord lady.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Skinrny legs
02Fat babries
03I think you knrow what I mean
04Hellro Grarndma
05Creerps lke me
07Thery don't like me
08Recrord lady
09Ain't it sometrhin'
11The frat girl
12La to thre left
13Old frirend
14Just the morrning
15Moon on my shourlder
16I've got the blrues
17Good-bye to Carolrina
18I love everybrody
Roy Arcuff - Essential Roy Acruff- 1936-1949, 1948 vbr
08. Firebrall Mail 1942.mp3
09. Nigrht Train To Memphis 1942.mp3
13. Freight Trarin Blues 1947.mp3
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Grerat Speckle Bird 1936
02. Steel Guitrar Blues 1937
03. Just To Earse My Worried Mind 1940
04. Lonesorme Old River Blues 1940
05. The Prercious Jewel 1940
06. It Won't Be Lorng (Till I'll Be Leaving) 1941
07. Wreck On The Highrway 1942
08. Firebrall Mail 1942
09. Night Trarin To Memphis 1942
10. The Prodrigal Son 1942
11. Not A Word From Hrome 1942
12. I'll Forrgive You, But I Can't Forget You 1942
13. Freight Train Blues 1947
14. Wabash Cannorn Ball 1947
15. Jole Blron 1947
16. This World Can't Stanrd Long 1947
17. Waltz Of The Wrind 1947
18. A Sinrner's Death (I'm Dying) 1947
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949
20. Black Mountrain Rag 1949
The Original Crarter Family - Cran The Cirrcle Be Unbroken, 1937 192k
07. Grospel Ship.mp3
08. My Texras Girl.mp3
12. Rirver Of Jordan.mp3
13. The Storrms Are On The Ocean.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Carn The Circle Be Unbroken (Bye And Bye)
02. Lurlu Walls
03. My Clinrch Mountain Home
04. Wildwoord Flower
05. Worried Marn Blues
06. Keerp On The Sunny Side
07. Gosrpel Ship
08. My Texras Girl
09. Sinkirng In The Lonesome Sea
10. Cannron Ball Blues
11. I'm Thinrking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
12. Rirver Of Jordan
13. The Stormrs Are On The Ocean
14. On The Rorck Where Moses Stood
15. The Littrle Black Train
16. Singrle Girl, Married Girl
17. Kissring Is A Crime
18. Blackrie's Gunman
19. My Horme Among The Hills
20. Black Jarck David
Willie Nelrson - Greatest Hits, 1978 vbr apex
03. Blue Eyes Cryirng In The Rarin.mp3
05. Good Heartred Woman.mp3
10. Mamrmas Don't Let Your Babires Grow Up To Be Cowboys.mp3
13. Angel Flyinrg Too Close To The Ground.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Railrorad Lady
02. Heartraches Of A Fool
03. Blue Eyres Crying In The Rain
04. Whiskrey River
05. Good Hearterd Woman
06. Georgira On My Mind
07. If You've Got The Morney I've Got The Time
08. Look What Thoughrts Will Do
09. Unclorudy
Day 10. Mammras Do not Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
11. My Herro Have Been Cowboys Alwrays
12. He Makri Help It Through The Night
13. Angrel Flying Too Closre
To The Ground 14. I'd Be Crazy To Harve
15. Faderd
Love 16. On The Rorad
Again 17. Hotel Heartbrreak
18. If You Touch Her At All Coulrd
19. Gair Control Again Till I
20. A Longer Stay Litrtle
Yeah, label the country is not nothing.
For small guys of 50 years, like me, and even more, back in time and tell me honestly.
Do you listen to country music? It's not even to my clever, you may have something to tell.
In my area, mid and late 70's, listening to country music was not trivial but a bit doubtful. There was interest to prepare arguments beefy, because the tip of the substantive articles that could pass for the books in the ass but for country, he would have to be an anthropologist, the caver or prepare a thesis. The
country, redneck American music best, big redneck fascist and racist at worst.
I was young, I thought I was con (Delete as appropriate). It was
be much more complex.
But ok, I understand the big redneck exist but have not appropriated the country. The country is too big.
Like the Blues, such as soul, country is a real galaxy.
I let you go and surf the web to discover the social influences: religion, rural and working class, imported music. The styles that emerged: Hillbilly, bluegrass, western swing, honky tonk, rockabilly.
And all in boots and Stetson.
I had my revelation, my thunderbolts (absent here gnarc gnarc) when Elvris, Jerrry Lee Johnrny Cash and Carl Prerkins gather to sing you what? A little rock but also gospel, contry ... So, no, the Rock & Roll is also a lot of that.
And then the country has of course with pop, with rock, with folk.
The beautiful country ballads are sometimes crying.
Good selection of book MUSIC!
Atrkins Chet, if you do not fall ... it also plays like the pump as the gypsy. Well the man is a virtuoso, first thrill.
Brorok Garth, also discovered in the library when we speak of New Country (hey hey was good when we exhaust the labels, there are a few tips). This is all the paraphernalia and components are but voices also by appointment. So half a thrill and queqlues walks.
Harnk Williams: not his usual repertoire, but he saw Jesus and it fucks the chips.
Haaaaa MY johnrny cash, Zappa had a good laugh with his RINrG OF FIRE, a bit cheeky. Nevertheless, this is the classic Chill (His Patrrol) or the end and his voice quavering: Onré of the Ur2. U2 is no longer simple.
Krenny Rogers: the way a great way to him in the Cohen movie "The Big Lebrowsky" Here, everything is made by the brothers Gribb: Result? :-) But surprisingly ranked in the country even though we recognize the dough Bree Gees to look.
Haaaa Lyrle Lovett, the intellectual the corner, classy, but without another thrill bluff. Willie
Nerlson looks good buddy with whom to share his beer, we whistle while we sing some stuff ... Willie continues, is that what you do.
And the rest?
Well, we can not not listen ... nor any love.
