Vengeance! That's how I define the behavior of the scum from the beginning of the week ... Mom
you abandon me? Well I take drastic measures ...
- I'll put the wind in what are you here
- I do not smile, or so that once the Nanny is a party, because that is still the leader here?
- I no longer nap ... because do not forget Mum, who's the Chief?
- And my purees, well no, I bib the woods, I want to spoon, or you can tell me what does a bib?
This gives you an idea of the vengeance of my son, for having dared not even give up (I remind you that I bump into the next room), but for daring not to spend all my time his little person ...
In contrast, sits up, laughs more, cuddles (And that's good, but it's good!), Ok it's his way to give you a hug:
- First he do not caress the face you put a loaf, but for it is a caress (delicate as a flower bud that small!)
- Then you eat ... yes! well, he opens his mouth and grabs what he can from your face, ears, nose, chin ... and you covered with an enticing texture drool ... and it is his kiss!
Then ... it takes fads ...
Papa: impatience we have already mentioned ... but I scratched everything I found, and I always need something in my hands ... (Like your hair, your finger a security blanket ....)
Mom: I cross my legs while sleeping (yes, and then where is the problem?), and I'm hiding in the neck .., and to do so, I seek my place I rub against the neck, I push a little head, and I stand ... (Anyone who thinks a dog is asked to leave!)
Tonight first weekend after the first week of recovery ...
I look forward to my men not to me ...