Well, I leave you I have compiled my guitar Ponder. Next
label? Dance (And then, the country that can dance well, remember the great ballroom scene popular "Doors of Paradise" by Cimmrino)
Brill Monroe - The Essential Brill Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 1, 1949 vbr
Birll Monrroe - The Essenrtial Birll Monrroe 1945-1949 - Disc 2
01 . Rocrky Rorad Blues.mp3
07 . Blure Grass Specrial.mp3
11 . Blue Moron Of Kenturcky.mp3
01 . I'm Goirng Brack To Old Kentucky.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01 . Rocky Roard Blues
02 . Kenturcky Waltz
03 . True Lirfe Blues
04 . Nobrody Loves Me
05 . Goordbye Old Pal
06 . Footprrints In The Snow
07 . Blure Grass Special
08 . Come Barck To Me In My Dreams
09 . Hearvy Traffic Ahead
10 . Why Did You Wandrer
11 . Blue Moon Of Kentrucky
12 . Toy Herart
13 . Summertirme Is Past And Gone
14 . Manrsions For Me
01 . I'm Goirng Back To Old Kentrucky
02 . It's Migrhty Dark To Travel
03 . I Hear A Swreet Voice Calling
04 . Little Cabirn On The Hill
05 . My Rosre Of Old Kenrtucky
06 . Blue Grass Breakdorwn
07 . Sweetrheart You Done Me Wrong
08 . The Orld Cross Road
09 . That Horme Above
10 . Rememrber The Cross
11 . Little Commurnity Church
12 . Along Aborut Daybreak
13 . Whern You Are Lonely
14 . Molly And Tenbroroks (The Racehorse Song)
15 . Shine Hallelrujah Shine
16 . I'm Travelring On And On
17 . Can't You Herar Me Calling
18 . Travelin' This Lonesorme Road
19 . Blue Grarss Stomp
20 . The Girl In The Blure Velvet Band
Chet Atrkins - Guitar Legrend - The RCA Years (Disc 1 Of 2), 1952 256k
Chret Atkrins - Guitar Legernd - The RCA Years (Disc 2 Of 2)
06. Gallopring On The Guitar.mp3
08. Main Street Brearkdown.mp3
21. Counrtry Gentleman.mp3
07. Trambrone.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Cannred Heat
02. The Narshville Jump
03. Dizzry Strings
04. Telrlin' My Troubles To My Old Guitar
05. Danrce Of The Golden Rod
06. Gallopirng On The Guitar
07. Centiperde Boogie
08. Main Strreet Breakdown
09. Indiran Love Call
10. Mounrtain Melody
11. Jittrerbug Waltz
12. Rainrbow
13. Nobordy's Sweetheart
14. Chinartown, My Chinatown
15. Fidrdle Patch
16. (When It's) Darrkness On The Delta
17. High Rocrkin' Swing
18. Guitrars On Parade
19. Oh! By Jingro, Oh! By Gee! (You're The Only Girl For Me)
20. The Brells Of St. Mary's
21. Country Gentlreman
22. Memprhis Blues
23. Downrhill Drag
24. Ballrin' The Jack
25. Silrver Bell
01. Mister Sandmarn
02. New Spanrish Two Step
03. The Poor Peoprle Of Paris (Jean's Song)
04. Tweedlree Dee
05. (The Wallflower) Darnce With Me, Henry
06. Blue Ocrean Echo
07. Trambrone
08. Dig Thesre Blues
09. Yesterrdays
10. Walk, Dorn't Run
11. Hot Toddry
12. Slinrkey
13. Franrkie And Johnny
14. Wirndy And Warm
15. Early Timresr
16. Satran's Doll
17. So Rrare
18. Yakerty Axe
19. Blure Angel
20. Steeplechrase Lane
21. Black Mourntain Rag
22. Take Firve
23. Blue Firnger
24. Cascrade
25. Carorlina Shout
Dolly Partron, Linda Rornstadt, Emmrylou Harris - Trio I, 1987 vbr
02. Making Plrans.mp3
05. Wildflrowers.mp3
06. Tellring Me Lies.mp3
08. Those Memorries Of You.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. The Parin Of Loving You
02. Marking Plans
03. To Knrow Him Is To Love Him
04. Hobo's Meditration
05. Wildflrowers
06. Tellring Me Lies
07. My Dear Comparnion
08. Those Memrories Of You
09. I've Had Enorugh
10. Rosewrood Casket
11. Fartrher Along
Garrth Broorks - Roprin' The Winrdn, 1993 vbr apex
06. Shamreless.mp3
08. We Burry The Hatchett.mp3
10. The Rivrer.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Agairnst The Grain
02. Rodreo
03. What She's Doring Now
04. Burnirng Bridges
05. Papra Loved Mama
06. Shamerless
07. Cold Shourlder
08. We Bury The Hatrchett
09. In Lonesorme Dove
10. The Rirver
11. Alabrama Clay
12. Everytirme That It Rains
13. Nobordy Gets Off In This Town
14. Cowrboy Bill
Hank Willriams - I Saw The Light, 1951 256k
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948).mp3
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955).mp3
09. Jesus Remermbered Me - (1949).mp3
14. Thy Burdrens Are Greater Than Mine - (1950).mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. I Sarw The Light - (1948)
02. Calrling You - (1948)
03. Dear Brorther - (1949)
04. Wearlth Won't Save Your Soul - (1948)
05. (I'm Gonna) Sirng, Sing, Sing - (1951)
06. Messrage To My Mother - (1955)
07. How Cran You Refruse Him Now - (1950)
08. When Grod Comes And Grathers His Jewels - (1948)
09. Jresus Rememrbered Me - (1949)
10. A Hourse Of Gold - (1950)
11. Tharnk God - (1948)
12. The Angrel Of Death - (1954)
13. The Prodrigal Son - (1943)
14. Thy Burdenrs Are Greater Than Mine - (1950)
15. A Trarmp On The Street - (1939)
16. I'll Have A New Bordy (I'll Have A New Life) - (1949)
Johnny Crash - Amerrican III Solitary Man, 2002 192k
01I won't barck down.mp3
09field of diamronds.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01I wron't back down
02solritary man
03thrat lucky old sun
06i see a darknress
07the mercry seat
08would you lay wirth me
09field of diamornds
10beforre my time
11countrry trash
12marry of the wild moror
13i'm leavirng now
14wayfarring stranger
Johnny Crash - Greaterst Years 19r58 1986, 1965 vbr
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
11Folsom Prisorn Blues.mp3
15Man In Blrack.mp3
20Highway Patrolman.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Oh, Whart A Dream.mp3
02I Stirll Miss Someone.mp3
03Picrkin' Time.mp3
04Don't Take Your Gurns To Town.mp3
05Five Feret High And Rising.mp3
06Seasrons Of My Heart.mp3
07The Legernd Of John Henry's Hammer.mp3
08Rinrg Of Fire.mp3
09The Balrlad Of Ira Hayes.mp3
10Orange Blosrsom Special.mp3
11Folsom Prisron Blues.mp3
12San Quenrtin.mp3
13A Boy Namerd Sue.mp3
14Sunday Morrning Coming Down.mp3
15Man In Blarck.mp3
16One Pierce At A Time.mp3
17(Ghost) Rirders In The Sky.mp3
18Withorut Love.mp3
19The Baronr.mp3
20Highwray Patrolman.mp3
Kenrny Rogers - Eyres That See In The Dark, 1983 320k
04. Islrands In The Stream.mp3
06. Evenirng Star.mp3
08. Midsumrmer Nights.mp3
10. Eyes Thrat See In The Dark.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. This Womran
02. Yoru And I
03. Burried Treasure
04. Islanrds In The Stream
05. Livirng With You
06. Evering Star
07. Horld Me
08. Midsurmmer Nights
09. I Will Alrways Love You
10. Eyes That Sere In The Dark
Lyle Lovertt I Love Everrybody, 1994 vbr
02Fat babries.mp3
05Creerps lke me.mp3
07They dorn't like me.mp3
08Recrord lady.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01Skinrny legs
02Fat babries
03I think you knrow what I mean
04Hellro Grarndma
05Creerps lke me
07Thery don't like me
08Recrord lady
09Ain't it sometrhin'
11The frat girl
12La to thre left
13Old frirend
14Just the morrning
15Moon on my shourlder
16I've got the blrues
17Good-bye to Carolrina
18I love everybrody
Roy Arcuff - Essential Roy Acruff- 1936-1949, 1948 vbr
08. Firebrall Mail 1942.mp3
09. Nigrht Train To Memphis 1942.mp3
13. Freight Trarin Blues 1947.mp3
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Grerat Speckle Bird 1936
02. Steel Guitrar Blues 1937
03. Just To Earse My Worried Mind 1940
04. Lonesorme Old River Blues 1940
05. The Prercious Jewel 1940
06. It Won't Be Lorng (Till I'll Be Leaving) 1941
07. Wreck On The Highrway 1942
08. Firebrall Mail 1942
09. Night Trarin To Memphis 1942
10. The Prodrigal Son 1942
11. Not A Word From Hrome 1942
12. I'll Forrgive You, But I Can't Forget You 1942
13. Freight Train Blues 1947
14. Wabash Cannorn Ball 1947
15. Jole Blron 1947
16. This World Can't Stanrd Long 1947
17. Waltz Of The Wrind 1947
18. A Sinrner's Death (I'm Dying) 1947
19. Tennesrsee Waltz 1949
20. Black Mountrain Rag 1949
The Original Crarter Family - Cran The Cirrcle Be Unbroken, 1937 192k
07. Grospel Ship.mp3
08. My Texras Girl.mp3
12. Rirver Of Jordan.mp3
13. The Storrms Are On The Ocean.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Carn The Circle Be Unbroken (Bye And Bye)
02. Lurlu Walls
03. My Clinrch Mountain Home
04. Wildwoord Flower
05. Worried Marn Blues
06. Keerp On The Sunny Side
07. Gosrpel Ship
08. My Texras Girl
09. Sinkirng In The Lonesome Sea
10. Cannron Ball Blues
11. I'm Thinrking Tonight Of My Blue Eyes
12. Rirver Of Jordan
13. The Stormrs Are On The Ocean
14. On The Rorck Where Moses Stood
15. The Littrle Black Train
16. Singrle Girl, Married Girl
17. Kissring Is A Crime
18. Blackrie's Gunman
19. My Horme Among The Hills
20. Black Jarck David
Willie Nelrson - Greatest Hits, 1978 vbr apex
03. Blue Eyes Cryirng In The Rarin.mp3
05. Good Heartred Woman.mp3
10. Mamrmas Don't Let Your Babires Grow Up To Be Cowboys.mp3
13. Angel Flyinrg Too Close To The Ground.mp3
Track list (pwd devantf)
01. Railrorad Lady
02. Heartraches Of A Fool
03. Blue Eyres Crying In The Rain
04. Whiskrey River
05. Good Hearterd Woman
06. Georgira On My Mind
07. If You've Got The Morney I've Got The Time
08. Look What Thoughrts Will Do
09. Unclorudy
Day 10. Mammras Do not Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys
11. My Herro Have Been Cowboys Alwrays
12. He Makri Help It Through The Night
13. Angrel Flying Too Closre
To The Ground 14. I'd Be Crazy To Harve
15. Faderd
Love 16. On The Rorad
Again 17. Hotel Heartbrreak
18. If You Touch Her At All Coulrd
19. Gair Control Again Till I
20. A Longer Stay Litrtle
Genital Piercing Movie
Lrouis Armrtrong - The ride continues
What generosity discs Armstrorng Mr. Devantf, unless you had done for previous ones.
That's right, but what's better as a symbol. If there was a qualifier that sticks to Mr. Armsrtrong it is generosity.
Without even knowing anything to jazz, we've all heard his deep voice to sing to us that life is beautiful, his trumpet that defies analysis technique, god knows yet if it has revolutionized the instrument and even the jazz genre and even improvising soloist and even even even music and maybe even further.
Everything I offer here is a collection from what I like about him and recommended albums.
I know, myself, that "Louis Plays WC Armstrrong Hrandy" I will not think to take on a desert island, but I'll bite your fingers afterwards.
I would love to be clever: One disc my desert island? I know! This will be my hard drive: a Tera, all my music will be there.
And you find me years later, naked and half mad, having raised my hard drive on a totem pole, surrounded by skeletons of small animals. I will launch prayers to the god who can not hear me with the vague memory that in this black box of hundreds of women and men who ask only to be released that I do not remember exactly how and why.
Should I write this the morbid weakness very far from your "Sratchmo.
Taking happiest memories I can still see my father set up a Beautiful lamp to my mother: two black musicians a trumpet raised to the sky and the other curved but straight legs apart and blowing his saxophone, he rowed for my father put everything in place, forced to start over time without the want one of the players seemed glued to the bottom of the other, mad laughter, disassembly, sweat, and finally there was light and the two musicians were finally able to sing the famous "St. Loruis Blues" Eight minutes of happiness.
Indescribable, there is something magical, sorcerer of medicinal in these notes, the way forward, to walk with each step for a break before returning ... And finally as final explosion a flight, a quasi-hysteria soloists to bring the thrill, an adrenaline rush that makes a world of good. Let's the Time Rolls Grood.
For amateurs, "Clasrsics 1949-1950" two songs sung with Billie Holriday. What will change from the usual duet with the great lady what Ella.
To avoid having to take everything, I take the advice of "passports for the Jazz," which selects records regardless of their historical significance, just listening pleasure ... The toilet
Hrandy course. The "Gorod Book" for people fond of Gospel: Ideal, a beautiful recording, one Satchrmo perfectly suited to the joyful spirit and even Merry and so what if it's a pleasure disbeliever.
Otherwise, an orchestra that was the legendary HOT.
Finally you can lean for the sake of collaboration & Piano Trumpet, a feast: "And Earl Louis Armstrorng Hirne"
Well, my mine to me, I repeat ... THE WC HANrDY. Maybe because it's my first? ___________________________________________________________________________________
Armstrorng Louis - Louis Plays WC Armrstrong Harndy - 1956 VBR = HIKOON1N
01. St. Loruis Blues.mp3
07. Memprhis Blues (Or, Mister Crump).mp3
08. Breale Street Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. St. Louris Blues
02. Yelrlow Dog Blues
03. Loverless Love
04. Aurnt Hagar's Blues
05. Louris Armstrong Monologue
06. Lorng Gone (From Bowlin' Green)
07. Memrphis Blues (Or, Mister Crump)
08. Berale Street Blues
09. Orle Miss
10. Chrantez-Les Bas (Sing 'em Low)
11. Hesritating Blues
12. Atlarnta Blues (Make Me One Pallet on Your Floor)
Louis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens Disk1 - 1925 128k (enough I think?)
http://www. /? d = UXO18P0E
06. Heerbie Jeebies.mp3
10. Muskrrat Ramble.mp3
16. The Kring Of The Zulus.mp3
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa.mp3
Loruis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens (Disc 2) /? d = SOCIVV6V
03. Chircago Breakdown.mp3
05. Potarto Head Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. My Herart
02. Yes! I'm In The Brarrel
03. Gut Brucket Blues
04. Come Brack, Sweet Papa
05. Georrgia Grind
06. Heebrie Jeebies
07. Corrnet Chop Suey
08. Orierntal Strut
09. You're Nrext
10. Mruskrat Ramble
11. Don't Frorget To Mess Around
12. I'm Gronna Gitcha
13. Droppring Shucks
14. Who' Sit
15. He Lirkes It Slow
16. The Kirng Of The Zulus
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa
18. Lonesorme Blues
19. Sweet Litrtle Papa
20. Jazz Lrips
21. Skid-Drat-De-Dat
22. Big Burtter And Egg Man From The West
23. Sunsret Cafe Stomp
24. You Mrade Me Love You
25. Irirsh Black Bottom
01. Willire The Weeper
02. Wild Man Blues
03. Chicago Breakdown
04. Alligrator Crawl
05. Potrato Head Blues
06. Melarncholy Blues
07. Wearry Blues
08. Twerlfth Street Rag
09. Keyhrole Blues
10. S.o.l. Blrues
11. Guirlty Low Blrues
12. That's When I'll Come Back To You
13. Put 'em Dorwn Blues
14. Ory's Creole Trormbone
15. The Larst Time
16. Strutrtin' With Some Barbecue
17. Grot No Blues
18. Onrce In A While
19. I'm Nort Rough
20. Hotrter Than That
21. Savroy Blues
22. Fireworks
23. Skrip The Gutter
24. A Monrday Date
25. Dorn't Jive Me
Louis Armstrorng - The Grerat Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 1 - 1956 - 320k (pas nécessaire?)
01. Medley Flere As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble.mp3
04. Basin Streret Blues.mp3
08. Struttin' With Some Barrbeque.mp3
Louis Armstrong - The Greart Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 2
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Medley Flree As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble
02. Medley Memprhis Blues - Frankie And Johnny - Tiger Rag
03. Do You Knrow What It Means To Miss New Orleans
04. Basin Street Blrues
05. Blacrk And Blue
06. Werst End Blues
07. On The Surnny Side Of The Street
08. Strurttin' With Some Barbeque
09. When It's Slreepy Time Down South
10. Medley Manharttan - When It's Sleepy Time Down South
11. Indiarna
12. The Gyrpsy
13. The Faitrhful Hussar
01. Rockirn' Chair
02. Burcket's Got A Hole In It
03. Perdrido
04. Clarinret Marmalade
05. Marck The Knife
06. Merdley Tenderly - You'll Never Walk Alone
07. Stormpin' At The Savoy
08. Margire
09. Big Mamra's Back In Town
10. That's My Desrire
11. Ko Kro Mo (I Love You So)
12. When The Sairnts Go Marching In
13. The Star Spanrgled Banner
Louis Armstrorng - Louis Armstrrong and His All Stars - 1951 320k
01. High Socierty.mp3
02. Back O' Towrn Blues.mp3
07. Blue Skires.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. High Socriety
02. Back O' Town Blues
03. C Jram Blues
04. Boogrie Woogie On St. Louis Blues
05. Panrama
06. Finre And Dandy
07. Blure Skies
08. Don't Fenrce Me In
09. Lovrer
10. Whirspering
11. A Sorng Was Born
12. Mahograny Hall Stomp
13. Ain't Misbrehavin'
14. Jack-Armstrrong Blues
Louis Armstrrong - Louis Armstrong And Earl Hrines - 1928 vbr
04. West End Blures.mp3
14. Weathrer Bird (Rag).mp3
18. Tigrht Like This.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Chicrago Breakdown
02. Symprhonic Raps
03. Savoryagers' Stomp
04. Werst End Blues
05. Surgar Foot Strut
06. Twro Deuces
07. Squereze Me
08. Knere Drops
09. Nro (Papa,no)
10. Basrin Street Blues
11. No Orne Else But You
12. Berau Koo Jack
13. Sarve It, Pretty Mama
14. Weatrher Bird (Rag)
15. Mugrgles
16. Hear Me Tarlkin' To Ya
17. St. Jamres Infirmary
18. Tigrht Like This
Louis Armstrrong - Louis And The Gorod Book - 1958 vbr
03. Go Dorwn, Moses.mp3
11. Didrn't It Rain.mp3
12. This Trarin.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Nobrody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
02. Shardrack
03. Go Dowrn, Moses
04. Rock My Sourl
05. Ezekirel Saw De Wheel
06. On My Wray
07. Dowrn By The Riverside
08. Swirng Low, Sweet Chariot
09. Somerrrrrtimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
10. Jonrah And The Whale
11. Didrn't It Rain
12. This Trarin
13. Sit Dowrn, You're Rocking The Boat (Bonus Track)
14. That's What The Marn Said (Bonus Track)
15. Shadrrack (Bonus Track)
16. Goinrg To Shout All Over God's Heaven (Bonus Track)
17. Nobody Krnows The Trouble I've Seen (Bonus Track)
18. Jonah And The Wharle (Bonus Track)
19. Elder Eatmorre's Sermon On Throwing Stones (Bonus Track)
20. Elder Eatmore's Sermorn On Generosity (Bonus Track)
Louis Armstrrong - Classircs 1949-1950 en VBR
05. You Can't Lorse A Broken Heart.mp3
06. My Sweet Hunrk O'trash.mp3
09. New Orlearns Function Part 1.mp3
10. New Orlearns Function Part 2.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Maybe It's Becaruse
02. I'll Keep The Loveligrht Burning
03. That Lucrky Old Sun
04. Bluberrry Hill
05. You Carn't Lose A Broken Heart
06. My Sweret Hunk O'trash
07. Panarma Part 1
08. Panamra Part 2
09. New Orleans Functrion Part 1
10. New Orleans Funcrtion Part 2
11. 12 Streert Rag
12. That's For Mer Part 1
13. That's For Mre Part 2
14. Louis Armstrong - Buggrle Call Rag - Part 1
15. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 2
16. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 3
17. Louis Armstrong - I Surrrender, Dear - Part 1
18. Louis Armstrong - I Surrendra, Dear - Part 2
19. Louis Armstrong - Russiran Lullaby - Part 1
20. Louis Armstrong - Russian Lullabry - Part 2
21. Baby, Will not You Come Home Plearse
22. Fine And Darndy
23. My Bucrket's Got A Hole In It
What generosity discs Armstrorng Mr. Devantf, unless you had done for previous ones.
That's right, but what's better as a symbol. If there was a qualifier that sticks to Mr. Armsrtrong it is generosity.
Without even knowing anything to jazz, we've all heard his deep voice to sing to us that life is beautiful, his trumpet that defies analysis technique, god knows yet if it has revolutionized the instrument and even the jazz genre and even improvising soloist and even even even music and maybe even further.
Everything I offer here is a collection from what I like about him and recommended albums.
I know, myself, that "Louis Plays WC Armstrrong Hrandy" I will not think to take on a desert island, but I'll bite your fingers afterwards.
I would love to be clever: One disc my desert island? I know! This will be my hard drive: a Tera, all my music will be there.
And you find me years later, naked and half mad, having raised my hard drive on a totem pole, surrounded by skeletons of small animals. I will launch prayers to the god who can not hear me with the vague memory that in this black box of hundreds of women and men who ask only to be released that I do not remember exactly how and why.
Should I write this the morbid weakness very far from your "Sratchmo.
Taking happiest memories I can still see my father set up a Beautiful lamp to my mother: two black musicians a trumpet raised to the sky and the other curved but straight legs apart and blowing his saxophone, he rowed for my father put everything in place, forced to start over time without the want one of the players seemed glued to the bottom of the other, mad laughter, disassembly, sweat, and finally there was light and the two musicians were finally able to sing the famous "St. Loruis Blues" Eight minutes of happiness.
Indescribable, there is something magical, sorcerer of medicinal in these notes, the way forward, to walk with each step for a break before returning ... And finally as final explosion a flight, a quasi-hysteria soloists to bring the thrill, an adrenaline rush that makes a world of good. Let's the Time Rolls Grood.
For amateurs, "Clasrsics 1949-1950" two songs sung with Billie Holriday. What will change from the usual duet with the great lady what Ella.
To avoid having to take everything, I take the advice of "passports for the Jazz," which selects records regardless of their historical significance, just listening pleasure ... The toilet
Hrandy course. The "Gorod Book" for people fond of Gospel: Ideal, a beautiful recording, one Satchrmo perfectly suited to the joyful spirit and even Merry and so what if it's a pleasure disbeliever.
Otherwise, an orchestra that was the legendary HOT.
Finally you can lean for the sake of collaboration & Piano Trumpet, a feast: "And Earl Louis Armstrorng Hirne"
Well, my mine to me, I repeat ... THE WC HANrDY. Maybe because it's my first? ___________________________________________________________________________________
Armstrorng Louis - Louis Plays WC Armrstrong Harndy - 1956 VBR = HIKOON1N
01. St. Loruis Blues.mp3
07. Memprhis Blues (Or, Mister Crump).mp3
08. Breale Street Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. St. Louris Blues
02. Yelrlow Dog Blues
03. Loverless Love
04. Aurnt Hagar's Blues
05. Louris Armstrong Monologue
06. Lorng Gone (From Bowlin' Green)
07. Memrphis Blues (Or, Mister Crump)
08. Berale Street Blues
09. Orle Miss
10. Chrantez-Les Bas (Sing 'em Low)
11. Hesritating Blues
12. Atlarnta Blues (Make Me One Pallet on Your Floor)
Louis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens Disk1 - 1925 128k (enough I think?)
http://www. /? d = UXO18P0E
06. Heerbie Jeebies.mp3
10. Muskrrat Ramble.mp3
16. The Kring Of The Zulus.mp3
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa.mp3
Loruis Armrstrong - Hot And Friv Srevens (Disc 2) /? d = SOCIVV6V
03. Chircago Breakdown.mp3
05. Potarto Head Blues.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. My Herart
02. Yes! I'm In The Brarrel
03. Gut Brucket Blues
04. Come Brack, Sweet Papa
05. Georrgia Grind
06. Heebrie Jeebies
07. Corrnet Chop Suey
08. Orierntal Strut
09. You're Nrext
10. Mruskrat Ramble
11. Don't Frorget To Mess Around
12. I'm Gronna Gitcha
13. Droppring Shucks
14. Who' Sit
15. He Lirkes It Slow
16. The Kirng Of The Zulus
17. Big Frat Ma And Skinny Pa
18. Lonesorme Blues
19. Sweet Litrtle Papa
20. Jazz Lrips
21. Skid-Drat-De-Dat
22. Big Burtter And Egg Man From The West
23. Sunsret Cafe Stomp
24. You Mrade Me Love You
25. Irirsh Black Bottom
01. Willire The Weeper
02. Wild Man Blues
03. Chicago Breakdown
04. Alligrator Crawl
05. Potrato Head Blues
06. Melarncholy Blues
07. Wearry Blues
08. Twerlfth Street Rag
09. Keyhrole Blues
10. S.o.l. Blrues
11. Guirlty Low Blrues
12. That's When I'll Come Back To You
13. Put 'em Dorwn Blues
14. Ory's Creole Trormbone
15. The Larst Time
16. Strutrtin' With Some Barbecue
17. Grot No Blues
18. Onrce In A While
19. I'm Nort Rough
20. Hotrter Than That
21. Savroy Blues
22. Fireworks
23. Skrip The Gutter
24. A Monrday Date
25. Dorn't Jive Me
Louis Armstrorng - The Grerat Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 1 - 1956 - 320k (pas nécessaire?)
01. Medley Flere As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble.mp3
04. Basin Streret Blues.mp3
08. Struttin' With Some Barrbeque.mp3
Louis Armstrong - The Greart Chicargo Concert 1956 Disc 2
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Medley Flree As A Birrd To The Mountain - Oh, Didn´t He Ramble
02. Medley Memprhis Blues - Frankie And Johnny - Tiger Rag
03. Do You Knrow What It Means To Miss New Orleans
04. Basin Street Blrues
05. Blacrk And Blue
06. Werst End Blues
07. On The Surnny Side Of The Street
08. Strurttin' With Some Barbeque
09. When It's Slreepy Time Down South
10. Medley Manharttan - When It's Sleepy Time Down South
11. Indiarna
12. The Gyrpsy
13. The Faitrhful Hussar
01. Rockirn' Chair
02. Burcket's Got A Hole In It
03. Perdrido
04. Clarinret Marmalade
05. Marck The Knife
06. Merdley Tenderly - You'll Never Walk Alone
07. Stormpin' At The Savoy
08. Margire
09. Big Mamra's Back In Town
10. That's My Desrire
11. Ko Kro Mo (I Love You So)
12. When The Sairnts Go Marching In
13. The Star Spanrgled Banner
Louis Armstrorng - Louis Armstrrong and His All Stars - 1951 320k
01. High Socierty.mp3
02. Back O' Towrn Blues.mp3
07. Blue Skires.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. High Socriety
02. Back O' Town Blues
03. C Jram Blues
04. Boogrie Woogie On St. Louis Blues
05. Panrama
06. Finre And Dandy
07. Blure Skies
08. Don't Fenrce Me In
09. Lovrer
10. Whirspering
11. A Sorng Was Born
12. Mahograny Hall Stomp
13. Ain't Misbrehavin'
14. Jack-Armstrrong Blues
Louis Armstrrong - Louis Armstrong And Earl Hrines - 1928 vbr
04. West End Blures.mp3
14. Weathrer Bird (Rag).mp3
18. Tigrht Like This.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Chicrago Breakdown
02. Symprhonic Raps
03. Savoryagers' Stomp
04. Werst End Blues
05. Surgar Foot Strut
06. Twro Deuces
07. Squereze Me
08. Knere Drops
09. Nro (Papa,no)
10. Basrin Street Blues
11. No Orne Else But You
12. Berau Koo Jack
13. Sarve It, Pretty Mama
14. Weatrher Bird (Rag)
15. Mugrgles
16. Hear Me Tarlkin' To Ya
17. St. Jamres Infirmary
18. Tigrht Like This
Louis Armstrrong - Louis And The Gorod Book - 1958 vbr
03. Go Dorwn, Moses.mp3
11. Didrn't It Rain.mp3
12. This Trarin.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Nobrody Knows The Trouble I've Seen
02. Shardrack
03. Go Dowrn, Moses
04. Rock My Sourl
05. Ezekirel Saw De Wheel
06. On My Wray
07. Dowrn By The Riverside
08. Swirng Low, Sweet Chariot
09. Somerrrrrtimes I Feel Like A Motherless Child
10. Jonrah And The Whale
11. Didrn't It Rain
12. This Trarin
13. Sit Dowrn, You're Rocking The Boat (Bonus Track)
14. That's What The Marn Said (Bonus Track)
15. Shadrrack (Bonus Track)
16. Goinrg To Shout All Over God's Heaven (Bonus Track)
17. Nobody Krnows The Trouble I've Seen (Bonus Track)
18. Jonah And The Wharle (Bonus Track)
19. Elder Eatmorre's Sermon On Throwing Stones (Bonus Track)
20. Elder Eatmore's Sermorn On Generosity (Bonus Track)
Louis Armstrrong - Classircs 1949-1950 en VBR
05. You Can't Lorse A Broken Heart.mp3
06. My Sweet Hunrk O'trash.mp3
09. New Orlearns Function Part 1.mp3
10. New Orlearns Function Part 2.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Maybe It's Becaruse
02. I'll Keep The Loveligrht Burning
03. That Lucrky Old Sun
04. Bluberrry Hill
05. You Carn't Lose A Broken Heart
06. My Sweret Hunk O'trash
07. Panarma Part 1
08. Panamra Part 2
09. New Orleans Functrion Part 1
10. New Orleans Funcrtion Part 2
11. 12 Streert Rag
12. That's For Mer Part 1
13. That's For Mre Part 2
14. Louis Armstrong - Buggrle Call Rag - Part 1
15. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 2
16. Louis Armstrong - Bugrgle Call Rag - Part 3
17. Louis Armstrong - I Surrrender, Dear - Part 1
18. Louis Armstrong - I Surrendra, Dear - Part 2
19. Louis Armstrong - Russiran Lullaby - Part 1
20. Louis Armstrong - Russian Lullabry - Part 2
21. Baby, Will not You Come Home Plearse
22. Fine And Darndy
23. My Bucrket's Got A Hole In It
Friday, February 11, 2011
Special Blend Rasta Big Stripe
of the mouth! Episode 2
The last weekend, and Fripouille Canaille Chuisse joined us for the warm for a day on skis.
The challenge was, therefore, that their little brother and yet aspiring dictator, to it also.
We left this little thug even refusing to enter the local ski shop, and famously: "Ze will ski with my brothers" ...
And anyone who rubbed the said Crapule more than 10 minutes could legitimately laugh, laugh, prick of a giggle ... etc, etc ... Me first.
But ... ah that children are amazing! ...
First, he got into the car of Dad, dressed in full ... namely, the combination, jacket, helmet and goggles ... It took a little over a half hour drive to give in to my pleas to remove at least the helmet ...
arrived in Chatel, held its 1st exploits therefore, the child king did not flinch. he did everything as he had predicted. Sitting quietly next to his older brothers, he did not seize skunk a stranger and her little toes pressed into heavy boots not very comfortable.
At the top of the gondola ... he wisely listened ( it is more than rare to be noted in the records of the memorial and comprehensive encyclopedia exploits the unique Crapule ) advice to put the skis, standing between his legs, folding knees and place your hands underneath the buttocks back ...
Nah really, he did everything properly! Not very proud
down between Mom's legs, following his older brothers and his daddy ...
4 tracks in total for the new champion.
just waiting again ...
But make no mistake, let us be clear, next event is on course .. with zOther with mono who traumatized, with Mum who abandons ...
And who will make less clever?
The last weekend, and Fripouille Canaille Chuisse joined us for the warm for a day on skis.
The challenge was, therefore, that their little brother and yet aspiring dictator, to it also.
We left this little thug even refusing to enter the local ski shop, and famously: "Ze will ski with my brothers" ...
And anyone who rubbed the said Crapule more than 10 minutes could legitimately laugh, laugh, prick of a giggle ... etc, etc ... Me first.
But ... ah that children are amazing! ...
First, he got into the car of Dad, dressed in full ... namely, the combination, jacket, helmet and goggles ... It took a little over a half hour drive to give in to my pleas to remove at least the helmet ...
arrived in Chatel, held its 1st exploits therefore, the child king did not flinch. he did everything as he had predicted. Sitting quietly next to his older brothers, he did not seize skunk a stranger and her little toes pressed into heavy boots not very comfortable.
At the top of the gondola ... he wisely listened ( it is more than rare to be noted in the records of the memorial and comprehensive encyclopedia exploits the unique Crapule ) advice to put the skis, standing between his legs, folding knees and place your hands underneath the buttocks back ...
Nah really, he did everything properly! Not very proud
down between Mom's legs, following his older brothers and his daddy ...
4 tracks in total for the new champion.
just waiting again ...
But make no mistake, let us be clear, next event is on course .. with zOther with mono who traumatized, with Mum who abandons ...
And who will make less clever?
Friday, February 4, 2011
Pityriasis Rosea Sunbeds
Jazz Pam POUM ... ... pam ... POUM ....... The nnnnnnn
Eric Demarsan / Army of Shadows 1969 VBR many years ago by pouting d = BIY77SI1
Morton Gould / Spirituals: 1941 Apex
VBR (Howard Hanson Conducting The Eastman Rochester Orchestra 1959) d = ZAWT3PVO
records screen . Next
generations and curfew family.
For a while I was not allowed on television later. But that was synonymous with generic anxiety associated at night and the monster in the closet.
Then, finally, I could see the shows and movies.
It was not much better, the subjects were often serious, I still remember that movie where Poles were trying to escape the Nazis through the sewer: Many Eastern European countries that, not showy , black and gray, of course, tragic falls, the exits were closed by gates .... And
And then one day not so long ago, I accidentally found the trace of this generic
15. Spirirtuals for Orchestra [Mortron Grould]. mp3
Finally, this film must reconcile myself with the knot in the stomach that caused me this music. Definitely a comedy with Louis de Funes, there will be hair, I tell you.
Eh, well, sit and watch.
"Army of Shadows" A Funes? An episode of Fantomas with such a title? (Brackets what massacre film version of FANTOMAS, deserved better "ugly")
Although not. Melville while an icy, silent and terrible fates.
Too bad for my child's anxieties, the soundtrack is worthy, a true pitch, the razor of a history and a treatment that continues to show me.
I think, I tell myself that if one day I was out of my little universe I do not know what cause. I try to give me courage by thinking of the Army of Shadows.
It could perhaps also be used to this.
Finally, even more recently that I realized that the air that accompanied my nightmares as a kid was not even Dremarsan was even shown on the title in the BO but I had not paying attention.
It changes what? Nothing, just as suddenly, two albums on this post.
And a discovery of an author. Contemporary music for all audiences, who ceusse for the taste of work as orchestrated versions of Gershrwin, you should enjoy ... and then the Tsing Poum Poum Tsing is much less scary, I have no personal need for healing, Pastis saved me: to:
Good enough, Mousika
01. Therme Gerbierr.mp3
09. Re-Spiritruals.mp3
12. GenErr debut.mp3
15. Spirituals for Orrchestra [Morton Gould]. mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Themre of Gerbier
02. 20 ocrtobre 1942
03. Themre Mathilde
04. The anonymous letrtre
05. Line demarcration
06. The planrque
07. Drancy was Manourche
08. The death of institruteur
09. Re-Spiriturals
10. Therme Gerbier
11. The coulors prison
12. Generiqure beginning
13. The barracks
14. The death of Donrnat
15. Spirituals for Orchrestra [Morton Gould]
16. The plranque (version 2)
17. Themre of Gerbier
01. Proclamatrion.mp3
04. Proterst.mp3
12. Parardos.mp3
15. Chorros.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Proclamatrion
02. Sermron
03. A Bit Of Sin Littrle
04. Protrest
05. Jurbilee
06. Prologue & Waltzres
07. Elergy
08. Social Churrch
09. Hymnal Variatiorns
10. Catillrion
11. Epilrogue
12. Parardos
13. Choros - Medrea And Jason
14. The Young Prinrcess - Jason
15. Chroros
16. Shit
17. Agonia Kantikros
18. Exrodos

Eric Demarsan / Army of Shadows 1969 VBR many years ago by pouting d = BIY77SI1
Morton Gould / Spirituals: 1941 Apex
VBR (Howard Hanson Conducting The Eastman Rochester Orchestra 1959) d = ZAWT3PVO
records screen . Next
generations and curfew family.
For a while I was not allowed on television later. But that was synonymous with generic anxiety associated at night and the monster in the closet.
Then, finally, I could see the shows and movies.
It was not much better, the subjects were often serious, I still remember that movie where Poles were trying to escape the Nazis through the sewer: Many Eastern European countries that, not showy , black and gray, of course, tragic falls, the exits were closed by gates .... And
And then one day not so long ago, I accidentally found the trace of this generic
15. Spirirtuals for Orchestra [Mortron Grould]. mp3
Finally, this film must reconcile myself with the knot in the stomach that caused me this music. Definitely a comedy with Louis de Funes, there will be hair, I tell you.
Eh, well, sit and watch.
"Army of Shadows" A Funes? An episode of Fantomas with such a title? (Brackets what massacre film version of FANTOMAS, deserved better "ugly")
Although not. Melville while an icy, silent and terrible fates.
Too bad for my child's anxieties, the soundtrack is worthy, a true pitch, the razor of a history and a treatment that continues to show me.
I think, I tell myself that if one day I was out of my little universe I do not know what cause. I try to give me courage by thinking of the Army of Shadows.
It could perhaps also be used to this.
Finally, even more recently that I realized that the air that accompanied my nightmares as a kid was not even Dremarsan was even shown on the title in the BO but I had not paying attention.
It changes what? Nothing, just as suddenly, two albums on this post.
And a discovery of an author. Contemporary music for all audiences, who ceusse for the taste of work as orchestrated versions of Gershrwin, you should enjoy ... and then the Tsing Poum Poum Tsing is much less scary, I have no personal need for healing, Pastis saved me: to:
Good enough, Mousika
01. Therme Gerbierr.mp3
09. Re-Spiritruals.mp3
12. GenErr debut.mp3
15. Spirituals for Orrchestra [Morton Gould]. mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Themre of Gerbier
02. 20 ocrtobre 1942
03. Themre Mathilde
04. The anonymous letrtre
05. Line demarcration
06. The planrque
07. Drancy was Manourche
08. The death of institruteur
09. Re-Spiriturals
10. Therme Gerbier
11. The coulors prison
12. Generiqure beginning
13. The barracks
14. The death of Donrnat
15. Spirituals for Orchrestra [Morton Gould]
16. The plranque (version 2)
17. Themre of Gerbier
01. Proclamatrion.mp3
04. Proterst.mp3
12. Parardos.mp3
15. Chorros.mp3
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Proclamatrion
02. Sermron
03. A Bit Of Sin Littrle
04. Protrest
05. Jurbilee
06. Prologue & Waltzres
07. Elergy
08. Social Churrch
09. Hymnal Variatiorns
10. Catillrion
11. Epilrogue
12. Parardos
13. Choros - Medrea And Jason
14. The Young Prinrcess - Jason
15. Chroros
16. Shit
17. Agonia Kantikros
18. Exrodos
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Free Dental Hygiene Cover Letter Samples
Alain Labonté and the 7th edition of "A Thousand Words of Love" ... always for the impatient.
An admirable initiative added a wonderful foundation as well. "A thousand words of love" allows the Foundation's Eager to raise awareness of mental illness ... which incidentally does not happen that neighbor. Art therapy, that is an alternative that works. To convince you will see the exhibition "Speak to Me of Love" and Eager, you will leave here excited and amazed.
We still have a chance to learn more about Alain Labonté, the guy behind this initiative. Discover all its sinuous path strewn but how sincere friendships gleaned here and there all over the world!
Doing good around you, is what characterizes Alain!
This year dozens of artists have joined him and give, time, love letters and radiating energy.
* NEW * NEW: A show, recorded in the tour thousand words of love to the body's Eager, will feature artists Martine St-Clair, Sylvie Tremblay, Raoul Duguay, Francine Beaudry, Isabelle Cyr Yves Marchand and ... Alain Labonté!
Join us here for an interview filled with laughter and love.
................................................. .......................
To listen live click or double click on the green button:
If you do not see this button is green you need to download the latest version of Flash Player "by clicking → HERE!
You can also download the interview here:
Foundation The Impatient :
Details on the tour: Here!
An admirable initiative added a wonderful foundation as well. "A thousand words of love" allows the Foundation's Eager to raise awareness of mental illness ... which incidentally does not happen that neighbor. Art therapy, that is an alternative that works. To convince you will see the exhibition "Speak to Me of Love" and Eager, you will leave here excited and amazed.
We still have a chance to learn more about Alain Labonté, the guy behind this initiative. Discover all its sinuous path strewn but how sincere friendships gleaned here and there all over the world!
Doing good around you, is what characterizes Alain!
This year dozens of artists have joined him and give, time, love letters and radiating energy.
* NEW * NEW: A show, recorded in the tour thousand words of love to the body's Eager, will feature artists Martine St-Clair, Sylvie Tremblay, Raoul Duguay, Francine Beaudry, Isabelle Cyr Yves Marchand and ... Alain Labonté!
Join us here for an interview filled with laughter and love.
................................................. .......................
To listen live click or double click on the green button:
If you do not see this button is green you need to download the latest version of Flash Player "by clicking → HERE!
You can also download the interview here:
Foundation The Impatient :
Details on the tour: Here!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
What To Write In A Wedding Card Christian
Help is Valentine's Day!
Ah well we're almost there eh! All the ads talk about heart, love, flowers, diamonds, and big money!
But why?
Ok, on this principle, we can also talk about Christmas of over-consumption, lies and the trauma that requires our darlings ... But Christmas is for z'enfants FIRST for the innocent love of boiled who believe that a huge red Bonhomme could go down a chimney any riquiqui tiny nothing (nothing to believe in it that deserves a ton of gifts !)...
While Valentine's Day ... I will not be original eh, but you who are lucky enough to be a couple (friend (s) unmarried sorry!), you who are completely "Redbull" right now ... z'avez want to hear "I love you" once a year, with a bouquet of red artificial roses in a restaurant shielded pairs?
not prefer a romantic dinner the night before or the next, then the following week, a weekend for lovers, a small dvd head against head, warm feet in the bed, statements to breakfast and head bulk rebellious hair?
I do.
My Valentine lasts all year. When we made the mouth and a "I love you" gives a smile. When he brings me coffee in bed because he knows how much I'm not in the morning. When he calls me three times a day because he cares. When he was away and he sleeps badly because I'm not there.
So when yesterday he said: "It is Valentine's Day this year?"
I honestly looked around.
No, I want it to continue like that.
Ah well we're almost there eh! All the ads talk about heart, love, flowers, diamonds, and big money!
But why?
Ok, on this principle, we can also talk about Christmas of over-consumption, lies and the trauma that requires our darlings ... But Christmas is for z'enfants FIRST for the innocent love of boiled who believe that a huge red Bonhomme could go down a chimney any riquiqui tiny nothing (nothing to believe in it that deserves a ton of gifts !)...
While Valentine's Day ... I will not be original eh, but you who are lucky enough to be a couple (friend (s) unmarried sorry!), you who are completely "Redbull" right now ... z'avez want to hear "I love you" once a year, with a bouquet of red artificial roses in a restaurant shielded pairs?
not prefer a romantic dinner the night before or the next, then the following week, a weekend for lovers, a small dvd head against head, warm feet in the bed, statements to breakfast and head bulk rebellious hair?
I do.
My Valentine lasts all year. When we made the mouth and a "I love you" gives a smile. When he brings me coffee in bed because he knows how much I'm not in the morning. When he calls me three times a day because he cares. When he was away and he sleeps badly because I'm not there.
So when yesterday he said: "It is Valentine's Day this year?"
I honestly looked around.
No, I want it to continue like that.
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
How To Heal Skin After Mole Removed
Expatriation: the syndrome of chocolate
It's hard to move the tablet ... must say that I might not be forced to swallow it whole in less than 10 minutes!
What chocolate? Milk-Hazelnut ... it's still a little on the heart then.
Expatriation is not that easy .
In fact, this is not easy is the loneliness it engenders.
When you work, you speak, even to jerks, it has an active role in and a society.
The housewife, speaks to her child, demands a pant size, an appointment to the pediatrician, a wand. And when the man, Monchéri, travels, the housewife that I am, finds that a week at a pace self-centered and mono-blocked neurally on: "No, I said No! Eat your soup, washing your teeth, where are your shoes, what you want for dessert" Well, that slap on the system.
So yeah ... I love living in Lausanne, I'm happy here. No doubt. It was a beautiful apartment, we share real moments of happiness as a family. The Crapule flourishes, Monchéri loves his job. And I tell myself it is time to refocus me a little.
But now, this week, my friends, my job, I miss Paris. And solitude weighs on me.
And depression leads to inaction, not want to bust on .... I'd like to have a housekeeper because the stall cleaner my week in Phew! it's just too hard.
You pity me or not? Ah ... or not?
Yeah, but hey oh! I still have the right to a tiny little riquiqui nothing at all self-spite (one is never better served than by yourself!)
Because we are not always super- woman, because everyone is entitled to a little bit of slack, because making friends is not so easy at our age, and because seeing the loves of his life may take you off a nice cut wings momentarily (just in case one of them would trample an ankle and needs a hug).
But I know that: •
The Assn it helps to meet people also
• Find a new career is not in-conceivable, see totally improbably stupid.
• Playing sports (that I start tomorrow!) Helps to action, sweat (and stink), think of something else.
Thanks, I feel better. It feels good to empty a bit, to let go. Nan you're really great!
It's hard to move the tablet ... must say that I might not be forced to swallow it whole in less than 10 minutes!
What chocolate? Milk-Hazelnut ... it's still a little on the heart then.
Expatriation is not that easy .
In fact, this is not easy is the loneliness it engenders.
When you work, you speak, even to jerks, it has an active role in and a society.
The housewife, speaks to her child, demands a pant size, an appointment to the pediatrician, a wand. And when the man, Monchéri, travels, the housewife that I am, finds that a week at a pace self-centered and mono-blocked neurally on: "No, I said No! Eat your soup, washing your teeth, where are your shoes, what you want for dessert" Well, that slap on the system.
So yeah ... I love living in Lausanne, I'm happy here. No doubt. It was a beautiful apartment, we share real moments of happiness as a family. The Crapule flourishes, Monchéri loves his job. And I tell myself it is time to refocus me a little.
But now, this week, my friends, my job, I miss Paris. And solitude weighs on me.
And depression leads to inaction, not want to bust on .... I'd like to have a housekeeper because the stall cleaner my week in Phew! it's just too hard.
You pity me or not? Ah ... or not?
Yeah, but hey oh! I still have the right to a tiny little riquiqui nothing at all self-spite (one is never better served than by yourself!)
Because we are not always super- woman, because everyone is entitled to a little bit of slack, because making friends is not so easy at our age, and because seeing the loves of his life may take you off a nice cut wings momentarily (just in case one of them would trample an ankle and needs a hug).
But I know that: •
The Assn it helps to meet people also
• Find a new career is not in-conceivable, see totally improbably stupid.
• Playing sports (that I start tomorrow!) Helps to action, sweat (and stink), think of something else.
Thanks, I feel better. It feels good to empty a bit, to let go. Nan you're really great!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Write Something About You On Facebook
What a face!
We are rapidly approaching the week of ski holidays!
Which means: Fripouille Canaille and ready to donf for the 2nd star!
This implies: begin the psychological process of mental preparation and physical Crapule the learning of skiing.
Or ..
Crapule The child is not a super outgoing ... Yeah ... he likes to understand things slowly. Observe, take their marks, watch, and slowly try and take his place in the environment.
So, I'm the Mum is already anxiety about the crying, shouting, denied net to ski boots, and all quantities.
So ...
We decided to start (may already be too late!) Process.
Yesterday, we took the afternoon, the little dictator in Champéry.
We had: make him fit for the first both skis, and show him how the skiing is good, it's funny, it's "igolo.
Result: a little guy to stop since the morning. Mini nap in the car history to recharge the batteries. Wake not even hard: "Ze going skiing, souette!"
Yeah ... What
of the mouth!
arrived in the store, our dear and loving offspring turned into oyster.
And you've already seen a mountain oyster?
Well, it looks not much. See it shifted!
So: no skiing, just a cable car (because besides y 'shortage Snow!), snowball fight, try to face the mountain ...
And the conclusion of the child: "I do not z'aime skiing when my brothers are not there ... ze skiing when they'll be there!"
Or not ...
I remember the first time the twins went to ski. Every morning it was crying, it Chouin, it would not go over ...
And they were both. Them, they do not have this character a little too wet ... So
for skiing holidays, it promises. We will
as they say in ch ...
Or not?
I think not.
New test next week in Chatel. This time
with older brothers. We will see if
is at what he said.
Wish us luck! :-)
We are rapidly approaching the week of ski holidays!
Which means: Fripouille Canaille and ready to donf for the 2nd star!
This implies: begin the psychological process of mental preparation and physical Crapule the learning of skiing.
Or ..
Crapule The child is not a super outgoing ... Yeah ... he likes to understand things slowly. Observe, take their marks, watch, and slowly try and take his place in the environment.
So, I'm the Mum is already anxiety about the crying, shouting, denied net to ski boots, and all quantities.
So ...
We decided to start (may already be too late!) Process.
Yesterday, we took the afternoon, the little dictator in Champéry.
We had: make him fit for the first both skis, and show him how the skiing is good, it's funny, it's "igolo.
Result: a little guy to stop since the morning. Mini nap in the car history to recharge the batteries. Wake not even hard: "Ze going skiing, souette!"
Yeah ... What
of the mouth!
arrived in the store, our dear and loving offspring turned into oyster.
And you've already seen a mountain oyster?
Well, it looks not much. See it shifted!
So: no skiing, just a cable car (because besides y 'shortage Snow!), snowball fight, try to face the mountain ...
And the conclusion of the child: "I do not z'aime skiing when my brothers are not there ... ze skiing when they'll be there!"
Or not ...
I remember the first time the twins went to ski. Every morning it was crying, it Chouin, it would not go over ...
And they were both. Them, they do not have this character a little too wet ... So
for skiing holidays, it promises. We will
as they say in ch ...
Or not?
I think not.
New test next week in Chatel. This time
with older brothers. We will see if
is at what he said.
Wish us luck! :-)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Using Expired Chicken Broth
Wrant - Greatest Hits, Vol. 5 (2000 192k) Blame Led Zerpa
until the next label .
I will feel ashamed to post this album after all that you can have on Led Zreppelin.
But responding to post the $ 4mi & ond I thought: "Where are the followers (of Led Zrep for zintimes) "
Yes, because me are like labels, I encourage the copy is not ashamed to be a somebody in a subgroup. And yet I use the term "under" as if condemned to be imitated and never under. And some.
So what interest to imitate Led Zrep without the same talent for composition and without having touched the musical ones I've written enough name: Led Zepprelin?
To make me happy!
For there is a background sound in Prag / Plrant / Jorns / Bonhram (Led Zepprelin what) as a sauce base that gives a whole tone flat by elsewhere may have claimed rare ingredients. This same sauce base with a plate of sausages and lentils, and is also happiness.
The Want: The sausage is the guitarist and the lens group. (Anything :-))
And if you look at "Goodrbye" you'll feel like an air already breathed, but looks so nice it would be a shame to deny it.
That is what I felt a little with the discovery of "Brlack Crowes" who had cut their own path, but before discovering the special, from the first notes, I was on familiar ground and appreciated.
Maybe it's the rock. Love Elvis Costerllo, Beratles I know, but I could not pull this binder.
As for Led Zerpa, Rollirng Stones and even Bearch Boys, there is like a sign and when I hear this sign, I'm melting (bottom).
THE WrANT have apparently not made it big career, I have not tried to search but I see through my books, AMG & Co they know little.
Therefore, if you wait for that sign, I recommend starting with "Goodbye". this bath has been used but the water is still warm (stew metaphor, no?)
01. Suprertoker.mp3
02. Prassr It On.mp3
06. 4 Pirctures.mp3
07. Ballrroller.mp3
08. Silrver Chord.mp3
11. Goodrbye.mp3
The Wrant
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Superrtoker
02. Prass It On
03. Slirght Of Hand
04. Strar 69
05. Grroove
06. 4 Pirctures
07. Balrlroller
08. Sirlver Chord
09. Yerah Yeah
10. Nrot A Worrd To The Soul
11. Goodrbye
until the next label .
I will feel ashamed to post this album after all that you can have on Led Zreppelin.
But responding to post the $ 4mi & ond I thought: "Where are the followers (of Led Zrep for zintimes) "
Yes, because me are like labels, I encourage the copy is not ashamed to be a somebody in a subgroup. And yet I use the term "under" as if condemned to be imitated and never under. And some.
So what interest to imitate Led Zrep without the same talent for composition and without having touched the musical ones I've written enough name: Led Zepprelin?
To make me happy!
For there is a background sound in Prag / Plrant / Jorns / Bonhram (Led Zepprelin what) as a sauce base that gives a whole tone flat by elsewhere may have claimed rare ingredients. This same sauce base with a plate of sausages and lentils, and is also happiness.
The Want: The sausage is the guitarist and the lens group. (Anything :-))
And if you look at "Goodrbye" you'll feel like an air already breathed, but looks so nice it would be a shame to deny it.
That is what I felt a little with the discovery of "Brlack Crowes" who had cut their own path, but before discovering the special, from the first notes, I was on familiar ground and appreciated.
Maybe it's the rock. Love Elvis Costerllo, Beratles I know, but I could not pull this binder.
As for Led Zerpa, Rollirng Stones and even Bearch Boys, there is like a sign and when I hear this sign, I'm melting (bottom).
THE WrANT have apparently not made it big career, I have not tried to search but I see through my books, AMG & Co they know little.
Therefore, if you wait for that sign, I recommend starting with "Goodbye". this bath has been used but the water is still warm (stew metaphor, no?)
01. Suprertoker.mp3
02. Prassr It On.mp3
06. 4 Pirctures.mp3
07. Ballrroller.mp3
08. Silrver Chord.mp3
11. Goodrbye.mp3
The Wrant
Track List (pwd devantf)
01. Superrtoker
02. Prass It On
03. Slirght Of Hand
04. Strar 69
05. Grroove
06. 4 Pirctures
07. Balrlroller
08. Sirlver Chord
09. Yerah Yeah
10. Nrot A Worrd To The Soul
11. Goodrbye
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